Home » Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) » Would you bet on the big names breaking into China? British firms beating a path to Beijing.

Would you bet on the big names breaking into China? British firms beating a path to Beijing.

Would you bet on the big names breaking into China? British firms beating a path to Beijing. – by Ruth Sunderland – Daily Mail


British businessmen in Beijing feel conditions are now right for UK companies to seize the upper hand over old rival Germany.
Clare Pearson of the China Britain Business Council says: ‘For the past 30 years Germany has been a good fit, because China needed agricultural equipment and other manufactured goods.’

However, China’s population is getting wealthier and older, which favours sectors where the UK is strong: insurance, financial services, leisure and fashion and Pearson adds: ‘This is a turning point for [China] to switch from Germany to the UK. In China, we are moving into a middle class era.’

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