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Westminster Group Facing “Unprecedented Growth”

Westminster Group WSG claims that the trials and tribulations of the last few years are now behind it. Revenue for the year to the end of December rose by 31% enabling it to make an EBITDA profit of £25,000 compared to the previous year’s loss of £300,000. The loss per share has been reduced by 29% to 2.5p as against 3.5p per share in 2015. The Chief Executive asserts that the company has an opportunity for unprecedented growth over the next few months and years.

Renew Holdings RNWH is increasing its interim dividend by 13% after record interim results saw group operating profit up by 15% on revenue which increased by 9%. After exceptional items, profit before tax rose from £4.8m in the first half of 2016 to £8.8m. this year.

Wizz Air Holdings WIZZ May passenger numbers showed a rise of 22% and laod factor rose by 1% point to 91%.

AFH Financial Group AFHP Profit before tax for the 6 months to the 30th April rose by 34% to £1.15m and underlying EBITDA and earnings per share were up by 35% and 27% respectively. The strong performance was based on strong organic growth with like for like revenue now standing at 70% of total revenue. As for the future outlook there is a strong pipeline of acquisition opportunities.

Telford Homes TEF has signed a pre construction agreement with global real estate company Greystar, to deliver 894 build to rent homes near to the river Thames at Nine Elms

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