Home » Mendell Helium (MDH) » Voyager Life #VOY – Appointment of Chief Development Officer

Voyager Life #VOY – Appointment of Chief Development Officer

Voyager is pleased to announce that Mike Whitlow has joined the Company as Chief Development Officer (non-board position) with immediate effect.  Mike, who joins on an interim basis, will work alongside CEO Nick Tulloch in developing the Company’s operations as it refocuses on helium following its option to acquire M3 Helium Corp. (“M3 Helium”), as announced on 27 June 2024. 

Nick Tulloch, Chief Executive Officer of Voyager, said: “I am pleased to welcome Mike to Voyager. His experience and skillset will assist the Company with progressing our proposed acquisition of M3 Helium and accelerating the development of its assets.  As we have previously described, M3 Helium has a number of opportunities and we are consequently expecting their operations in Kansas to increase during the second half of this year.” 

The Directors of the Company are responsible for the release of this announcement.




Voyager Life plc


Nick Tulloch, CEO




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Overview of M3 Helium and the Hugoton North Play

Voyager announced on 27 June 2024 that it has entered into an option agreement to acquire the entire issued share capital of M3 Helium through the issue of 57,611,552 new ordinary shares in Voyager to M3 Helium’s shareholders.  The exercise of the option will constitute a reverse takeover pursuant to AQSE Rule 3.6 of the Access Rule Book and is subject to, inter alia, publication of an admission document.

M3 Helium’s North Play is part of the Hugoton gas field, one of the largest natural gas fields in North America.  The North Play potentially extends to 250 sections with recoverable gas, with each section being approximately 640 acres (one square mile).  Production to date has indicated a helium content of 1.25 per cent., a concentration that compares very favourably to other parts of the Hugoton gas field.  Analogous wells drilled by other operators within the North Play have averaged over 0.44 bcfg per well, meaning that, with four wells per section, M3 Helium estimates a potential of up to 440+ bcfg of recoverable gas across the entire area.  At a constant 1.25 per cent. helium content, M3 Helium estimates potential recoverable helium of over 5.5 bcf across the entire area.

As announced on 27 June 2024, there is no certainty that the Company’s option to acquire M3 Helium will be exercised, nor that the enlarged group will successfully complete its re-admission to trading on the AQSE Growth Market.

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