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Victoria Oil & Gas Turns A Loss As Gas Sales Surge

Victoria Oil & Gas VOG claims that its preliminary results for the year to 31st December show excellent progress, led by an outstanding 24% rise in gas sales from $21.4m to $ to 32.8m. The year was particularly successful at the operating level with EBITDA at $13.1m compared to the previous years $8.5m. whilst the net loss of $31.1m. compared to a $1.6m profit in the previous year, which covered only the 7 months to 31st May 2015.  The loss does not apparently merit an adjective to describe it and is blamed mainly on write downs and provisions for a land claim at Logbaba

Informa plc INF remains on track for a fourth consecutive year of growth in revenue, earnings and cashflow. Most divisions are experiencing good growth and trading and continued improvements have been achieved in performance and delivery for the first four months of the year.

The Restaurant Group RTN Like for like sales for the 20 weeks to the 21st May fell by 1.8% and total sales by 1.5% which is at least better than 2016’s decline of over 3%. The current year is described as a transitional year and it certainly needs to be with last year having produced a sizeable loss after 2015’s profit of £86.8m. The outlook for the remainder of the year does not look too promising with growth in passenger numbers and cinema admissions expected to moderate.

Intertek Group ITRK is on track to meet its 2017 targets with refenue for the first four months of the year up by 14.2% at actual rates or 1.8% at constant rates. Organic growth of 0.9% is described as solid and exciting growth opportunities which the company is uniquely positioned to seize, have been identified.

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