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UK Investor Magazine podcast with Alan Green covering Aston Martin #AML, JD Wetherspoons #JDW and Vast Resources #VAST

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UK Investor Magazine podcast with Alan Green covering Aston Martin #AML, JD Wetherspoons #JDW and Vast Resources #VAST

Aston Martin, Wetherspoons, and Vast Resources with Alan Green

Alan Green joins the UK Investor Magazine Podcast for a broad discussion around UK equities and key market themes.

We look at FTSE 100 outperformance vs US peers and how commodities shares have supported London’s leading index during a period of sharp declines in US tech stocks

Aston Martin have soared on a positive update and we look the merits of AML shares trading just below 1,000p.

Wetherspoons could offer opportunity during times of economic downturn and with shares way of 52-week highs and steady sales, the stock may be worth a look.

Vast Resources has produced a remarkable gain over the past week and we breakdown the reason for the move, and if it has further to go

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