Home » GreenX Metals (GRX) » UK Investor Magazine Podcast – Covering Royal Mail #RMG Poolbeg Pharma #POLB & GreenX Metals #GRX

UK Investor Magazine Podcast – Covering Royal Mail #RMG Poolbeg Pharma #POLB & GreenX Metals #GRX


Alan Green joins the Podcast for an in-depth discussion around the current market conditions and a selection of UK equities.

We break down the current market dynamics and question whether we have seen a bottom in markets as investor sentiment improves.

Royal Mail has changed their name after a torrid period of trading and a rather challenging outlook. Pressures from unions and falling volumes create a potentially toxic cocktail for the company and this has been reflected in the share price.

Poolbeg Pharma have announced a bug step forward in their flagship project in the commencement of a trial for POLB 001, a strain agnostic, small molecule immunomodulator.

GreenX Metals is creating a portfolio of metals with applications in clean technology. Their shares popped higher today as they begin a field program at their copper project in Greenland.


Improving Sentiment, Royal Mail, and Copper with Alan Green

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