Home » Blencowe Resources (BRES) » UK Investor Magazine Podcast – Barclays, Rio Tinto, and Rising Rates with Alan Green – We cover Rio Tinto #RIO Barclays #BARC Mosman Oil and Gas #MSMN and Blencowe Resources #BRES

UK Investor Magazine Podcast – Barclays, Rio Tinto, and Rising Rates with Alan Green – We cover Rio Tinto #RIO Barclays #BARC Mosman Oil and Gas #MSMN and Blencowe Resources #BRES



The UK Investor Magazine Podcast is joined by Alan Green as we explore UK equites and key market themes.

We start by questioning the current narrative and if markets are underestimating the risk of rising rates as investor attention shifts to Eastern Europe.

Rio Tino is one of two FTSE 100 companies reporting record profits on Wednesday as rising commodity prices saw earnings soar and gave the board confidence to hike the dividend, making Rio Tinto one of the FTSE 100’s top dividend payers.

Barclays also reported record profits as the banking group enjoyed strong investment banking activity and the reversal of impairment charges. Income investors will be pleased Barclays is also raising their dividend.

Mosman Oil and Gas recently released a dramatic increase in production figures and has updated the market of developments at exploration projects concerned with Helium resources.

We cover the latest developments at Blencowe Resources which is working to supply the EV market.

Barclays, Rio Tinto, and Rising Rates with Alan Green

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