Home » Blencowe Resources (BRES) » UK Investor Magazine – Electric Vehicles and Green Energy Metals Miners with Alan Green

UK Investor Magazine – Electric Vehicles and Green Energy Metals Miners with Alan Green

uk investor magazine podcast


By 2040, mineral demand for Electric Vehicles is predicted to be 21.5mt, the largest of all clean energy technologies. Electricity networks are predicted to demand 13.9mt.

Norway has banned the sales of fossil fuel cars by 2025 but is set to meet that target a lot sooner. Other countries such as Italy still have plenty of space to improve as only 10% of cars sold are currently electric. The UK only recorded 8.4% of new registrations as EVs, according to AutoTrader.

Cobalt, lithium and Nickel are the main metals used in the production of EV batteries.

63kg of Graphite, 53kg of Copper and 39.9kg of Nickel is required in the manufacture of the average eclectic car.

Minerals used in EV, according to the International Energy Agency:

-Copper: 53.2kg

-Lithium: 8.9kg

-Nickel: 39.kg

-Manganese: 24.5kg

-Cobalt: 13.3kg

-Graphite: 66.3kg

Roskill Analysts predict Cobalt demand will rise to 270,000 tonnes per year by 2030, up from 141,000 in 2020.

One of the world’s largest mine is operated by Glencore in the Democratic Republic Congo producing 30,000 tonnes a year.

Nickel consumption totalled 2.5 million metric tonnes in 2020 and is predicted

109kg of Molybdenum is needed per MW of electricity production from Offshore wind.

Companies discussed:

Kavango Resources (LON:KAV) have a number of projects including the Kalahari Suture Zone which is targeting a Nickel-Copper-Platinum resources similar to that of Norilsk in Russia.

Blencowe Resources (LON:BRES) is developing the potentially low-cost Orom-Cross Graphite project in Uganda.

Glencore (LON:GLEN) is the world’s largest Cobalt miner.

Altona Rare Earth (LON:ANR) is explorer focused on Rare Earths that have applications in Clean Energy production.

Power Metal Resources (LON:POW) has a broad portfolio of metals including Lithium exploration in Quebec. The company is planning a number of IPOs for their assets.

Castillo Copper (LON:CCZ) is of course a copper explorer but has recently acquired Lithium assets.

Cadence Minerals (LON:KDNC) operates a range of Lithium projects including a stake in Europe Metal Holdings (LON:EMH)

Panther Metals (LON:PALM) is predominantly a gold play but is developing Coglia Nickel -Cobalt project.

Tertiary Minerals (LON:TYM) has two copper projects and a selection of silver projects.

Electric Vehicles and Green Energy Metals Miners with Alan Green

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