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Ian Pollard: TUI Impacted By Heatwave And Headwinds

TUI AG TUI has seen its first quarter performance so impacted by accountancy adjustments that the figures have become virtually meaningless due to the first-time application of IFRS 15 and of IFRS 9 in the previous year.  The best that that can be said is that  performance has been in line save for markets and airlines which were weak and faced signs of headwinds.The summer heatwave  was partly responsible for that together with overcapacity in Spain due to the shift in demand to the Eastern Mediterranean. The growth strategy however is said to be intact. Markets & Airlines must be something of a problem because the headwinds which are buffeting it get repeated mentions, one after another in the story of what appears to have been a not very satisfactory first quarter.

Plus 500 Ltd  PLUS produced a record financial performance in the year to the 31st December, after an exceptional first quarter benefitting in particular from Crypto currency trading. It is expected that 2019 profit will be materially lower than current market expectations.  The company describes 2018 as a momentous year, well ahead of original expectations with revenue up by 65%, EBITDA by 95%, earnings per share by 90% and dividends by 18%.

Touchstar plc TST benefitted from strong trading in the Transportation sector for the year to 31st December and. losses for the year  will be considerably better than market expectations. Although turnover will be somewhat lower than expected this will be more than compensated for by higher margins and dynamic  cash generation, has enabled the group to end the financial year with a healthy net cash position. the Board expects to see significant improvement in the Group’s performance in 2019.


Loop Up Group plc LOOP has traded strongly in 2018, with revenue in line with consensus expectations and profitability comfortably ahead. It was a year of transformational growth with new offices seen in Chicago, Dallas, LA, Atlanta and Madrid. Continuing strong demand is seen for the LoopUp product in 2019

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