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Troika Abolishes Democracy in Greece

greuThe publication of the requirements which the Troika is imposing on Greece, contains frightening restrictions for any who believed there was hope of a free, united and democratic Europe.

1. The Greek administration will de politicised under the supervision of the European Commission and replaced by a government of technocrats controlled by the EC. So the present elected government has to go and will be replaced by unelected technocratcs.

2.Draft legislation can not be submitted to the Greek parliament until it has first been approved by the Troika.

So Greece has lost the right to elect and appoint a government, the right to make and pass its own laws and is now under the direct rule of Brussels which will have supervisors based in Athens to make sure that the diktats of Brussels and Berlin are obeyed.

What an invitation this is to the British electorate which has to decide on continued EU membership in 2016.

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