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Tories At War – Sod The Argument, Shoot The Messengers

The Brexit / Remain argument is now a fiasco, with Tory politicians vying with each other to abuse and vilify their colleagues. Perhaps they should remember that they are not speaking in the House of Commons where such behaviour seems to be acceptable. They are addressing a nation of educated adults, a nation which is desperate to hear the facts which will enable it to make up its mind on an issue which is perhaps one of the most important, since Cromwell’s time. Cameron and his cronies are going to any lengths to ensure that the facts are not presented and all we get is the “Yah, boo sucks” of the junior dorm in a minor public school. The nation deserves the facts, presented calmly, coolly and truthfully

Cameron behaves as if he has completely lost his marbles, eager to make the wildest false allegations against his erstwhile colleagues who are in favour of Brexit. At times we see a hectoring almost paranoid Cameron avoiding the issues, evading questions and bullying his friends. From the rabid performances which he now seems to delight in, add a moustache, a bit more arm gesticulation and you can call me Adolf.

Cameron may, win or lose, have already destroyed his own future and the electability of the Tories, for a generation. He has certainly destroyed his own hand picked government, which has become a united rabble. When Sir John Nott, Maggies former Foreign Secretary at the time of the Falklands war and a gentleman if ever there was one, feels forced to announce that he has withheld his Tory membership subscription until a new leader has been elected, then we know that Cameron has no future after the 23rd June – killed by his own hand and his own arrogance.

And despite his vehement support for EU membership, Cameron and his supporters have not given details of a single advantage of staying in. EU leaders have failed to provide him with a helping hand as they too seem to be unable to find any advantages in us remaining.

Immigration has destroyed the unity of the one organisation which has helped to keep the peace in Europe for over 70 years, the longest era of European peace since the 18th Century. Single handedly Cameron has destroyed the unity of the organisation which he is so fearful, we may soon be leaving. By the 23rd June it will probably be irrelevant either to us or the EU as to whether we remain or exit.

The manner in which the government has dragooned the army, the intelligence services and others into trying to scare us about a future outside the EU, is a disgrace in a democracy, where these people are supposed to be above party politics.

Cameron should at least tell us why he is so scared.  It is almost as if he really wants  the UK to leave and is doing his blustering best to ensure that we do, by refusing  to state the case for remaining.

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