Home » News and Views » Tiziana Life Sciences developing TZLS-501 as a potential treatment for Coronavirus patients

Tiziana Life Sciences developing TZLS-501 as a potential treatment for Coronavirus patients

Nasdaq and AIM listed Tiziana Life Sciences plc (Nasdaq: TSLA / AIM: TILS) has today announced that its TZLS-501 treatment could be a potential treatment for patients infected with coronavirus (COVID-19) who are at risk of respiratory failure.

Tiziana, a biotechnology company focused on innovative therapeutics for inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, is expediting development of TZLS-501, with Novimmune, SA, a Swiss biotechnology company with whom it entered into a world-wide license for composition-of-matter in 2017.

Tiziana plans to administer TZLS-501 using a proprietary formulation technology. Tests have already shown that the treatment rapidly depletes circulating levels of IL-6 in the blood.  An excessive production of IL-6 is regarded as a key driver of chronic inflammation and is believed to be associated with severe lung damage observed with COVID-19 infections and acute respiratory illness.

Dr. Kunwar Shailubhai, CEO & CSO of Tiziana Life Sciences said; “We are excited to move forward with our clinical development plan to expedite evaluation in patients as soon as possible.”

by Alan Green

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