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The Appliance of Life Science Looks Exciting for this On-the-Nose Medical Explorer.

by Malcolm Stacey

Hello, Share Troopers. Previously, I’ve written on the huge potential of life science companies which explore antibodies and antibody substitutes in the fight against serious conditions like cancer. Allow me to put another such firm before you. Tiziana Life Sciences plc (TILS) is biotechnology outfit which uses antibodies to find new treatments for inflammatory diseases and cancers.

The company has just announced good news which sent the share price alight this week. The company has demonstrated that antibodies administered through the nose show promising results. The antibody, called Foralumab proved itself to be well tolerated in all sizes of dose.

I’m thick so can’t undertones the words from the company, but you may fare better. So here they are. ‘Importantly, the treatment showed significant positive effects on the biomarkers for activation of mucosal immunity, which is capable of inducing site-targeted immunomodulation to elicit anti-inflammatory effects.’ So now you know.

Apparently, this new data is consistent with the findings of numerous pre-clinical studies. This latest project was conducted at Harvard Medical School in the USA. A pretty prestigious venue, wouldn’t you agree? Nearly 30 volunteers took part. Examination of the patients showed positive immune effects.

The hope is that Foralumab might in the future be used to treat neurodegenerative diseases, including multiple sclerosis. There is now much more incentive to push on with further studies. So there is more work to be done before we reach the licensing stage. Nevertheless, the firm is pretty excited by the results. And so is the city as the share price rose by a third on the news. And when the penny drops that jolly trend could continue.

As usual with medical pioneers, investors take the risk of treatments always under strict scrutiny to fall at the last fence. And there’s rarely any dividend paid. But the rewards, especially for the treatment of serious conditions can be immense, both financially and in terms of moral satisfaction.

And now let’s celebrate the company’s success in the Punter’s Return.

View the article on ShareProphets website here

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