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Company news: Tesco Sells Dobbies – A Great Business, They Say!

  Tesco TSCO confirms that it has sold Dobbies Garden Centres which it has owned since 2007. The CEO says the staff at Dobbies  built up a great business – which is of course a good reason for selling it but only if you are desperate for £ 217m. in cash.

  JD Sports Fashions JD expects to deliver excellent first half results following further positive trading boosted by Euro 2016.  Pity the same cannot be said about England’s performance.

Precious Metals On The Move

Gold has risen more than 23% this year as equity prices collapse, oil collapses and Brexit uncertainties dominate the headlines. As ever that leaves gold, now having touched a 2 year high, providing the only safe haven.

Lithium which for years promised much but never delivered has at long last done so with the price of the metal doubling during the last few months of 2015. A Chinese Lithium miner has entered the list of the Top 40 mining companies, coming in at number 31

Rare Earths. At the same time the world’s top producer of rare earths has jumped 23 places to number 17.

Uranium. The price of Uranium is forecast to double by 2018 and to enjoy a 6% annual compound demand growth rate for the next few years, which could return the price to levels last seen in 2007

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