Home » Tertiary Minerals (TYM) » Tertiary Minerals #TYM – Result of AGM

Tertiary Minerals #TYM – Result of AGM

Tertiary Minerals plc, the AIM traded company building a strategic position in the fluorspar sector, held its Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) earlier today and is pleased to announce that all resolutions were duly passed.

Further information:



Tertiary Minerals plc

Patrick Cheetham, Executive Chairman 

Richard Clemmey, Managing Director




+44 (0)1625 838 679             

SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP

Nominated Adviser & Joint Broker

Ewan Leggat / Lindsay Mair



+44 (0)203 470 0470

Beaufort Securities Ltd

Joint Broker

Elliot Hance



+44 (0)207 382 8300

Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Disclosure

Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Disclosure Certain information contained in this announcement would have been deemed inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 until the release of this announcement.

Notes to Editors

Tertiary Minerals plc (ticker symbol ‘TYM’) is an AIM-traded mineral exploration and development company building a significant strategic position in the fluorspar sector. Fluorspar is an essential raw material in the chemical, steel and aluminium industries. Tertiary controls two significant Scandinavian projects (Storuman in Sweden and Lassedalen in Norway) and a large deposit of strategic significance in Nevada USA (MB Project).

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