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Telford Homes Breaking Records

Telford Homes TEF reports that revenue for the year to 31st March rose by 19% to a record £291.9m, allowing the final dividend to be increased to 8.5p, making an increase of just over 10% for the full year. Profit before tax is expected to exceed £40m for 2018 and £50m for 2019.

Avanti Communications AVN updates that it is recovering from the disruption of the first nine months and in the last two months it has won over $25m of new business. Weak macro economic conditions especially in Africa, Brexit and industry volatility have all presented significant challenges over the last 12 months but new contracts are again being won and it is expected that they will begin to make a significant impact in the next financial year, when like for like growth will recommence. The launch of Hylas 4 is nearing and this is expected to have a strong positive effect on the image of the business

IG Group Holdings IGG expects revenue for the year to 31st May will be ahead by some 7% and that profit before tax and earnings will be modestly ahead of the previous year.


Futura Medical FUM is delighted by the constructive feedback which it has received for MED 2002 from  US and UK regulatory authorities both of whom have a broad consensus on the development pathway.  No impact is  expected on the timing of the submissions for market authorisation, now expected in the second quarter of 2019

Villas & houses for sale in Greece  – visit;   http://www.hiddengr.net

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