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#TEK Tek Capital PLC – US Salt forms Strategic Partnership with MicroSalt

Tekcapital Plc (AIM: TEK), (OTCQB: TEKCF) the UK intellectual property investment group focused on creating valuable products that can improve people’s lives, is pleased to announce that MicroSalt has entered into an agreement with US Salt LLC (“US Salt”) for the distribution and delivery of MicroSalt’s low-sodium solutions.

We are proud to work with US Salt in their efforts to offer low-sodium solutions to their customer base. US Salt as a leader in salt distribution, offering lower sodium as an active option in its ingredient listing. Excess sodium intake is one of the world’s leading health concerns, and we believe that partnerships like this are a great way to expand our efforts to address the sodium reduction challenge.” Said Rick Guiney, CEO of MicroSalt”

“US Salt is looking forward to working with MicroSalt® to help with our low-sodium initiatives. Sodium is a worldwide concern in the food industry, and we believe Rick and his team are the industry leaders that can help propel our future growth.Said Bob Jordan, Vice President of Sales & Marketing of US Salt LLC.

This partnership is expected to strengthen each companies’ respective market positions as leaders in the sodium reduction effort, through expanding the customer base for MicroSalt and the product offerings for US Salt, with healthy, lower sodium alternatives.

About US Salt LLC

US Salt, LLC is currently responsible for producing and distributing over 90% of the private label, round can salt business in the United States. US Salt currently produces and packs 26-ounce private label table salt, as well as a complete portfolio of quality round can table salt items to meet all salt seasoning needs. To learn more about US Salt, visit www.ussaltllc.com.


About MicroSalt, Ltd

MicroSalt, is the developer and manufacturer of a proprietary low-sodium salt called MicroSalt®. We are passionate about improving peoples’ lives with better-for-you seasonings and snacks by taking the lead in the industry by providing the best low-sodium salt solution, based on the mechanical transformation of the salt particle itself. This solution is the only one that delivers real salt flavour because it is salt. Our new patented technology produces salt crystals that are approximately one hundred times smaller than typical table salt, delivering a powerful saltiness as the micro-grains dissolve in the mouth, with approximately 50% less sodium consumption. Additionally, the ultra-small particle size enhances product adhesion, which reduces waste and provides improved flavor consistency. MicroSalt® and SaltMe® are registered trademarks of MicroSalt Inc.


To learn more about MicroSalt please visit www.microsaltinc.com

To learn more about SaltMe! snacks please visit www.saltme.com/


Tekcapital owns 97% of the share capital of MicroSalt Ltd. and 6,034,683 shares (78%) of MicroSalt Inc., its U.S. subsidiary.


About Tekcapital plc

Tekcapital creates value from investing in new, university-developed discoveries that can enhance people’s lives and provides a range of technology transfer services to help organisations evaluate and commercialise new technologies. Tekcapital is quoted on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange (AIM: symbol TEK) and is headquartered in the UK. For more information, please visit www.tekcapital.com.



For further information, please contact:

Tekcapital Plc 

 Via Flagstaff IR

Clifford M. Gross, Ph.D. 

SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP (Nominated Adviser and Broker)

+44 (0) 20 3470 0470 

Richard Morrison / Charlie Bouverat (Corporate Finance)

Rob Rees (Corporate Broking)



Flagstaff Strategic and Investor Communications

Tim Thompson/Andrea Seymour/Fergus Mellon        




+44 (0)207 129 1474

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