Home » Technology Minerals (TM1) » Technology Minerals #TM1 – Recyclus Receives Environmental Permit at Tipton Recycling Site

Technology Minerals #TM1 – Recyclus Receives Environmental Permit at Tipton Recycling Site

Issue of permit allows for treatment and processing of lead-acid batteries on-site and is a key step towards commencement of operations 

Technology Minerals Plc (LSE: TM1), the first listed UK company focused on creating a sustainable circular economy for battery metals is pleased to announce that the Environment Agency (“EA”) has awarded its 49% owned battery recycling business, Recyclus Group Ltd (“Recyclus”), an environmental permit at its lead-acid battery recycling plant in Tipton, West Midlands for a hazardous waste installation, primarily involved in the treatment and processing of lead-acid batteries.

The EA permit allows for the treatment and processing of lead-acid batteries on-site and provides the critical legal foundation to complete the sub-licences that will enable operations to commence at Tipton.

The Tipton plant aims to support Recyclus’ ambition to increase the Company’s total lead-acid battery recycling production capacity from an estimated 16,000 tonnes in the first full year of production, to circa 80,000 tonnes by 2027. The Tipton plant is designed to process up to 12 tonnes an hour of lead-acid batteries and has a fully automated system.

In addition, Recyclus has successfully completed stage one of the audit process for ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 certifications, a global standard for Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. Recyclus will now proceed to the final stage and, subject to successfully completing the audit process, will be certified.

Robin Brundle, Chairman of Technology Minerals, said: “The granting of the EA permit is a crucial step forward and will enable Recyclus to proceed with obtaining the required sub-licences to commence operations at the Tipton site. The team has been preparing to ensure that we are positioned to ramp up production when the site becomes fully operational.  The opening of this plant at Tipton is a key milestone for us at Recyclus and our strategy to open ten plants over the next six years.”


Technology Minerals Plc

Robin Brundle, Executive Chairman

Alexander Stanbury, Chief Executive Officer

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Technology Minerals Plc 

Technology Minerals is developing the UK’s first listed, sustainable circular economy for battery metals, using cutting-edge technology to recycle, recover, and re-use battery technologies for a renewable energy future. Technology Minerals is focused on extracting raw materials required for Li-ion batteries, whilst solving the ecological issue of spent Li-ion batteries, by recycling them for re-use by battery manufacturers. With the increasing global demand for battery metals to supply electrification, the group will explore, mine, and recycle metals from spent batteries. Further information on Technology Minerals is available at www.technologyminerals.co.uk  

Recyclus Group Ltd  

The demand for the raw materials used in battery manufacturing is anticipated to substantially increase. Recyclus Group provides a national recycling initiative that supports the transition to carbon neutrality. Recyclus Group’s battery recycling capacity will prove essential in the shift from fossil fuels to electric transportation. Through its strategic support, Recyclus is an integral component to the recycling of lithium-ion and lead-acid batteries and is a significant contributor towards the circular economy of battery metals. Further information on Recyclus Group is available at www.recyclusgroup.com  

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