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Taxpayer Subsidy Keeps Barratt Shareholders Happy

Barratt Developments (BDEV) admits, that like all the house builders, one of the two main factors keeping its shareholders happy, is the government subsidy to first time buyers. But elections have to be won one way or another, so the government is hardly likely to try and restore a bit of sense to the market, by ending it.

The interim dividend for the half year to 30th December is to be increased by 25% after a 19% rise in revenue and surges of over 40% in both profit before tax and basic earnings per share. One calming factor is that net private reservations per active site at 0.71, are flat on a year ago.

Tristel (TSTL) is raising its interim dividend by 95% to 1.14p after a 36% rise in profit before tax and a modest 8% rise in revenue. The company produces infection prevention and contamination control products for both humans and animals. Its shares have more than doubled in the past 9 months having risen from 70p to 145p

Grafenia (GRA) fears that its full year results will be significantly below current market expectations. Trading has become more challenging, its markets have never been more competitive and prices are suffering from downward pressure ( i.e. falling, to you and me) The downward pressure was not just on its prices as its share price went into freefall yesterday, collapsing 29% to 6.75p and having been over 20p as recently as the end of September

Gooch & Housego (GHH) expects first half profits will be materially below last years record level because of mixed market conditions

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