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Tag Archives: wynnstay group
Ian Pollard: Winnstay Benefits From Agriculture Recovery
Wynnstay Group WYN the first half year to the 30th April was seen as encouraging as the long awaited upturn in the agricultural sector kicked in and farm gate prices continued to recover, Growth was seen in both divisions and revenue from continuing operations rose by 10.3%, profit before tax by 15.7% and earnings per share by 13.3%. The interim dividend is to be increased by 5%.
Immunodiagnostic Sys Group IDH Revenue for the year to 31st March declined by 8% on a like to like basis. Adjusted earnings per share fell by 61% and EBITDA by 28%. Profit from operations was down by 43%. According to the new CEO appointed last November one good sign for the future is that good progress has been made in restructuring the company
Elektron Technology plc EKT updates that Bulgins order book is significantly stronger with year to date orders at record levels. Half year sales are expected to show a rise of some 8% on last year.
Best of the Best plc BOTB Preliminary results for the year to the 30th April were ahead of management expectations and are described by the company as being solid. Like for like revenue rose by 13.3% and profit before tax by by 5.8%. Online like for like revenue increased by 23% and a special dividend of 4.5p per share is to be paid on the 20th July in addition to the proposed ordinary dividend of 1.5p per share due on the 21st Setpember.
Inspired Energy INSE has continued to build on a strong 2017 and is trading in line with market expectations
Luxury villas & houses for sale in the Greek Islands; http://www.hiddengreece.net
Fast start to the year for Whitbread
by Ian Pollard
Whitbread WTB – Management reports a good start to the year, with first quarter sales growth of 7.6%, in line with expectations. Premier Inn continued to win overall market share with strong sales growth of 9.2%, benefitting from a resilient hotel market and the contribution from the c.9,000 rooms opened over the last two years. Costa sales grew 8.7% with UK equity like for like growth of 1.1% and a good performance in the expanding travel and drive thru channels. Whitbread has a clear plan to deliver growth and remain on track to open c.4,200 hotel rooms, 230-250 Costa coffee shops and install c.1,250 Costa Express machines this year.
Hornby HRN – A dismal performance from a management team that needs to turn this company around, although CEO Steve Cooke claims “solid evidence of our delivery in phase one of our Turnaround Plan.” FY revenue of £47.4m (2016: £55.8m), loss before tax of £9.5m (2016: £13.5m loss). At least net cash at 31 March 2017: stood at £1.5m (2016: £7.2m net debt). Hornby claims the current financial year has started positively and it is are well placed to achieve the Board’s expectations for the year.
Wynnstay Group WYN – Interim results benefited from greater demand for agricultural inputs over the winter period but were affected by continued subdued trading at pet products business, Just for Pets. Revenue of £205.32m (2016: £193.24m) and adjusted profit before tax, before goodwill & investment impairment charges of £4.07m (2016: £4.08m). The interim dividend of 4.20p is an increase of 5%.
Lekoil Limited LEK – Reports continuous commercial production and cash flow generation at Otakikpo. The company says the 15m Shell offtake facility secured on Otakikpo production provides liquidity to complete Phase 1 development and ramp up production to 10,000 bopd by year end. The Honourable Minister of State, Petroleum Resources of Nigeria, granted consent to complete the transfer of the original 17.14% participating interest that LEKOIL acquired in OPL 310 in February 2013.
Berkeley Group Holdings BKG – FY profit before tax shot up an impressive 53% to £812.4m, with net asset value per share up 18.4% to £15.56. Management claimed it had delivered another strong performance in a fast-changing environment.
Luxury villas & houses for sale in Greece – visit; http://www.hiddengreece.net
Daily Actions – UK Main & AIM markets 16022016
Daily Actions is a daily summary analysis of changes in short term actions from our Daily Recs – AIM and Daily Recs Main markets reports. This report is typically distributed before the open of trading in London.
AIM Market
ST Rec. changed | ||
From | To | |
Basic Resources | ||
Ariana Resources | Neutral | Buy |
Karelian Diamond Resources | Buy | Neutral |
Mariana Resources | Neutral | Buy |
Stellar Diamonds | Neutral | Buy |
Financial Services | ||
Amphion Innovations | Neutral | Buy |
FastForward Innovations | Buy | Neutral |
Tengri Resources | Neutral | Buy |
Dolphin Capital Investors | Strong Buy | Buy |
Northacre | Neutral | Buy |
Polar Capital Holdings | Buy | Neutral |
Private & Commercial Finance Group | Neutral | Buy |
Food & Beverage | ||
Wynnstay Group | Neutral | Buy |
Health Care | ||
Omega Diagnostics Group | Neutral | Buy |
Industrial Good & Services | ||
Cap-XX | Buy | Neutral |
Hargreaves Services | Neutral | Buy |
Nakama Group | Neutral | Buy |
Surface Transforms | Neutral | Buy |
Media | ||
Mirada | Buy | Neutral |
Oil & Gas – Explorers | ||
Rockhopper Exploration | Buy | Neutral |
Oil & Gas – Producers | ||
Northern Petroleum | Neutral | Buy |
Technology | ||
Access Intelligence | Sell | Neutral |
Travel & Leisure | ||
Best of the Best | Neutral | Sell |
Utilities | ||
OPG Power Ventures | Neutral | Buy |
Main Market
ST Rec. changed | ||
From | To | |
Electronics & Electrical Equipment | ||
Spectris | Buy | Neutral |
Engineering & Machinery | ||
Vitec Group | Buy | Neutral |
General Retail | ||
SuperGroup | Buy | Neutral |
Household Goods & Textiles | ||
Hornby | Neutral | Sell |
Information Technology & Hardware | ||
Filtronic | Neutral | Sell |
Leisure & Hotels | ||
Punch Taverns | Neutral | Buy |
Media & Entertainment | ||
St. Ives | Neutral | Sell |
Personal Care & Household Products | ||
PZ Cussons | Neutral | Buy |
Reckitt Benckiser Group | Neutral | Sell |
Real Estate – REIS | ||
St. Modwen Properties | Buy | Neutral |
Software & Computer Services | ||
Aveva Group | Neutral | Buy |
Support Services | ||
RPS Group | Neutral | Buy |
Transport | ||
James Fisher & Sons | Buy | Neutral |
Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited (‘Intellisys’) does not make personal recommendations. The information in this publication is provided solely to enable you to make your own investment decisions. If you are unsure about dealing in shares and other equity investments, you must contact your financial adviser as these types of investments may not be suitable for everyone. The value of stocks and shares, and the income from them, can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the full amount you originally invested. If denominated in a foreign currency, fluctuations in the exchange rate will also affect the value of stocks and shares and the income from them. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. You agree to abide fully with Intellisys’ Term & Conditions, which are available to www.intellisys.uk.com
The full reports are available from Intellisys Intelligent Analysis website (www.intellisys.uk.com) by clicking on the ‘Research’ tab.
DISCLAIMER: Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited has prepared this report. Intellisys (“Intellisys”) is the trading name of Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited. Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited is a provider of financial research reports that indicate the possible value of quoted company shares. The information contained within any and all of Intellisys’ reports are designed to present an objective assessment of the possible value or relative value of a company and/or an actuarial sector or stock market index. Intellisys utilises as extensive as possible range of valuation tools and proprietary systems to derive its outputs. The base data for the models are derived from sources believed to be accurate but Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the source data or its models and proprietary systems. Subscribers, and casual readers, should not rely upon the Intellisys’ research outputs when forming specific investment decisions but should seek advice specific to their situation and investment requirements from a person authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, before entering into any investment agreement.Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited has used reasonable care and skill in compiling the content of this report. No representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is given by any person as to the accuracy or completeness or accuracy of the information and no responsibility or liability is accepted to the accuracy or sufficiency of any of the information, for any errors, omissions or misstatements, negligent or otherwise. In no event will Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited, Intellisys or any of its officers, employees or agents be liable to any other party for any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages arising from the use of this report.
The Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited and/or Intellisys reports are not directed to any person in any jurisdiction where (by reason of that person’s nationality, residence or otherwise) the publication or availability of the Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited and/or Intellisys information may be prohibited. Persons in respect of whom such prohibitions apply must not access the Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited and/or Intellisys reports. Neither this document, nor any copy in whatever form of media, may be taken or transmitted into the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, South Africa or Japan or into any jurisdiction where it would be unlawful to do so. Any failure to comply with this restriction may constitute a violation of relevant local securities laws. Recipients of Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited and/or Intellisys reports outside the UK are not covered by the rules and regulations made for the protection of investors in the UK. Any user distributing information taken from any Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited or Intellisys report and/or the Intellisys website, in whatever form, to any other person, agrees to attach a copy of this Disclaimer and the Terms and Conditions of Use pages and obtain the agreement of such other person to comply with the terms set forth. Intellisys’ published reports are published for information purposes and only available to market counterparties, high net-worth and sophisticated individual investors. No Intellisys report constitutes an offer or invitation to trade, sell, purchase or acquire any shares or other financial instruments in any company or any interest therein, nor shall it form the basis of any contract entered into for the sale of shares or any other financial instrument in any company. Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited believes that the information within each and any of its reports to be correct, but its accuracy or completeness cannot be guaranteed. No representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is given by any person as to the accuracy or completeness of the information and no responsibility or liability is accepted for the accuracy or sufficiency of any of the information, for any errors, omissions or mis-statements, negligent or otherwise. Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited (including its Directors, employees and representatives) or a connected person may have positions in or options or other financial instruments on any of the securities mentioned within a report, and may buy, sell or offer to purchase or sell such securities from time to time, subject to restrictions imposed by internal rules. Subscribers, and casual reader, are reminded that the value of any financial instrument may go up or down and that past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited is not registered with or regulated by any financial regulatory authority and does not offer, provide or purport to provide or offer investment advice. Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited can be contacted at Woodfield Cottage, The Street, Mortimer, Berkshire, United Kingdom RG7 3DW. |
Daily Actions – UK Main & AIM markets 08022016
Daily Actions is a daily summary analysis of changes in short term actions from our Daily Recs – AIM and Daily Recs Main markets reports. This report is typically distributed before the open of trading in London.
AIM Market
ST Rec. changed | ||
From | To | |
Basic Resources | ||
Amur Minerals Corporation | Neutral | Buy |
Ariana Resources | Buy | Neutral |
Jubilee Platinum | Buy | Neutral |
Chemicals | ||
Inspiration Healthcare Group | Buy | Neutral |
Financial Services | ||
Tengri Resources | Buy | Neutral |
Fairpoint Group | Buy | Neutral |
Fletcher King | Buy | Neutral |
Impax Asset Management Group | Buy | Neutral |
EKF Diagnostics Holdings | Buy | Neutral |
Origo Partners | Buy | Strong Buy |
Food & Beverage | ||
Wynnstay Group | Neutral | Buy |
Industrial Good & Services | ||
Accsys Technologies | Buy | Neutral |
Hargreaves Services | Buy | Neutral |
Nakama Group | Buy | Neutral |
Restore | Neutral | Sell |
Oil & Gas – Explorers | ||
Xcite Energy | Neutral | Buy |
Oil & Gas – Producers | ||
Northern Petroleum | Neutral | Buy |
Plexus Holdings | Buy | Neutral |
President Petroleum | Buy | Neutral |
Sound Energy | Buy | Neutral |
Retail | ||
Asos | Neutral | Buy |
Technology | ||
Concurrent Technologies | Neutral | Sell |
Imaginatik | Buy | Neutral |
Utilities | ||
Modern Water | Neutral | Buy |
OPG Power Ventures | Buy | Neutral |
Main Market
ST Rec. changed | ||
From | To | |
Aerospace & Defence | ||
Meggitt | Buy | Neutral |
Automobiles & Parts | ||
Pendragon | Buy | Neutral |
Engineering & Machinery | ||
Rotork | Buy | Neutral |
Vitec Group | Buy | Neutral |
Leisure & Hotels | ||
Millennium & Copthorn Hotels | Buy | Neutral |
Personal Care & Household Products | ||
PZ Cussons | Buy | Neutral |
Support Services | ||
Shanks Group | Neutral | Buy |
Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited (‘Intellisys’) does not make personal recommendations. The information in this publication is provided solely to enable you to make your own investment decisions. If you are unsure about dealing in shares and other equity investments, you must contact your financial adviser as these types of investments may not be suitable for everyone. The value of stocks and shares, and the income from them, can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the full amount you originally invested. If denominated in a foreign currency, fluctuations in the exchange rate will also affect the value of stocks and shares and the income from them. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. You agree to abide fully with Intellisys’ Term & Conditions, which are available to www.intellisys.uk.com
The full reports are available from Intellisys Intelligent Analysis website (www.intellisys.uk.com) by clicking on the ‘Research’ tab.
DISCLAIMER: Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited has prepared this report. Intellisys (“Intellisys”) is the trading name of Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited. Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited is a provider of financial research reports that indicate the possible value of quoted company shares. The information contained within any and all of Intellisys’ reports are designed to present an objective assessment of the possible value or relative value of a company and/or an actuarial sector or stock market index. Intellisys utilises as extensive as possible range of valuation tools and proprietary systems to derive its outputs. The base data for the models are derived from sources believed to be accurate but Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the source data or its models and proprietary systems. Subscribers, and casual readers, should not rely upon the Intellisys’ research outputs when forming specific investment decisions but should seek advice specific to their situation and investment requirements from a person authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, before entering into any investment agreement.Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited has used reasonable care and skill in compiling the content of this report. No representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is given by any person as to the accuracy or completeness or accuracy of the information and no responsibility or liability is accepted to the accuracy or sufficiency of any of the information, for any errors, omissions or misstatements, negligent or otherwise. In no event will Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited, Intellisys or any of its officers, employees or agents be liable to any other party for any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages arising from the use of this report.
The Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited and/or Intellisys reports are not directed to any person in any jurisdiction where (by reason of that person’s nationality, residence or otherwise) the publication or availability of the Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited and/or Intellisys information may be prohibited. Persons in respect of whom such prohibitions apply must not access the Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited and/or Intellisys reports. Neither this document, nor any copy in whatever form of media, may be taken or transmitted into the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, South Africa or Japan or into any jurisdiction where it would be unlawful to do so. Any failure to comply with this restriction may constitute a violation of relevant local securities laws. Recipients of Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited and/or Intellisys reports outside the UK are not covered by the rules and regulations made for the protection of investors in the UK. Any user distributing information taken from any Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited or Intellisys report and/or the Intellisys website, in whatever form, to any other person, agrees to attach a copy of this Disclaimer and the Terms and Conditions of Use pages and obtain the agreement of such other person to comply with the terms set forth. Intellisys’ published reports are published for information purposes and only available to market counterparties, high net-worth and sophisticated individual investors. No Intellisys report constitutes an offer or invitation to trade, sell, purchase or acquire any shares or other financial instruments in any company or any interest therein, nor shall it form the basis of any contract entered into for the sale of shares or any other financial instrument in any company. Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited believes that the information within each and any of its reports to be correct, but its accuracy or completeness cannot be guaranteed. No representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is given by any person as to the accuracy or completeness of the information and no responsibility or liability is accepted for the accuracy or sufficiency of any of the information, for any errors, omissions or mis-statements, negligent or otherwise. Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited (including its Directors, employees and representatives) or a connected person may have positions in or options or other financial instruments on any of the securities mentioned within a report, and may buy, sell or offer to purchase or sell such securities from time to time, subject to restrictions imposed by internal rules. Subscribers, and casual reader, are reminded that the value of any financial instrument may go up or down and that past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited is not registered with or regulated by any financial regulatory authority and does not offer, provide or purport to provide or offer investment advice. Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited can be contacted at Woodfield Cottage, The Street, Mortimer, Berkshire, United Kingdom RG7 3DW. |
Day Actions – UK Main & AIM markets 28012016
Daily Actions is a daily summary analysis of changes in short term actions from our Daily Recs – AIM and Daily Recs Main markets reports. This report is typically distributed before the open of trading in London.
AIM Market
ST Rec. changed | ||
From | To | |
Basic Resources | ||
Amur Minerals Corporation | Neutral | Buy |
Arian Silver | Neutral | Buy |
MX Oil | Buy | Neutral |
Financial Services | ||
Amphion Innovations | Buy | Neutral |
Zoltav Resources | Neutral | Buy |
Food & Beverage | ||
Agriterra | Buy | Strong Buy |
Wynnstay Group | Neutral | Buy |
Industrial Good & Services | ||
Begbies Traynor Group | Neutral | Sell |
Elektron Technology | Sell | Neutral |
Media | ||
Ten Alps | Strong Buy | Buy |
Oil & Gas – Producers | ||
Plexus Holdings | Strong Buy | Neutral |
Sound Energy | Buy | Neutral |
Main Market
ST Rec. changed | ||
From | To | |
Banks | ||
Standard Chartered | Neutral | Buy |
House Construction | ||
Persimmon | Neutral | Sell |
Electronics & Electrical Equipment | ||
Dialight | Buy | Neutral |
Food Producers & Processors | ||
Cranswick | Neutral | Sell |
Unilever (UK) | Neutral | Sell |
Information Technology & Hardware | ||
Filtronic | Neutral | Sell |
Insurance | ||
Admiral Group | Neutral | Sell |
Media & Entertainment | ||
Informa | Neutral | Sell |
Personal Care & Household Products | ||
PZ Cussons | Buy | Neutral |
Real Estate – REIS | ||
CLS Holdings | Buy | Neutral |
Helical Bar | Neutral | Buy |
London & Associates Properties | Sell | Neutral |
Software & Computer Services | ||
SAGE Group | Neutral | Sell |
Support Services | ||
Management Consulting Group | Neutral | Sell |
RPS Group | Neutral | Buy |
Utilities | ||
National Grid | Neutral | Sell |
Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited (‘Intellisys’) does not make personal recommendations. The information in this publication is provided solely to enable you to make your own investment decisions. If you are unsure about dealing in shares and other equity investments, you must contact your financial adviser as these types of investments may not be suitable for everyone. The value of stocks and shares, and the income from them, can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the full amount you originally invested. If denominated in a foreign currency, fluctuations in the exchange rate will also affect the value of stocks and shares and the income from them. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. You agree to abide fully with Intellisys’ Term & Conditions, which are available to www.intellisys.uk.com
The full reports are available from Intellisys Intelligent Analysis website (www.intellisys.uk.com) by clicking on the ‘Research’ tab.
DISCLAIMER: Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited has prepared this report. Intellisys (“Intellisys”) is the trading name of Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited. Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited is a provider of financial research reports that indicate the possible value of quoted company shares. The information contained within any and all of Intellisys’ reports are designed to present an objective assessment of the possible value or relative value of a company and/or an actuarial sector or stock market index. Intellisys utilises as extensive as possible range of valuation tools and proprietary systems to derive its outputs. The base data for the models are derived from sources believed to be accurate but Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the source data or its models and proprietary systems. Subscribers, and casual readers, should not rely upon the Intellisys’ research outputs when forming specific investment decisions but should seek advice specific to their situation and investment requirements from a person authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, before entering into any investment agreement.Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited has used reasonable care and skill in compiling the content of this report. No representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is given by any person as to the accuracy or completeness or accuracy of the information and no responsibility or liability is accepted to the accuracy or sufficiency of any of the information, for any errors, omissions or misstatements, negligent or otherwise. In no event will Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited, Intellisys or any of its officers, employees or agents be liable to any other party for any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages arising from the use of this report.
The Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited and/or Intellisys reports are not directed to any person in any jurisdiction where (by reason of that person’s nationality, residence or otherwise) the publication or availability of the Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited and/or Intellisys information may be prohibited. Persons in respect of whom such prohibitions apply must not access the Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited and/or Intellisys reports. Neither this document, nor any copy in whatever form of media, may be taken or transmitted into the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, South Africa or Japan or into any jurisdiction where it would be unlawful to do so. Any failure to comply with this restriction may constitute a violation of relevant local securities laws. Recipients of Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited and/or Intellisys reports outside the UK are not covered by the rules and regulations made for the protection of investors in the UK. Any user distributing information taken from any Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited or Intellisys report and/or the Intellisys website, in whatever form, to any other person, agrees to attach a copy of this Disclaimer and the Terms and Conditions of Use pages and obtain the agreement of such other person to comply with the terms set forth. Intellisys’ published reports are published for information purposes and only available to market counterparties, high net-worth and sophisticated individual investors. No Intellisys report constitutes an offer or invitation to trade, sell, purchase or acquire any shares or other financial instruments in any company or any interest therein, nor shall it form the basis of any contract entered into for the sale of shares or any other financial instrument in any company. Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited believes that the information within each and any of its reports to be correct, but its accuracy or completeness cannot be guaranteed. No representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is given by any person as to the accuracy or completeness of the information and no responsibility or liability is accepted for the accuracy or sufficiency of any of the information, for any errors, omissions or mis-statements, negligent or otherwise. Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited (including its Directors, employees and representatives) or a connected person may have positions in or options or other financial instruments on any of the securities mentioned within a report, and may buy, sell or offer to purchase or sell such securities from time to time, subject to restrictions imposed by internal rules. Subscribers, and casual reader, are reminded that the value of any financial instrument may go up or down and that past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited is not registered with or regulated by any financial regulatory authority and does not offer, provide or purport to provide or offer investment advice. Intellisys Intelligent Analysis Limited can be contacted at Woodfield Cottage, The Street, Mortimer, Berkshire, United Kingdom RG7 3DW. |