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VectorVest UK MD David Paul discusses UK and US market trends, VV ‘worry free’ and aggressive portfolio successes and upcoming London shows on Core Finance TV

VectorVest UK MD David Paul discusses UK and US short-term and longer term trends on Core Finance TV. UK market short-term and longer term trend both up whilst U.S. market short term trend down and longer trend up.

David also speaks on VV most conservative ‘worry free investing’ model portfolio, which for 2019 to date (8th March) is up 17%. Plus VV more aggressive portfolio, MT Prospects.

VectorVest provide both conservative portfolios for longer term hands off investors and more aggressive portfolios for short term swing traders.

Upcoming shows:

  • UK investor show in Westminster 30th of March

  • Master Investor Islington 6th of April

  • Seminar at Chesterfield hotel in Mayfair 13th of April



David Paul of VectorVest discusses Worry Free Investing with Core Finance CEO Nick Batsford

David Paul and Nick Batsford, CEO of Core London, discuss the latest updates for Worry-Free Investing, a mechanical and conservative trading system on VectorVest that has had a very good run this year. This trading system is perfect for prudent investors or those interested in growing their retirement accounts over time. In Worry-Free Investing, we sort all of the shares by Relative Safety (RS), which measures the safety and predictability of the earnings. These shares have an impeccable record of making money.

Learn about Swing Trading with VectorVest – NVDA presents an interesting swing trading opportunity

Watch this short video with Dr David Paul of VectorVest to see how fundamentals and technicals coincide to present a swing trade for consideration.

Want to learn more about swing trading? Check out www.vectorvest.co.uk/swingtradejuly.

David Paul, MD of VectorVest UK discusses Worry Free Investing (WFI) with Nick Batsford on Core Finance TV

David Paul, MD of VectorVest UK discusses Worry-Free Investing and shows investors the best opportunities to safely generate income over time.

The Worry-Free Objectives are clearly defined in this conservative trading system:

  • Capital Appreciation
  • Income from Selling Options
  • Dividends

You’ll soon discover how this sensible system is easy to follow.

VectorVest MD David Paul discusses Relative Safety stocks amid the equity sell-off

With short and long term trends down, VectorVest’s most conservative investing strategy, Worry-Free Investing, sorts stocks on Relative Safety (RS). A score between 0-2 – above 1 is fair and above 1.3 is better to good. With Worry-Free investing, VectorVest advises on buying the safest stocks.

Watch David Paul explain how Relative Safety buys are prudent right now on his most recent Core Finance Interview.

Worry Free Investing – David Paul of VectorVest discusses WFI strategy on Core Finance TV

Dr. David Paul, Managing Director of VectorVest explains the “Worry Free Investing” (WFI) strategy, which is focused on capital appreciation, income from selling options and dividend income.

VectorVest MD David Paul talks worry free investing (WFI) with Zak Mir & Mike Ingram on TipTV

Vector Vest’s Worry Free Investing (WFI) strategy involves loading up on ‘safest’ stocks at a time and selling call options when general markets are rallying with a aim of earning dividends and income from writing (selling) calls. Sounds interesting right? Watch the complete segment as David Paul details the the ‘WFI’ strategy. He is joined by Tip TV’s Zak Mir and Mike Ingram, Strategist at BGC Partners.

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