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Corporate news review Tuesday 15th August 2017

Hargreaves Lansdown HL. reports net FY new business of £6.9bn, AuA up 28% to £79.2bn and active clients up 118k to 954k. PBT is up 21% to £265.8m, and HL raises its dividend by 20% to 29p per share.

John Menzies MNZS says it has enjoyed a positive first half, with underlying PBT up 36% to £24.7m and a proposed 11% increase in the interim dividend to 6p. Chairman Dr Dermot F. Smurfit said: “Overall, I am very pleased with the Group’s performance in the first half and we look to the future with confidence as demonstrated by the increased dividend payment.”

Mears Group MER reports interim results in line with management expectations, with revenue up 1% to £470.8m.

Plant Impact PIM publishes the first presentation on its R&D platform and pipeline. The full presentation can be found at www.plantimpact.com/investors.

Rockhopper Exploration RKH updates on the Abu Sennan drilling concession, onshore Egypt, in which the Company has a 22% working interest. Production from the six fields within the Abu Sennan concession remains stable, averaging 3,300 barrels of oil equivalent per day (“boepd”) gross during the first six months of 2017. The group also updates on the Al Jahraa-9 well.

WideCells WDC raises £750k gross through the issue of 5,357,143 ordinary shares at 14p per share via a private placing with new and existing shareholders and the Board of Directors. The funds raised will be used to execute on a range of additional opportunities the Group has identified since listing in July 2016, rapidly accelerate the roll out of its three stem cell services divisions, CellPlan, WideCells and WideAcademy, and further its penetration of the rapidly growing stem cell market.

Wood Group WG. / Amec Foster Wheeler AMFW – The CMA (Competition and Markets Authority) today accepts in principle the remedy formally offered by Wood Group on 9 August to complete the recommended all-share offer for Amec Foster Wheeler. Robin Watson, CEO of Wood Group said “Today’s announcement is an important milestone and gives us further confidence in our ability to complete the transaction in quarter four this year.” Jon Lewis, CEO at Amec Foster Wheeler said “We welcome the announcement by the CMA. Our offer of a proposed remedy in May and the early commencement of the sale process to potential buyers of the upstream oil and gas business has ensured we have navigated this process ahead of schedule increasing the likelihood that the transaction with Wood Group will close in quarter four this year.”

Brand CEO Alan Green discusses IPO Widecells (WDC) on the VOX Markets podcast

Brand CEO Alan Green discusses IPO Widecells (WDC) with Justin Waite on the VOX Markets podcast. The interview is right at the start.

Click here to listen.

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