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Tertiary Minerals (TYM) – Whitman Howard analyst review


by Roger Bade

Tertiary Minerals (TYM) – It appears a bit churlish for the share price to fall after such interesting drill results. The company has discovered the possibility that their MB fluorspar project in Nevada might in fact be the upper part of a more significant molybdenum porphyry. Apparently, Climax type porphyry molybdenum/copper deposits have a fluorine halo above and around.

Admittedly 6.1 metres (m) from around 450m grading 0.14% molybdenum sulphide is not much to get excited about yet and of course molybdenum is just as depressed as fluorspar at theTYM1 moment, but molybdenum, or copper porphyry exploration targets tend to be more highly valued than fluorspar ones. For example SolGold (SOLG), who have been drilling a copper porphyry in Ecuador, are valued by the market at £15.2m, while in contrast Tertiary is only valued at £1.8m…

Link here to the full research note


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