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Ian Pollard – Seeing Machines #SEE hit by production delays

Seeing Machines Ltd SEE has been hit by its manufacturing partner delaying delivery of a number of units by some six weeks. Sales of these units have been agreed but the delay means the resulting sales revenue will not now be received within the current financial year. Sales revenue is now expected to be between A$30 to A$35m instead of the anticipated A$38 to A$43m.but this still represents a doubling of last years sales.

SigmaRoc plc SRC reports a strong year in 2017 as it exceeded expectations. The losses of 2016 were all turned into gains with 2017 EBITDA rising by 37% on sales up by 11% and on an underlying basis 2016’s loss of £2.4m. was turned into a profit before tax of £2.6m. whilst earnings er share came in at 2p. compared to a loss of 1.4p. The company says that it has now established a solid platform for growth.

UVENCO UK plc UVEN announced a week ago that it was in discussion with a third party about a possible sale. However it has now announced that the third party is no longer interested  in buying any of its trading subsidiaries as a going concern. Instead it has made an offer to acquire the assets only or alternatively acquire Drinkmaster only, as a going concern.The Board is meeting its advisors today.

Gateley Holdings plc GTLY updates that second half trading has remained strong with the Property and Corporate Businesses each recording not less than 15% fee growth. Revenue for the year to 31st April is expected to be 84m.as against 77.6m in 2017 and It is anticipated that the final dividend will be in accordance with stated policy of distributing up to 70% of after tax profits.

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