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ECR Minerals #ECR – Unaudited Half-Yearly Results for the Six Months Ended 31 March 2024 and Business Update

ECR Minerals plc (LON: ECR), the exploration and development company focused on gold in Australia, is pleased to announce its unaudited half-yearly financial results for the six months ended 31 March 2024 for the Company, along with a review of significant developments during and post period.


Operational highlights:

  • Geological mapping at Lolworth led to the discovery of numerous quartz outcrops within the ridgeline above those gold bearing streams in the Upper Gorge Creek area with best results from rock chipping of 13.75 g/t Au, 3.13 g/t Au and 2.17 g/t Au over a number of outcrops measuring up to 3m wide x 20m long
  • Discovery of a rhyolitic dyke in Gorge Creek East, Lolworth 5.5m wide x 200m long having anomalous gold valueswith the best rock chip from the centre of the dyke returning 8.02 g/t A
  • Results from mapping a quartz veinlet system within the upper creek drainage of Flaggy Creek, Lolworth over a length of 70 metres long and within a zone up to 100m wide have proven to be gold-bearing with best results being 6.05 g/t Au, 5.96 g/t Au, 4.66 g/t Au and 3.97 g/t Au
  • Application submitted for an Exploration Licence at Kondaparinga, Queensland, approximately 120km2in area within the Hodgkinson Gold Province
  • Broader mineralisation and increased levels of high-grade gold reported from our drilling programme at Creswick, Victoria, with best individual grades 8.87g/t Au and 8.06g/t Au
  • Bulk sample testing at Davey Road, Victoria indicated extensive gold mineralisation, with a best result of 41.03 g/t Au
  • Tambo rock chip results comfortably exceeded those from previous exploration activities, with eight samples having gold grades greater than 5 g/t Au and best results of 51.5 g/t Au, 26.5 g/t Au and 24 g/t A

Financial highlights:

  • Sale of non-core assets realise A$420,000
  • Ongoing examination of historic tax losses of A$75 million to potentially unlock significant value
  • Cost reductions through salary sacrifice scheme and closure of London office
  • Two fundraisings completed in September 2023 and March 2024 to raise almost £1.2 million in aggregate

Nick Tulloch Chairman said: “In the nine months since Mike Whitlow and I joined ECR, we have sought to implement a step change in the pace of our operations, coupling increased activity in our Australian projects with a prudent approach to cash management. Mike and I have always viewed ECR’s project portfolio as a potential sleeping giant, and now with the results and developments reported across our tenements in recent months, we believe the Company is well on the way to realising the value of these assets.”  

“As a Board, we are receptive to ideas to add value, new initiatives and projects to our operations. In recent months we have received approaches from other businesses in the resources sector offering co-development and other collaborative opportunities. While these developments in themselves have served to further confirm the nascent value within our project portfolio, in line with our own projects, we have retained a conservative approach to these discussions.  Expanding ECR’s business is high on our agenda but we will do so only when we are satisfied the risk is low and that we can maximise gains for our shareholders.”

“For the remainder of 2024, I want to reassure shareholders that, following on from a very successful period of work in Victoria, they can look forward to further newsflow as we re-commence our operations in Queensland.”


ECR Minerals plc Tel: +44 (0) 1738 317 693
Nick Tulloch, Chairman

Andrew Scott, Director



Website: www.ecrminerals.com
WH Ireland Ltd   Tel: +44 (0) 207 220 1666
Nominated Adviser

Katy Mitchell / Andrew de Andrade

Axis Capital Markets Limited Tel: +44 (0) 203 026 0320
Ben Tadd/Lewis Jones
SI Capital Ltd Tel: +44 (0) 1483 413500
Nick Emerson
Brand Communications Tel: +44 (0) 7976 431608
Public & Investor Relations
Alan Green

Link here to review Chairman’s report and financial statements

ECR Minerals #ECR – Encouraging Gold Results from Lolworth Project

ECR Minerals plc (LON: ECR), the exploration and development company focused on gold in Australia, is pleased to announce the results from outcrop mapping and sampling within the vicinity of the Upper Gorge Creek at the Lolworth Project, North Queensland, Australia.

The Lolworth Project is located approximately 120km west of the historic gold mining centre of Charters Towers, North Queensland, Australia. The project consists of three exploration tenements (EPM27901, EPM27902 and EPM27903) which are operated by LUX Exploration Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of ECR (“LUX”). LUX has identified numerous Gold, Niobium and REE anomalies within the project.


  • Mapping and sampling results from recent on-site geological investigations in the Upper Gorge Creek show the presence of gold.
  • A number of exposed outcrops up to 3m wide x 20m long in the Gorge Creek West ridgeline show gold results up to 13.75 g/t Au from initial rock chip testing. Results from soil grid work over the ridgeline to test for other gold bearing sub-crops in the vicinity are also due shortly.
  • A rhyolitic dyke 5m wide x 200m long that contains anomalous gold has been discovered in the Gorge Creek East area. Rock chips collected over the extent of the outcrop average 0.25 g/t Au, with one best result of 8.02 g/t Au. Whilst the results are still at an early stage, the Board are greatly encouraged by these findings and the Directors believe these gold sources within the rocks could form part of a larger system within the tenement.

ECR Technical Director Adam Jones commented: “Following on from the Reedy Creek, Gorge Creek and Woolshed Creek results announced on 25 September 2023, today’s results from Gorge Creek provides further evidence that Lolworth is becoming a bona fide exploration opportunity. Our best result of 128 ppm Gold announced in September 2023 is backed up by a number of additional high-grade samples taken within the surrounding area. We still have further data to collect, but we are now entering this information and historical data into our area plan so we can start to accurately map out drill targets.”

Figure One: Plan locations of reportable rock chips: https://www.ecrminerals.com/images/2023/Fig1_Gorge-Ck-Rockchips.png


A number of rock chips were taken from the Upper Gorge Creek area during recent field mapping in during August 2023. The locations are shown in Figure One linked above.

The recent heavy concentrate pan sampling programme has helped us to confirm that the streams within the Upper Gorge Creek Western area are highly anomalous in gold, added to which the field team have also discovered numerous gold nuggets within these drainages. Recent geological mapping during August this year led to the discovery of numerous silica outcrops within the ridgeline above these gold bearing streams. The Company has now received the results from rock chipping at these outcrops with best results of 13.75 g/t Au, 3.13 g/t Au and 2.17 g/t Au (full details are set out in Table 1 at the end of this announcement). Where mapped, a number of outcrops measure up to 3m wide x 20m long, while the remaining outcrops are hidden under the shallow soil cover. A large soil sampling grid has recently been completed over the cover sequence to confirm the direction of the extensions to the gold bearing outcrops. The results from this are due shortly.

Geological mapping and sampling of outcrop has also been completed in parts of the Gorge Creek East area. A Rhyolitic dyke (intrusion) 5.5m wide x 200m long and anomalous in gold has been discovered. The majority of rock chips from the dyke returned an average of 0.25 g/t Au. One rock chip from the centre of the dyke returned 8.02 g/t Au. Other dykes are known to exist within the tenement area and these have never been sampled or mapped. Whilst these results are still at an early stage, and significant work is still required at site to determine the economic potential of the opportunity, the Board are greatly encouraged by these findings and the Directors believe these gold sources within the rocks could lead to further gold discoveries in other dykes yet to be sampled.


Other exploration work continues to be undertaken on the Lolworth Project and results are due shortly from soil sampling over the ridgeline of Gorge Creek West. The Board believes this work could help the Company confirm whether other hidden gold bearing outcrops are present under the soil cover, particularly given that the streams draining this ridgeline have already been proven to contain gold.

The field team are also continuing to soil sample two other gold-bearing areas, namely Woolshed/Flaggy Creek and Reedy Creek. Rock chip results from a system of narrow stringer quartz veins from Flaggy Creek are also expected shortly.

Further announcements will be made when the results are known.

Table One. Gold results greater than 0.1 g/t Au from recent rock chip sampling and outcrop mapping at Gorge Creek:


SampleID Easting (GDA94 Z55) Northing (GDA94 Z55) Au g/t Prospect
LWC145 294145 7755719 0.02
LWC147 314942 7751994 8.02 Rhyolite Dyke
LWC162 313557 7751157 13.75 Gorge Ck West
LWC166 313695 7751338 0.1
LWC168 313707 7751331 0.15
LWC169 313680 7751310 0.56
LWC170 313682 7751308 2.64
LWC171 313682 7751307 0.19
LWC172 313683 7751306 0.78
LWC173 313684 7751306 0.34
LWC174 313684 7751307 0.16
LWC193 313269 7751424 3.13 Gorge Ck West
LWC194 313351 7751428 0.33 Gorge Ck West
LWC195 313358 7751441 1.73 Gorge Ck West
LWC196 313352 7751428 0.68 Gorge Ck West
LWC197 313358 7751433 0.84 Gorge Ck West
LWC198 313358 7751436 0.24 Gorge Ck West
LWC199 313327 7751421 0.33 Gorge Ck West
LWC200 313335 7751418 0.85 Gorge Ck West
LWC201 313361 7751446 2.17 Gorge Ck West
LWC202 313366 7751452 0.62 Gorge Ck West
LWC215 313162 7751359 0.38
LWC216 314940 7751988 0.52 Rhyolite Dyke
LWC217 314941 7751992 0.19 Rhyolite Dyke
LWC218 314944 7751996 0.39 Rhyolite Dyke
LWC219 314949 7752002 0.16 Rhyolite Dyke
LWC221 314956 7752008 0.17 Rhyolite Dyke
LWC222 314965 7752019 0.18 Rhyolite Dyke
LWC225 314971 7752029 0.22 Rhyolite Dyke
LWC227 314991 7752049 0.42 Rhyolite Dyke
LWC228 314944 7752004 0.11 Rhyolite Dyke
LWC230 314918 7751965 0.16 Rhyolite Dyke
LWC231 314915 7751962 0.33 Rhyolite Dyke
LWC232 314910 7751955 0.2 Rhyolite Dyke
LWC311 316430 7750263 0.26
LWC313 316435 7750265 0.19
LWC317 316443 7750263 0.35
LWC318 316432 7750259 1.64
LWC319 316432 7750259 0.29
LWC320 316433 7750259 0.26
LWC321 316434 7750258 0.61
LWC325 316435 7750255 0.1
LWC326 316434 7750253 1.43


This announcement has been reviewed by Adam Jones, Technical Director of Exploration at ECR Minerals plc. Adam Jones is a professional geologist and is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (MAIG). He is a qualified person as that term is defined by the AIM Note for Mining, Oil and Gas Companies.




ECR Minerals plc Tel: +44 (0) 20 7929 1010
David Tang, Non-Executive Chairman

Nick Tulloch, Managing Director

Andrew Scott, Director



Website: www.ecrminerals.com
WH Ireland Ltd   Tel: +44 (0) 207 220 1666
Nominated Adviser

Katy Mitchell / Andrew de Andrade

SI Capital Ltd Tel: +44 (0) 1483 413500
Nick Emerson
Novum Securities Limited  Tel: +44 (0) 20 7399 9425

Jon Belliss

Brand Communications Tel: +44 (0) 7976 431608
Public & Investor Relations
Alan Green


ECR Minerals is a mineral exploration and development company. ECR’s wholly owned Australian subsidiary Mercator Gold Australia Pty Ltd (“MGA”) has 100% ownership of the Bailieston and Creswick gold projects in central Victoria, Australia, has eight active exploration tenements and two in application (Ballarat and Tambo).

ECR also owns 100% of an Australian subsidiary LUX Exploration Pty Ltd (“LUX”), which has three approved exploration permits covering 946 km2 over a relatively unexplored area in Lolworth Range, Queensland, Australia. The Company has also submitted a license application at Kondaparinga which is approximately 120km2 in area and located within the Hodgkinson Gold Province, 80km NW of Mareeba, North Queensland.

Following the sale of the Avoca, Moormbool and Timor gold projects in Victoria, Australia to Fosterville South Exploration Ltd (TSX-V: FSX) and the subsequent spin-out of the Avoca and Timor projects to Leviathan Gold Ltd (TSX-V: LVX), Mercator Gold Australia Pty Limited has the right to receive up to A$2 million in payments subject to future resource estimation or production from projects sold to Fosterville South Exploration Limited.

ECR holds a 90% interest in the Danglay gold project; an advanced exploration project located in a prolific gold and copper mining district in the north of the Philippines, which has a 43-101 compliant resource. ECR also holds a royalty on the SLM gold project in La Rioja Province, Argentina and can potentially receive up to US$2.7 million in aggregate across all licences.

ECR Minerals #ECR – Extended Gold Prospectivity and Niobium Bullseye Discovery at the Lolworth Project

ECR Minerals plc (LON: ECR), the exploration and development company focused on gold in Australia, is pleased to announce the latest exploration developments for the Lolworth Project, North Queensland, Australia.

The Lolworth Project is located approximately 120km west of the historic gold mining centre of Charters Towers, North Queensland, Australia. The project consists of three exploration tenements (EPM27901, EPM27902 and EPM27903) and are operated under the 100% owned LUX Exploration Pty Ltd. The Company has identified numerous Gold, Niobium and REE anomalous within the project.


  • 81 follow-up pan concentrate stream samples results have been returned. Best results include 128 ppm Au, 23.7 ppm Au, 42.3 ppm Au and 60.9 ppm Au. These results have further extended the gold prospectivity of the Reedy Creek area to the west.
  • Results (pXRF) from a tighter spaced soil sampling campaign in the Oaky Creek area have identified an interesting Niobium target.
  • Field work, including rock chipping, mapping and tighter spaced pan concentrate stream sampling at both Woolshed Creek and Gorge Creek prospects continue to reveal visible gold, indicating potential for increased prospectivity across the project area.

ECR Managing Director Nick Tulloch commented: “In the midst of significant structural changes at ECR and our ongoing work to evaluate the Company’s asset base, Adam Jones and the field team are to be commended for their tireless work in bringing these exciting developments at our Lolworth Range project to life.”

ECR Chief Operations Officer Mike Whitlow added: “Echoing Nick’s words, our team have been particularly pleased with the latest results as this gives confirmation to our exploration thesis at Lolworth, 128 ppm Gold being our best result has been supported by a number of additional very high-grade samples taken within the surrounding area. Whilst we recognise the early stage nature of this work, the confidence in today’s announcement leaves us naturally inspired to continue our efforts at Lolworth towards the end of the year, at which point we will have the perfect opportunity to plan our accelerated future work programme. We are understandably very excited by this latest development.”

Figure One: Oaky Creek Niobium soil anomaly:


Figure Two: Reedy Creek gold result:


Figure Three: Woolshed Creek gold anomalism:


Figure Four: Visible gold extent from sampling in Upper Gorge Creek:



Since commencing work at Oaky Creek, ECR has logged a series of highly anomalous Niobium (Nb) and Tantalum (Ta) stream sampling results from the upper reaches of the creek.

The Company reported up to 146 ppm Nb in the first pass soil sampling grid on the 19th July 2023 (see July 19 2023 RNS here). Whilst still early stage, the high priority zones identified from the first pass grid and tested in-house using a pXRF have been followed up, and 17 samples reporting greater than 80 ppm Nb have been identified, with a best result of 497 ppm Nb. It is important to note the results from pXRF data are qualitative not quantitative and should only to be used for identifying the pathfinder anomaly.

These new results combined with the first pass soil sampling show strongly elevated levels of Nb within the centre of the sampled area. Previous high-grade Nb and Ta results from sampling the drainage systems that originate from this elevated centre support the new soil sampling results within the anomalous area and bullseye identified (shown in Figure One above).

The field team and the Board have agreed that the next logical next step will be to undertake a traverse ‘ridge and spur’ rock chip sampling program over the anomalous area. This work is expected to be completed before the 2023 field season ends.


Results from a further 81 samples have been received from the ongoing pan concentrate stream sampling program from streams tested in the northern part of the tenement area. Although these results returned no gold, a small group of samples were taken from streams located approximately 2km to the west of the Reedy Creek area which returned high concentrations of gold with results up to 128 ppm Au. Visible coarse gold particles were often seen during the sampling process and for the majority, correlate well with the best laboratory gold results. More significantly, these results extend the gold footprint further west from Reedy Creek, and a follow-up soil sample grid programme has been scheduled for completion in the near future (see Reedy Creek map images in Figure Two above). All gold results greater than 0.1 ppm Au have been tabled in Appendix One to this announcement.

The majority of these stream results have been taken from outside of the Niobium-Tantalum and REE prospective area. Results have returned 14 stream samples reporting greater than 80 ppm Nb with one best result of 2380 ppm Nb. This best result also correlates to other REE elements including Lanthanum (La), Neodymium (Nd), Praseodymium (Pr), Ta and Yttrium (Y). The best Nb results have been identified within isolated creeks in the eastern part of the project area and are encouraging signs for the regional prospectivity for critical minerals and REE in other unexplored areas of the tenement area. All received Nb results greater than 80 ppm are tabulated in Appendix One to this announcement.


ECR Technical Director Adam Jones visited the Lolworth Project in September. He and his field team collected some 180 rock chips from prospective outcrops at Woolshed Creek area and the upper reaches of Gorge Creek and were greatly encouraged by the general prospectivity of the region. The lab results for this work are due in October 2023.

Within the upper reaches of the Gorge Creek catchment area, the creek system divides into western and eastern tributaries. While undertaking sampling work in the western tributary, the field team noted visible gold up to the dividing range spur, and acquired a number of small gold nuggets up to 11 grams in weight. A targeted soil sampling program is now underway across the spur to identify the source of this gold.

The Company has also undertaken detailed outcrop mapping and rock chip sampling within the Woolshed Creek area which is located north west of Reedy Creek (see Figure Three above). A series of parallel creeks showing gold values backed up by visible gold were identified previously, and a rock chip located in a narrow-mineralised vein returned 4.73 g/t Au. The field team returned to this vein during the September 2023 work programme to map out and rock chip sample other similar small veins running in parallel. Results from this work are expected in October 2023. Although it is unlikely that all veins will be gold-bearing, the Board and field team are of the opinion that the trend of previous stream results in the area along the strike of outcrop provides sufficient evidence to mark out the zone as an area of high prospectivity. A follow-up soil sampling grid over this strike area is planned shortly.


The exploration season in North Queensland typically ends by December 2023 with the onset of the tropical wet season and with flooding preventing access. Before this, our exploration work plan is shown below with the objective being to gather sufficient data to be analysed whilst the team are off-site during the wet season to identify the broader exploration potential of the region.

  1. Soil sampling programme across the creeks at the head of Gorge Creek West.
  2. Ridge and spur sampling across the best Niobium soil anomalies at the Oaky Creek prospect.
  3. Soil Sampling over the Woolshed Creek headwaters.


This announcement has been reviewed by Adam Jones, Technical Director of Exploration at ECR Minerals plc. Adam Jones is a professional geologist and is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (MAIG). He is a qualified person as that term is defined by the AIM Note for Mining, Oil and Gas Companies.




ECR Minerals plc Tel: +44 (0) 20 7929 1010
David Tang, Non-Executive Chairman

Nick Tulloch, Managing Director

Andrew Scott, Director



Website: www.ecrminerals.com
WH Ireland Ltd   Tel: +44 (0) 207 220 1666
Nominated Adviser

Katy Mitchell / Andrew de Andrade

SI Capital Ltd Tel: +44 (0) 1483 413500
Nick Emerson
Novum Securities Limited  Tel: +44 (0) 20 7399 9425

Jon Belliss

Brand Communications Tel: +44 (0) 7976 431608
Public & Investor Relations
Alan Green
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