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Poolbeg Pharma #POLB – Growing a Capital Light Company. CEO Jeremy Skillington talks to Alan Green

Poolbeg Pharma #POLB – CEO Jeremy Skillington talks to Alan Green, and explains the ‘capital light’ model used by the company to grow the business. Jeremy talks about the three licensing deals signed by the company over the past few months, including the option agreement to licence MelioVac, the tie up with AnaBio Technologies and today’s announcement that Poolbeg has in-licenced a first-in-class RNA-based immunotherapy for respiratory virus infections developed at the University of Warwick. Finally Jeremy covers the company cash position and upcoming milestones for investors to watch out for.

Pharma Times – Poolbeg Pharma dives into nasally administered antivirals

Poolbeg Pharma plc #POLB featured in The Pharma Times following this morning’s announcement on our exclusive licence signed with University of Warwick for broad spectrum #rna -based immunotherapy for respiratory virus infections…

Full article here



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