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UF radiation oncologist targets tumors with precision – Advanced Oncotherapy

University of Florida Health News

As medical director of the University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute in Jacksonville, Nancy Mendenhall, M.D., not only helps heal cancer patients, but also researches innovative cancer treatments.

A UF College of Medicine faculty member since 1985, Mendenhall served as the chair of the department of radiation oncology for 13 years. Now the associate chair of the department of radiation oncology at UF Health Jacksonville, she helped inspire the development of the UF Proton Therapy Institute, which is affiliated with the UF Health Cancer Center. Currently, Mendenhall is responsible for the day-to-day clinical operations of the institute.

More than 5,000 patients have been treated at the institute since it opened in 2006. Of those, 97 percent have been involved in some kind of clinical study investigating the effects of proton therapy treatment.

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Advanced Oncotherapy – US cancer treatment centre targets China for proton therapy

AVO1US cancer treatment centre targets China for proton therapy

In its efforts to attract more international cancer patients to Jacksonville, the University of Florida Health Proton Therapy Institute has held its first-ever symposium in China.

Representatives for the institute had a two-week visit to China where they met with health care providers to talk about proton therapy and the research that proves its advantage in treating certain forms of cancer. The target is adults and children from China.

The UF Health Proton Institute sees a minimum of 100 patients a day, many of them from countries outside the USA that, like China, do not have access to proton beam therapy, which targets cancer cells with pin-point precision.

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