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Vodafone, SSE and Inflation with Alan Green #VOD #SSE #BRES


The UK Investor Magazine Podcast is joined by Alan Green to discuss UK shares and leading market themes.

We start by drilling down into the latest inflation data and what it means for shares in the medium term given the Bank of England will have little choice but to hike rates in December.

The Podcast features two FTSE 100 dividend payers that will be of great interest to UK equity income seekers in Vodafone and SSE.

Vodafone now provides not only a very respectable dividend, but after producing a 5% revenue increase in H1, there is a real prospect of capital appreciation. Vodafone rose 5% after the release of their report yesterday and retraced 2% the day after in a weak market.

Is the SSE the best play on renewable energy for UK investors looking for a blue chip company? The company has unveiled a progress report that highlights the focus on their renewables strategy with a £12.5bn strategic capital investment. Their plans have seemingly quelled short term fears of a break up pursued by activist investor Elliot.

We finally update on Blencowe Resources, including their latest funding round and an overview of their resources.

Vodafone, SSE and Inflation with Alan Green

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