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#BRES Blencowe Resources PLC – Hydropower Study Confirms Sustainable, Low-Cost Power Supply for Orom-Cross

Blencowe Resources Plc (LSE: BRES) is pleased to announce the completion of an initial hydropower study for its Orom-Cross Graphite Project in Uganda. The study confirms the availability of abundant, low-cost, and renewable hydropower from the Ugandan national grid, providing a strategic advantage for the Project’s future mining and processing operations. This marks a major step towards Blencowe’s commitment to sustainability and its ambition to deliver a net-zero graphite operation.

Key Findings of the Hydropower Study

·    Plentiful renewable energy: Two high-capacity power transmission spurs extend to the regional grid near to Orom-Cross, one from the Bujagali Hydroelectric Dam in Jinga and the other from the Isimba Hydroelectric Dam, both located on the Nile River. This ensures a reliable supply of renewable energy to Orom-Cross, including redundancy.

·    Low Cost Advantage: Uganda’s hydropower tariffs are significantly lower than regional African comparisons, positioning Orom-Cross as one of the lowest-cost graphite producers globally.

·    Ample Capacity: Uganda currently has over 1,000 MW of installed hydropower capacity, with additional hydro-projects underway. Orom-Cross’s power demand of 12MW (Phase 2) rising to 40MW at full production can be comfortably accommodated.

·    Advancing towards Power Purchase Agreement (PPA): The Company is now working towards securing a long-term PPA with Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Limited (UETCL) to formalise the supply of low-cost hydroelectricity for the Project.

·    Net-zero Potential: Access to 100% renewable energy for strengthens Blencowe’s ability to achieve net-zero production, making Orom-Cross one of the most environmentally responsible graphite projects globally, a critical factor for funding providers and offtake partners in Europe and North America.

Strategic Importance of Hydropower for Orom-Cross

Reliable, green, and cost-effective energy is a major advantage as Blencowe moves towards first production in 2026. Orom-Cross will require 12MW for Phase 2 commercial scale production, scaling to 40MW at full ramp up, making power a critical cost factor.  The study reinforces confidence that Orom-Cross can operate with one of the lowest carbon footprints in the graphite sector, aligning with global ESG and sustainability standards.

Hydropower access strengthens Blencowe’s appeal to OEMs, battery manufacturers, and critical mineral end-users seeking to secure sustainable supply chains. It also enhances discussions with potential offtake and funding partners, particularly in Europe and North America where securing non-China supply is a priority.

Downstream Beneficiation

A key differentiator for Orom-Cross is Blencowe’s plan to develop a beneficiation facility near the Karuma Power Station, (190kms from site) in partnership with one of the most world’s leading SPG producers (“SPG Partner”).  This facility will upgrade 96% small fines graphite concentrate to 99.95% SPG (spheronised purified graphite) significantly increasing value and returns.

A low-cost, high-capacity power source is essential for this process.  Blencowe intends to leverage its SPG Partner’s proven thermal purification technology which requires considerable energy.  This technology eliminates the need for acid leaching and avoids associated environmental concerns.

The availability of abundant, cost-effective hydropower makes this downstream processing strategy viable and highly competitive, reinforcing Orom-Cross’s position ahead as a premier graphite supplier.

Next Steps

Blencowe will continue discussions with UETCL and the Ugandan Government to finalise a PPA and integrate renewable energy planning into the ongoing Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS). Additional studies will be conducted to assess potential power demand scenarios as Orom-Cross scales up production.

Executive Chairman Cameron Pearce commented:

“Access to abundant, low-cost hydropower directly from Uganda’s national grid represents a major strategic advantage for Orom-Cross. This will enable us to operate sustainably with one of the lowest carbon footprints in the graphite sector while keeping production costs highly competitive.”

“We are committed to building one of the world’s most ESG-friendly graphite projects, and securing clean energy is a critical milestone towards that goal. With work now progressing to formalise a PPA, we are securing ensuring a long-term, sustainable power solution that aligns with our development timeline.”


The integration of hydropower into the Orom-Cross development plan underscores Blencowe’s strategic vision to establish a low-cost, high-purity, and net-zero graphite operation. As the Company advances its DFS and project financing discussions, securing sustainable energy further enhances Orom-Cross’s appeal to global investors, end-users

Blencowe remains focused on delivering a world-class graphite project with industry-leading sustainability credentials and looks forward to providing further updates as the PPA process advances.

Generating Opportunity-- ChinAfrica

Figure 1:  Isimba Hydroelectric Power Station, Uganda



For further information please contact:


  Blencowe Resources Plc

Sam Quinn



Tel: +44 (0)1624 681 250


Investor Relations

Sasha Sethi

Tel: +44 (0) 7891 677 441



Tavira Financial 

Jonathan Evans

Tel: +44 (0)20 3192 1733




Twitter https://twitter.com/BlencoweRes

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/72382491/admin/


Orom-Cross Graphite Project

Orom-Cross is a potential world class graphite project both by size and end-product quality, with a high component of more valuable larger coarse flakes within the deposit.

A 21-year Mining Licence for the project was issued by the Ugandan Government in 2019 following extensive historical work on the deposit.  Blencowe completed a successful Pre-Feasibility Study on the Project in July 2022 and is now within the Definitive Feasibility Study phase as it drives towards first production.

Orom-Cross presents as a large, shallow open-pitable deposit, with an initial JORC Indicated & Inferred Mineral Resource of 24.5Mt @ 6.0% TGC (Total Graphite Content). This Resource has been defined from only ~2% of the total tenement area which presents considerable upside potential ahead.  Development of the resource is expected to benefit from a low strip ratio and free dig operations together with abundant inexpensive hydro-electric power off the national grid, thereby ensuring low operating costs.  With all major infrastructure available at or near to site the capital costs will also be relatively low in comparison to most graphite peers.

In 3Q 2024 Blencowe introduced a Joint Venture concept with experienced downstream graphite processing partners to ultimately produce upgraded 99.95% SPG in Uganda.  This strategy has several key advantages plus substantial cost savings which will assist deliver a world class project once DFS is completed.

#BRES Blencowe Resources PLC – Commencement of Drilling

Blencowe Resources Plc (“Blencowe” or the “Company”), is pleased to announce that drilling has now commenced on the Phase 7 exploration programme at its Orom-Cross graphite project in Uganda. This 6,750 metre campaign will be the final drilling programme for the purposes of completing the DFS and establishing an updated JORC Resource to support the expanded mining operations at Orom-Cross.


·    6,750 metre programme designed to substantially increase both Resources and Reserves for inclusion into Definitive Feasibility Study (“DFS”).

·    Infill drilling on existing deposits to upgrade resource base and classification of all Inferred materials to Indicated and Measured.

·    Drilling of new high grade target deposits to define additional Resources.

·    Geotechnical drilling for confirmation of pit slope parameters for mine planning.

·    Trenching and mapping over licences for future resource targeting

·    Upgrade of access roads for all weather access.

·    Permanent exploration camp to be commissioned.

The Phase 7 programme will involve drilling over the identified Camp Lode and Northern Syncline deposits, where the Company has already established an existing JORC Resource of 24.5Mt @ 6%. The objective of this drilling is primarily to upgrade existing Indicated and Inferred resources to Measured, under the JORC guidelines.

The Company will also target extensions to the Northern Syncline (Western Limb) as well as the exciting new prospective Southern GT-01 target. Whilst the current average grade of 6% at Orom-Cross is already in the top quartile globally of graphite projects, historical work undertaken by the Company has highlighted the potential for even higher grades in these areas.

As a component of the programme several holes will be drilled to provide the necessary geotechnical information for the confirmation of pit design parameters and slope stability parameters for the project. These holes will also double as Resource definition information. The drilling and subsequent assessment will be undertaken by local Ugandan drilling firm ADT Drilling, whilst Minrom Consulting from South Africa will undertake the geological assessment alongside Middindi Consulting. Both ADT and Minrom have been associated with the Orom-Cross project since 2012 and have a solid understanding of the project.

Other works planned as part of this programme include trenching and mapping on additional areas outlined from aeromagnetics, designed to identify further areas for future resource expansion, noting the existing JORC Resource sits on just ~2% (as drilled to date) of the broader Orom-Cross licence.

The Company has also commissioned the establishment of a permanent exploration camp onsite, with portable units for accommodation and messing being erected onsite to support ongoing operations.  These constitute the first fixed facilities on-site, representing a key milestone for Blencowe as it drives Orom-Cross towards first production.

Executive Chairman Cameron Pearce commented:

“We have now started the latest drilling programme at Orom-Cross after considerable preparation work undertaken during December.  This extensive campaign will be one of the last key components to wrapping up the DFS and we aim to deliver considerably larger Resources and Reserves to support the higher production levels expected, as well as a longer life of mine.

“We remain on track to complete the DFS in H1 2025 and we expect to begin reporting drilling results during the current quarter.”

Map 1:  Orom-Cross drill programs, including Phase 7 and the new GT 01a drill target 

A map of a city Description automatically generated with medium confidence

 For further information please contact:


 Blencowe Resources Plc

 Sam Quinn



Tel: +44 (0)1624 681 250



Investor Relations

Sasha Sethi

Tel: +44 (0) 7891 677 441



Tavira Financial

Jonathan Evans

Tel: +44 (0)20 3192 1733



First Equity Limited

Jason Robertson

Tel: +44(0)20 7330 1833



Twitter https://twitter.com/BlencoweRes

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/72382491/admin/


Orom-Cross Graphite Project

Orom-Cross is a potential world class graphite project both by size and end-product quality, with a high component of more valuable larger flakes within the deposit.

A 21-year Mining Licence for the project was issued by the Ugandan Government in 2019 following extensive historical work on the deposit and Blencowe is now within the Definitive Feasibility Study phase as it drives towards first production.

Orom-Cross presents as a large, shallow open-pitable deposit, with a maiden JORC Indicated & Inferred Mineral Resource deposit of 24.5Mt @ 6.0% Total Graphite Content. Development of the resource is expected to benefit from a low strip ratio and free dig operations, thereby ensuring lower operating and capital costs.

In 3Q 2024 Blencowe introduced a Joint Venture concept with experienced downstream graphite processing partners to ultimately produce upgraded 99.95% SPG (spheronised, purified graphite) in Uganda.  This strategy has several key advantages including additional returns and substantial cost savings which will assist deliver a world class project once DFS is completed.

Blencowe also announced full Minerals Security Partnership (MSP) accreditation in 2024 which provides additional tier-one credibility plus further support from this highly influential quasi-Government organisation.  Together with the US$5 million grant funds received from the US Government via the Development Finance Corporation, the Company is building unique and solid relationships to assist with funding solutions for Orom-Cross project implementation.

#BRES Blencowe Resources PLC – 6,700m Drilling Programme to Commence

Blencowe Resources Plc (LSE: BRES) is pleased to announce that it has commenced the 6,700 metre resource drilling programme, marking the final major workstream required for the completion of the Definitive Feasibility Study (“DFS”) for the Orom-Cross graphite project in Uganda.

With the funding received from the recent capital raise the Company has now triggered the drilling programme, seeking a significant expansion of the JORC Standard Resource and Reserves for Orom-Cross.  The drill programme will target extensions to the existing Northern Syncline and Camp Lode deposits as well as upgrading the overall Resource classification.  There will also be a step-out campaign to outline additional resources in a nearby target zone which, if successful, will add an exciting new high grade deposit into the Orom-Cross Resource.

The additional Reserves will allow Blencowe to both increase the scale of production tonnage earlier in the mine life and to extend the life of mine, delivering a substantial impact on project economics and the final DFS results.


·    Value Addition: Additional resources will underscore the scale and continuity of the graphite deposit at Orom-Cross, estimated at 2-3 billion tonnes overall.

·    Step-Out: Drilling in new target areas within the tenement aims to increase mineral resource and confirm extensions within this vast graphite deposit.

·    Further Resources and Reserves: Incremental drilling on the existing deposits can significantly increase the JORC Standard Reserve, translating to higher production volumes and an extended life of mine

·    Enhanced DFS Economics: Increased production volumes and longer life of mine would have a materially positive impact on the DFS result.


Blencowe has commenced mobilisation and execution for its latest drilling campaign at the Orom-Cross project.  Experienced drilling partner ADT Africa (www.adtafrica.com) will once again undertake this programme, under the guidance of Minrom Consulting (www.minrom.com), Blencowe’s geological and technical partner.

The programme aims to expand both the JORC Standard Resource and Reserves, which currently stand at 24.5Mt at 6.0%TC (total carbon).  Drilling will also support data required for geotechnical design confirmation for pit designs, as well as material strength characteristics for crushing and milling designs within the DFS.

ADT Africa will now mobilise drill rigs and personnel to site shortly and commence drilling thereafter.  The entire programme is scheduled to span approximately 2-3 months, with regular market updates to follow.  A revised JORC Resource is anticipated after drilling and assays are completed.  Additionally, Blencowe will establish the first permanent camp at Orom-Cross, in preparation for the construction phase, targeted for 2H 2025.


Cameron Pearce, Executive Chairman, commented;

“We are confident this programme will significantly extend our JORC Resource and Reserve base and we will be working closely with our technical partners to deliver the best results possible in the shortest timeframe, feeding directly into the DFS.  We are especially excited to be drilling a new deposit which may ultimately deliver further higher grade tonnes into our project.  Higher production volumes will make a substantial difference to the NPV within the DFS modelling.” 


“As a result of successfully completing bulk sample test work over the past 12 months to become pre-qualified, combined with our evolving downstream SPG strategy that will give Orom-Cross a nearby offtaker for life of mine, we can now expect sell more product than we originally believed was possible within the PFS.  This increase in demand supports our decision to build up Reserves beyond initial PFS expectations, aligning with the significant market need for high-quality graphite.”



For further information please contact:


  Blencowe Resources Plc

Sam Quinn



Tel: +44 (0)1624 681 250


Investor Relations

Sasha Sethi

Tel: +44 (0) 7891 677 441



Tavira Financial 

Jonathan Evans

Tel: +44 (0)20 3192 1733




Twitter https://twitter.com/BlencoweRes

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/72382491/admin/




Orom-Cross Graphite Project

Orom-Cross is a potential world class graphite project both by size and end-product quality, with a high component of more valuable larger coarse flakes within the deposit.

A 21-year Mining Licence for the project was issued by the Ugandan Government in 2019 following extensive historical work on the deposit.  Blencowe completed a successful Pre-Feasibility Study on the Project in July 2022 and is now within the Definitive Feasibility Study phase as it drives towards first production.

Orom-Cross presents as a large, shallow open-pitable deposit, with an initial JORC Indicated & Inferred Mineral Resource of 24.5Mt @ 6.0% TGC (Total Graphite Content). This Resource has been defined from only ~2% of the total tenement area which presents considerable upside potential ahead.  Development of the resource is expected to benefit from a low strip ratio and free dig operations together with abundant inexpensive hydro-electric power off the national grid, thereby ensuring low operating costs.  With all major infrastructure available at or near to site the capital costs will also be relatively low in comparison to most graphite peers.

In 3Q 2024 Blencowe introduced a Joint Venture concept with experienced downstream graphite processing partners to ultimately produce upgraded 99.95% SPG in Uganda.  This strategy has several key advantages plus substantial cost savings which will assist deliver a world class project once DFS is completed.

#BRES Blencowe Resources PLC – MoU signed for Graphite Beneficiation in Uganda

Blencowe Resources (LSE: BRES.L) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with Singaporean graphite sales and marketing specialist Triessence Limited (“Triessence”) and a leading Asian SPG and Anode material producer (“SPG Partner”). This partnership aims to establish Joint Venture (JV) for a graphite beneficiation facility in Uganda producing 99.95% purified graphite for lithium-ion batteries. This venture will set Blencowe apart from competitors focused solely on producing graphite concentrate and provides a life-of-mine offtake partner near the Orom-Cross Project, offering significant additional commercial advantages.

With this JV, Blencowe’s has strategically aligned with two highly experienced Asian graphite specialists to ensure successful delivery.


·      JV Formation: Blencowe and Triessence will each hold a 50% stake in in the SPG facility, with the SPG Partner providing operational expertise. Blencowe retains 100% ownership of Orom-Cross.

·      Value Addition: Upgrading 96% graphite concentrate to high-value battery ready 99.95% uncoated SPG significantly enhances commercial returns compared to selling concentrate.

·      Risk Mitigation: Partnering with graphite industry experts mitigates operational risk.

·      Capital Investment:  Triessence will fund 50% of capital costs for the SPG facility.

·      SPG Offtake Secured: Triessence will purchase all end product, ensuring consistent revenue and premium pricing for some of the first 99.95% SPG produced ex-China.

·      Non-China Focus: SPG product ultimately to be sold to OEMs outside China via Triessence, providing strong political, commercial and funding advantages.

·      Next steps:  Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) for the SPG facility will be integrated with Orom-Cross DFS for a comprehensive development strategy.


Executive Chairman Cameron Pearce commented:

Blencowe has long recognised the substantial advantages downstream upgrading of graphite in-country can offer and securing experienced partners who have the expertise to help us deliver successful SPG production was essential.  I am delighted to say that this MOU is another significant milestone in enhancing both the value and distinctiveness for our Company.”

“Our JV team will now focus on the SPG facility feasibility study and integrating it with the Orom-Cross DFS, providing a comprehensive solution that adds considerable value.  We anticipate minimal additional costs for this study as we are utilising our partners’ existing vast experience for all costings and design work, and no further bulk sample testing or further resource drilling is needed.”


In-Country SPG Strategy

Selling 99.95% uncoated SPG (spheronised purified graphite) unlocks significantly higher returns than small flake 96% concentrate, leveraging the value from additional processing. Providing high-value SPG products into world markets, and particularly products generated outside of China, addresses a significant market gap, especially if China restricts purified graphite exports.

Blencowe’s exclusive sale of Orom-Cross concentrate to the proposed SPG facility ensures a life-of-mine offtake partner, whilst also allowing the Company to benefit by participating in the downstream sale of higher-value 99.95% uncoated SPG products.  As one of the only ex-China producers of uncoated SPG this facility will likely command premium prices from OEMs seeking to diversify their SPG supply chains outside of China.

This downstream SPG strategy focuses only on upgrading the lower value small flake concentrate, which is roughly half of Orom-Cross’s output, while the more valuable large flake concentrate will continue to be sold into traditional graphite markets as concentrate.  Blencowe recently announced its first MOU for sale of 15,000tpa large flake concentrate.


SPG Joint Venture

A new Ugandan company will be established for the JV to develop the SPG facility.

A feasibility study for the SPG facility, using Orom-Cross concentrate, will be initiated and will leverage the SPG Partner’s experience for costing and design work, with Blencowe handling in-country requirements.  With the upgrade of substantial Orom-Cross concentrate to uncoated SPG as part of the 600-tonne bulk sample test process, a key part of the technical DFS has already been completed and paid for.  This SPG study will later integrate into the broader Orom-Cross DFS, aligning both projects.  Triessence will finance 50% of construction and handle international SPG sales.  The SPG Partner, a global leader and one of the largest graphite companies in the world currently producing around 100,000tpa of uncoated SPG, will oversee operations under a management contract.

The SPG facility’s proximity to the Orom-Cross mine considerably reduces logistics costs for Blencowe and access to low-cost Ugandan hydropower supports a premium grade green 99.95% SPG product.

Commercial Advantages

By channelling Orom-Cross small flake concentrate into the nearby JV SPG facility Blencowe bypasses pricing pressures that other graphite peers will face selling their concentrate into competitive Asian markets.  This will secure both sales volumes and favourable market pricing for Orom-Cross.

With a 50% stake in the SPG facility, Blencowe will further benefit from selling uncoated 99.95% SPG at a higher ~US$2,000 per tonne compared to ~US$500 per tonne for 96% concentrate. Proximity to the SPG facility will materially lower Orom-Cross current logistics and operating costs, enhancing overall project economics.

This downstream processing strategy, backed by experienced partners, may attract additional funding options from entities who recognise this long-term value opportunity.  The U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) remains the preferred funding partner for Orom-Cross and supports this strategy, as does the Ugandan Government.  Both offer valuable backing.


For further information please contact:

  Blencowe Resources Plc

 Sam Quinn



Tel: +44 (0)1624 681 250


Investor Relations

Sasha Sethi

Tel: +44 (0) 7891 677 441


Tavira Financial

Jonathan Evans

Tel: +44 (0)20 3192 1733


#BRES Blencowe Resources PLC – Final Metallurgical Testing Programs

Commencement of Final Metallurgical Testing Programs for Orom-Cross Graphite Project as samples sent to both China and USA.


·    20kgs of concentrate sent by air to technical experts Wuhan University of Technology (“WUT”) in China to begin final metallurgical test procedure.

·    This concentrate is the end product recently produced by IMO in Perth, which demonstrated high grade and low impurity chemical characteristics.

·    Preliminary testing on the 20kg sample to commence immediately in China ahead of 100-tonnes bulk sample studies, which will be sent to China in the near term.

·    Additional 5kgs of concentrate sent to leading US graphite technical firm American Energy Technologies Co. (“AET Co”) for SPG and expandables testing and to confirm Orom-Cross concentrate further upgrades efficiently to a >99.95% battery grade product.

Blencowe Resources Plc (“Blencowe Resources” or the “Company”) (LSE: BRES) is pleased to announce it has air-freighted 20kgs of concentrate from its Orom-Cross Graphite Project (“Orom-Cross”) to WUT in China, to commence final stage metallurgical testing.  Studies on this 20kgs concentrate, which was recently processed through the IMO test facility in Perth, will further define the characteristics of the Orom-Cross graphite product and is expected to ultimately lead to identifying offtake parties and thereafter signing binding offtake agreements for the sale of graphite concentrate.

WUT specialises in testing final concentrate products and defining their characteristics, in order to fine tune processing options and assess upgradability for use in batteries and other high value end applications. WUT works in close association with Jilin Huiyang New Material Technology Company (“Jilin”) who, as announced on 11 January 2023, are to receive 100 tonnes of raw material from Orom-Cross over the next few months to process through their existing processing facilities.  Blencowe will also send 150kgs of raw material to Jilin by air-freight as a precursor to the main bulk sample.

By sending this 20kgs prior to the 100 tonnes bulk sample Jilin will be able to better understand the properties and chemical characteristics of the Orom-Cross concentrate and will be able to adjust their pilot processing facility accordingly to take in the larger scale raw product when it arrives later. This testing by WUT/Jilin is expected to reconfirm historic results, which have demonstrated the concentrate from Orom-Cross is of a consistently high quality.

Once the 100 tonnes raw material is processed through Jilin’s facility it is anticipated that ~6 tonnes of high quality concentrate will be produced. This will represent a sample scale that is ~600 times larger than the 4Q 2022 IMO testing done in Perth and will confirm a high quality concentrate can be delivered in bulk from the Orom-Cross Project.  This is key to pre-qualification and securing future offtake agreements.

Jilin is also expected to use some of the ~6 tonnes concentrate to conduct spheronised purified graphite (SPG) testing, where the Orom-Cross concentrate is lifted from a 96-97% LOI to a >99.95% end product.  Once this is achieved and the OEM’s complete their own testing then Orom-Cross product may be deemed as pre-qualified and the Company will look to enter into binding offtake agreements for sale of products.

Blencowe is also now sending an additional 5kgs of concentrate to Chicago-based graphite specialist AET Co, which is a recognised industry expert in SPG and expandability testing.  AET Co has been directly involved in the upgrading of graphite concentrates for over a decade and is generally accepted as one of the leading technical specialists in graphite worldwide.  Blencowe will have a parallel test process occurring to ensure that it ultimately achieves the best possible outcome for upgrading concentrate to the >99.95% SPG product.  The AET Co testing is expected to take around 3 months to complete, after which Blencowe will know its end product has been tested all the way through to (lithium-ion) battery grade product.  Testing will also be done on the coarse flake products to ensure they are suitable for expandability, which will ultimately lead to offtake contracts for this higher-value product class also.

As lithium-ion batteries are expected to be the single most important demand pull for graphite ahead, completing QAQC to become certified as battery grade will be a significant milestone. Blencowe is confident its concentrate will successfully be highlighted as a low cost and pure SPG product once these tests have been completed, thereby commanding the best pricing.


Cameron Pearce, Executive Chairman commented;

We are now moving into the final stage of the Orom-Cross metallurgical work within the Definitive Feasibility Study, where our high quality 96-97% LOI concentrate will be upgraded to a more purified >99.95% product.  Beyond that there is only testing as required from the OEMs themselves to verify all data and if successful thereafter we can move to offtake agreements.  We are confident that our Orom-Cross concentrate will be verified ahead as a high-quality end-product and look forward to sharing the results of all of these tests once they are completed.


He added “Graphite demand is lifting fast and we believe it will continue to do so ahead.  The higher the quality of the end product the more likely we can lock in sales agreements and the better the prices we will achieve.  We expect graphite demand to continue to rise and shortages to unfold as there are only a limited number of new graphite projects with suitable, qualified end product moving into production over the medium term, and most resource analysts are forecasting a substantial deficit from 2025 which they predict will become even more pronounced by the end of the decade.”


For further information please contact:



Blencowe Resources Plc

Sam Quinn



Tel: +44 (0)1624 681 250


Investor Relations

Sasha Sethi

Tel: +44 (0) 7891 677 441



Tavira Financial 

Jonathan Evans

Tel: +44 (0)20 3192 1733



First Equity Limited

Jason Robertson

Tel: +44(0)20 7330 1833



Twitter https://twitter.com/BlencoweRes

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/72382491/admin/


Orom-Cross Graphite Project

Orom-Cross is a potential world class graphite project both by size and end-product quality, with a high component of more valuable larger coarse flakes within the deposit.

A 21-year Mining Licence for the Project was issued by the Ugandan Government in 2019 following extensive historical work on the deposit and Blencowe completed a successful Pre-Feasibility Study in 2022.  The Company has now moved into the Definitive Feasibility Study phase as it drives towards first production.

Orom-Cross presents as a large, shallow open-pitable deposit, with a maiden JORC Indicated & Inferred Mineral Resource deposit of 24.5Mt @ 6.0% Total Graphite Content, with only a small percentage of the overall deposit drilled to date. Development of the resource is expected to benefit from a low strip ratio and free dig operations, thereby ensuring lower operating and capital costs.

#BRES Blencowe Resources Plc – Annual Results 30 September 2022 & Notice of AGM

Blencowe Resources Plc, (“Blencowe Resources” or the “Company”) (LSE: BRES) is pleased to announce its audited financial results for the year ended 30 September 2022 (the “Annual Report”) and it’s notice of Annual General Meeting (“Notice of AGM”).

The Annual Report, Notice of AGM and the associated Form of Proxy will be posted to shareholders and copies will also be available on the Company’s website at shortly.

The Annual General Meeting will be held at 55 Athol Street, Douglas, Isle of Man at 10.00a.m. on 15 February 2023.

For further information, please contact: 

Blencowe Resources

Sam Quinn



Tel: +44 (0) 1624 681 250



Investor Enquiries

Sasha Sethi

Tel: +44 (0) 7891 677 441



Tavira Securities Limited

Jonathan Evans

Tel: +44 (0)20 7100 5100



First Equity Limited

Jason Robertson

Tel: +44 (0)203 192 1733


Chief Executive Officer’s Statement for the period ended 30 September 2022 

Shareholders and Stakeholders,

Upon reflection these past 12 months have been one of the most challenging ever in terms of macro-market forces, particularly relating to our London listing, with Brexit fallout, Ukraine invasion, rising inflation and subsequent interest raises to counter these, and a choppy political landscape with no less than two UK Prime Ministers in Number 10 during the reporting period, all to deal with.  This is before we manage our own internal project.

Nevertheless, it has proven to me once again that the Board and Executive Management of Blencowe are a very resourceful team, together with our key supporters, and we jointly have considerable experience dealing with all manner of challenges relating to resources development over many years, so none of this was going to get in our way and prevent the continued advancement of Orom-Cross, which is fast turning into a world class graphite project.  I would like to thank the full team for everything they have contributed over this period to ensure that we remain on-track to deliver a unique and special mining operation ahead.

The Company completed a second diamond drill programme in 2021 which resulted in a JORC Mineral Resource upgrade in 1H 2022 up to 24.5Mt of graphite at a 6.0% in situ average grade.  It must be noted that this JORC Resource has resulted from exploration on circa 1-2% of the estimated overall Orom-Cross deposit which illustrates how much graphite there is at site, and the incredible upside potential that exists to extend both mine life and production volumes in the years ahead.

Further excellent metallurgical test work by SGS in Canada resulted in proving Orom-Cross can upgrade to a very pure concentrate around 96-97% LOI from the composite mix of the two deposits (Northern Syncline and Camp Lode) and equally importantly with high recoveries and low impurities.  These will assist greatly in taking the end product through final testing ahead to the 99.95% SPG (spherical purified graphite) product that is used in the production of lithium-ion batteries, which is by far the largest demand accelerator for graphite use ahead.  To prove Orom-Cross can deliver a high grade end product is key to getting pre-qualification for sales and ultimately delivering binding offtake agreements within the Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) in 2023.  These test results also proved that our end product retains a high percentage of coarse (large) flakes that sell for significantly more than the smaller flakes, and which will help us deliver a higher weighted average selling price for the full basket of end products.  In the words of one of our key marketing consultants who has been closely involved in graphite for over 30 years, Orom-Cross displays one of the best concentrates he has ever seen, and thus should be well received by end users as we move to showcase our products in 2023.

The 24.5Mt JORC Resource underpinned a successful Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) conducted over 1H 2022, which delivered exceptional results from an initial 14 year life of mine.  As noted above this LOM can and will be greatly extended in the future with additional drilling, when required.  Some of the highlights of this PFS included low overall operating costs (US$499/t FOB port), high weighted average selling price (US$1,307/t) and from these very healthy margins which delivered an NPV8 of US$482M and an IRR8 of 49%.  The initial capital requirement for all plant and infrastructure to deliver this was reduced (from PEA/2021: US$80M) to US$62M which makes the start-up proposition more feasible. Nothing was highlighted within the PFS that might derail this project and as such the Company moved into the next and final studies phase, the Definitive Feasibility Study.

The DFS was initially going to include a pilot plant at site, which could start-up graphite operations on a smaller scale and provide product for end user screening, to ultimately become pre-qualified for more substantial sales contracts later on.  However, Blencowe more recently uncovered sources who had successfully bulk sample tested other graphite projects in existing pilot plant facilities in China, with resultant binding contracts once fully completed.  As China currently represents around 95% of the end market for graphite sales it is believed that pre-qualification into China is sensible, and as such Blencowe has decided to trial a bulk sample of 100 tonnes Orom-Cross raw material through this same facility.  This will form a key part of the DFS program in 2023 and will be followed by SPG testing, and ultimately OEM (original equipment manufacturers) testing.  These are the necessary steps to provide the basis for full sales contracts and work is already underway to deliver these bulk samples to start the process.  It is also expected that Blencowe will lock in an EPC contractor within the DFS process, and all study work will be managed and ultimately peer reviewed using the leading graphite technical specialist engineering firm based in Perth, Australia

The other key aspect of the DFS is project funding, and Blencowe has been working through various options to secure an effective and efficient funding solution for both the DFS and the full project implementation.  The Company will provide further updates to the market on this as it eventuates.

Finally, the world is changing fast and within this moving landscape is an increased awareness in ESG (environmental, social and governance) aspects.  These are becoming very important as everyone from potential investors to funding partners to end users all require a life cycle sustainable project with an end product that can meet specific standards.  Blencowe has many advantages in this regard, including use of green (hydro) energy, solid community agreements and most importantly an awareness of the need to constantly evolve in this key area.  An initial ESG review has already been conducted in 2022 using a leading international firm and sustainability will play a big role in the future development of Orom-Cross.

All the work delivered over this year has transformed Orom-Cross from an early stage exploration project to an advanced pre-production powerhouse.  In the wider context this is important as the global shift away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy provides a huge opportunity ahead for Orom-Cross, and Blencowe wants to position this exceptional project at the forefront of its peers in all aspects.  As demand for lithium-ion batteries accelerates over the next decade and hundreds of gigafactories that will manufacture these batteries open their doors and begin demanding huge volumes of input materials, the forecast demand for flake graphite is anticipated to grow exponentially.

Blencowe is moving quickly to establish itself as the proud owner of one of the largest, highest quality, low cost flake graphite projects in the world.  The future is therefore very exciting.

Mike Ralston

Chief Executive office

Strategic Report

The Directors present the Strategic Report for the year ended 30 September 2022.


The results are set out in the Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income. The total comprehensive loss attributable to the equity holders of the Group for the period was £1,089,679 (2021: £691,064).

The Group paid no distribution or dividends during the period.

Business model, review of the business and future developments

The Group’ principal activity is the exploration of Orom Cross Graphite Project in Northern Uganda, which it owns through its 100% subsidiary Blencowe Resources Uganda Limited.

On 22 February 2022 the Group entered into an agreement with SIPA Exploration Uganda Ltd to acquire a Nickel Sulphide Project in Uganda (Akelikongo). The company was to acquire a 100% of the project through an earn-in over four separate milestones. The earn in investment required the company to spend US$2.75million over a period of 3 years to acquire a 100% of the project.

On 6 September 2022 the Company announced that it had terminated the agreement with SIPA Exploration Uganda Ltd with respect to the Nickel project and it was no longer required to meet any of the spend obligations. A total amount of £404,533 had been spent and capitalised with respect to the Akelikongo project and this was fully impaired to the profit and loss during the year.

The Group’s aim is to create value for shareholders through the discovery and development of economic mineral deposits.  The Group’s strategy is to continue to progress the development of its existing project in Uganda and to evaluate its existing and new mineral resource opportunities.

The Group’s business is directed by the Board and is managed on a day-to-day basis by the Executive Chairman, Cameron Pearce.  The Board monitors compliance with objectives and policies of the Group through performance reporting, budget updates and periodic operational reviews.

Key performance indicators (KPIs)

Financial KPIs

Results for the year

With no income in the year the Group continues to monitor the loss before tax to ensure the continued viability of the Group and ability to continue to develop the Orom-Cross Graphite Project. The Group has made a loss before tax of £1,085,474 for the year ended 30 September 2022 (2021: loss before tax of £694,726).

Exploration expenditure – funding and development costs

At this stage in the Group’s development, the Group is focusing on financing and continued development of the Orom-Cross Graphite Project. Therefore, the funding and development costs of Orom-Cross Graphite project have been chosen as Key Performance Indicators.

The Group incurred £1,423,236 (2021: £976,084) of capitalised exploration costs, of which £1,018,703 related to Orom Cross Graphite Project which were required to carry out the initial drilling costs and testing of the mineral, and £404,533 relating to the Akelikongo project. The costs relating to Akelikongo were subsequently impaired and released to the statement of comprehensive income. These exploration costs are in line with the Board expectations.

In 2022 the Group raised funds of £2,628,748 (2021: £1,373,414) net of issue costs from the equity markets.  Please see note 20 for further details of the funds raised after the year end.

At 30 September 2022 the Group had a cash balance of £346,994 (2021: £93,288).


There were two employees during the year apart from the directors, the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) and the Chief Operating Officer (“COO”), who are the key management personnel. All current members of the Board and the key management personnel are males. For more information about the Group’s key management personnel see note 7.

Social, Community and Human Rights Issues

The Orom-Cross Graphite Project is still at an early stage of project development and further consideration will need to be given to social, community and human rights issues affecting the Project. Currently a key consideration is that under Ugandan law the Company is required to rehabilitate the area affected by the mining activities. Accordingly, there will be a potential cost associated with undertaking this obligation. At this time, although the Group continues to explore and test the minerals, the land has not been affected and therefore the Group has not accounted for any costs associated with the rehabilitation of the area.

On 10 September 2022 BRUL signed a revised agreement with the local communal land association of Locomo village for the land surface rights and has agreed to help provide local education and sensitization of the local communities in Akurumo parish on the opportunities and advantages of mining graphite. BRUL will give employment priorities to the local capable members of Akurumo parish

Since the acquisition of BRUL the Group has donated to local causes, such as a scholarship programme and to fight against COVID-19. The Group will continue to donate to the local communities around the region of Uganda in which the Project Licences are located.

Principal risks and uncertainties and risk management

The Group operates in an uncertain environment and is subject to a number of risk factors. The Directors have carried out a robust assessment on the principal risks facing the Group, including those that threaten its business model, future performance, solvency or liquidity. 

The Group continues to monitor the principal risks and uncertainties with the help of specialists to ensure that any emerging risk are identified, managed and mitigated. There has been no significant impact to the Group from Covid-19 or from the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Geological risks

On 19 July 2022, the Group completed the pre- feasibility study for the Orom-Cross graphite project and a net present value (post tax) assessment of $482million has been estimated from the project. The pre-feasibility study indicates a robust, long-term, and profitable mining operation at Orom-Cross. The Pre-feasibility study was managed by leading graphite technical experts Battery Limits Pty Limited (Australia), who have delivered several other graphite project feasibility study in the past. The estimated production per annum will be 36,000tpa as 96-97% end products and increasing this to 147,000tpa in stages. It is estimated that 50% of the product is +100 to +50 mesh fractions.  The pre-feasibility study estimated a US$1,307/t weighted average selling price for a basket of end products and US$499/t operating costs, underlining one of the lowest cost graphite projects worldwide.  On 26 September 2022 the Group announced that it had commenced the definitive feasibility study with completion date 2H-2023.

The Group uses advisors with specialist knowledge in mining and related environmental management for reducing the impacts of environmental risk.

Government regulation and political risk

The Group’s operating activities are subject to laws and regulations governing expropriation of property, health and worker safety, employment standards, waste disposal, protection of the environment, mine development, land and water use, prospecting, mineral production, exports, taxes, labour standards, occupational health standards, toxic wastes, the protection of endangered and protected species and other matters.

While the Group believes that it is in substantial compliance with all material current laws and regulations affecting its activities, future changes in applicable laws, regulations, agreements or changes in their enforcement or regulatory interpretation could result in changes in legal requirements or in the terms of existing permits and agreements applicable to the Group or its properties, which could have a material adverse impact on the Group’s current operations or planned exploration and development projects. Where required, obtaining necessary permits and licences can be a complex, time consuming process and the Group cannot assure whether any necessary permits will be obtainable on acceptable terms, in a timely manner or at all. The costs and delays associated with obtaining necessary permits and complying with these permits and applicable laws and regulations could stop or materially delay or restrict the Group from proceeding with any future exploration or development of its properties. Any failure to comply with applicable laws and regulations or permits, even if inadvertent, could result in interruption or closure of exploration, development or mining operations or material fines, penalties or other liabilities.

The Orom-Cross Graphite Project is located in Uganda. The Group’s activities may be affected in varying degrees by political stability and governmental regulations. Any changes in regulations or shifts in political attitudes in the country or any other countries in which the Group may operate are beyond the control of the Group and may adversely affect its operations. To mitigate this risk, the Board continues to review any changes on the government regulations and the political stability in Uganda.

Pricing risk

The development and success of any project of the Group will be primarily dependent on the future prices of graphite. The graphite prices are subject to significant fluctuation and are affected by a number of factors which are beyond the control of the Company. Such factors include, but are not limited to exchange rates, fluctuations in the value of the United States dollar and foreign currencies, global and regional supply and demand, and political and economic conditions. The price of graphite and other commodities have fluctuated widely in recent years, and future price declines could cause any future development of and commercial production from the Group’s property to be impracticable. Although the Group will have sufficient working capital for the Working Capital Period, depending on the price of graphite, projected cash flow from planned mining operations may not be sufficient for future operations and the Group could be forced to discontinue any further development and may lose its interest in, or may be forced to sell, some or all of its properties. Future production from the Orom-Cross Graphite Project is dependent on the production of graphite that is adequate to make the project economically viable. The Board regularly monitors the prices of graphite and is prepared to raise further capital if it is required.

Commodity and currency risk

As the Company’s potential earnings will be largely derived from the sale of graphite, the Company’s future revenues and cash flows will be impacted by changes in the prices and available market of this commodity. Any substantial decline in the price of graphite or in transport or distribution costs may have a material adverse effect on the Company.

Commodity prices fluctuate and are affected by numerous factors beyond the control of the Company. These factors include current and expected future supply and demand, forward selling by producers, production cost levels in major mineral producing centers as well as macroeconomic conditions such as inflation and interest rates.

Furthermore, the international prices of most commodities are denominated in United States dollars while the Company cost base will be in Pounds Sterling and Ugandan Shilling. Consequently, changes in the Pound Sterling and Ugandan Shilling exchange rates will impact on the earnings of the Company. The exchange rates are affected by numerous factors beyond the control of the Company, including international markets, interest rates, inflation and the general economic outlook.  The Directors are confident that they have put in place a strong management team capable of dealing with the above issues as they arise.


As of October 2022, the Group has been able to raise £750,000, which will support the Group’s financial position in the short term. The Group is likely to remain cash flow negative for some time and, although the Directors have confidence in the future revenue earning potential of the Group from its interests in the Orom-Cross Graphite Project, there can be no certainty that the Group will achieve or sustain profitability or positive cash flow from its operating activities. With regards to future capital expenditure on the Orom-Cross Graphite Project, the Company may need to raise additional capital beyond the Working Capital Period to fund additional exploration work for the future development of the Orom-Cross Graphite Project.

The Group has been approached by potential strategic partners who may eventually provide an offtake, funding or development scenario for the Orom-Cross graphite project. If this is not successful, the Board may consider stopping the project until further cash can be generated.

Future mineral prices, revenues, taxes, capital expenditures and operating expenses and geological success will all be factors which will have an impact on the amount of additional capital required. Additionally, if the Group acquires further exploration assets or is granted additional permits and/or exploration licences, this may increase its financial commitments in respect of the Group’s exploration activities.

In common with many exploration entities, the Group will need to raise further funds in order to progress the Group from pre-construction phase of its business and eventually into production of revenues.

Environmental and safety

The Orom-Cross Graphite Project is still at an early stage of project development and further consideration will need to be given to environmental and social issues affecting the Orom-Cross Graphite Project. Environmental and safety legislation (e.g. in relation to reclamation, disposal of waste products, protection of wildlife and otherwise relating to environmental protection) may change in a manner that may require stricter or additional standards than those now in effect, a heightened degree of responsibility for companies and their directors and employees and more stringent enforcement of existing laws and regulations. There may also be unforeseen environmental liabilities resulting from both future and historic exploration or mining activities, which may be costly to remedy. Risks may include on-site sources of environmental contamination such as oil and fuel from the mining equipment and rehabilitation of the site upon expiry of the Project Licences. Under Ugandan law the Company is required to rehabilitate the area affected by the mining activities, accordingly there will be a potential cost associated with undertaking this obligation. It is currently unknown what this could be but the funding of this could have a material impact on the Group’s financial position in the future.

If the Group is unable to fully remedy an environmental problem, it may be required to stop or suspend operations or enter into interim compliance measures pending completion of the required remedy. The potential exposure may be significant and could have a material adverse effect on the Group.

The Group has not purchased insurance for environmental risks (including potential liability for pollution or other hazards as a result of the disposal of waste products occurring from exploration and production) as it is not generally available at a price which the Group regards as reasonable.

Environmental management systems are in place to mitigate environmental hazard risks. The Group uses advisors with specialist knowledge in mining and related environmental management for reducing the impacts of environmental risk.


Section 172 Statement


The Board believes they have acted in a way most likely to promote the success of the Group for the benefit of its members as a whole, as required by section 172.

The requirements of section 172 are or the Board to:

·      consider the likely consequences of any decision in the long term,

·      act fairly between the members of the Group,

·      maintain a reputation for high standards of business conduct,

·      consider the interest of the Group’s employees,

·      foster the Group’s relationship with suppliers, customers and others, and

·    consider the impact of the Group’s operations on the community and the environment.

The Group operates a mineral exploration business, which is inherently speculative in nature and, without regular income, is dependent upon fund-raising for its continued operation.  The pre-revenue nature of the business is important to the understanding of the Group by its members, employees and suppliers, and the Directors are as transparent about the cash position and funding requirements as is allowed under LES regulations.

The principal decisions taken by the Board during the year relate to the ongoing research and development of the Orom-Cross Graphite Project, which since its acquisition in 2020 is still at an early stage of project development. The Board has looked to build upon the information available and the exploration activities carried out by the Subsidiary prior to its acquisition. Through work such as Metallurgical testwork and preliminary economic assessment the board continues to gather information on the long-term viability of the project and the impact on the local community and the environment. The Board have outlined a work program for the future strategy of the Project. In order to carry out its strategy, the company has entered into a number of contracts with providers who are best placed to undertake the necessary research and review.

On 22 February 2022 the Group acquired project Akelikongo which is a Nickel project with SIPA this project was to be acquired in stages. The Board made a decision to terminate the agreement on 6 September 2022 so that they could focus on the Orom project, following the positive results from the pre-feasibility study. The Board believed it was a strategic decision to deliver better shareholder value by focusing its attention on bringing the Orom-graphite project to operation more quickly.

The Board is ultimately responsible for the direction, management, performance and long-term sustainable success of the Group. It sets the Group’s strategy and objective considering the interest of all its stakeholders. A good understanding of the Company’s stakeholders enables the Board to factor the potential impact of strategic decisions on each stakeholder group into a boardroom discussion. By considering the Company’s purpose, vision and values together with its strategic priorities the Board aims to make sure that its decisions are fair. The Board has always, both collectively and individually, taken decisions for the long term and consistently aims to uphold the highest standards of business conduct. Board resolutions are always determined with reference to the interests of the Company’s employees, its business relationships with suppliers and customers. Wherever possible, local communities are engaged in the geological operations and support functions required for field operations providing much needed employment and wider economic benefits to the local communities. In addition, the Group contributes annually towards a scholarship programme for the local community in Uganda. The Board takes seriously its ethical responsibilities to the communities and environment in which it works.  We abide by the local and relevant UK laws on anti-corruption and bribery.

The Group follows international best practice on environmental aspects of our work.

Cameron Pearce

12 January 2023

Link here for the detailed financial statements

#BRES Blencowe Resources Plc – Export Approval for Bulk Samples


·    Ugandan Government approves landmark one-off permit for Blencowe to export bulk sample graphite from Orom-Cross for key final testing

·    Underlines huge support for Orom-Cross advancement to production at all levels within the country

·    Blencowe has successfully completed two rounds of smaller sample metallurgical testing on Orom-Cross graphite during 2022, using technical firms in Canada and Australia.

·    Mandate signed with experienced Chinese graphite processing specialist Jilin Huiyang New Material Technology Company Ltd to use its existing bulk pilot facility for final metallurgical testing.

·    100 tonnes of bulk sample to be mined immediately and sea-freighted to China.

·    Additional 150kgs sample to be mined and fast-track delivered to China by air freight for initial off-site testing in same facility.

Blencowe Resources Plc (“Blencowe Resources” or the “Company”) (LSE: BRES) is pleased to announce it has received an approval from the Ugandan Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development to export materials from its Orom-Cross Graphite Project to Chinese testing facilities to enable final bulk metallurgical test work to be undertaken in 2023.  Blencowe has mandated Jilin Huiyang New Material Technology Company Ltd (“Jilin”) to complete this test work in their existing pilot plant facility, which negates the requirement for the Company to build its own bulk testing facility on-site in the near term.

Jilin has over 30 years direct experience in graphite processing and has completed similar bulk sample testing for other leading international graphite companies in the past.  This is a key step in the process to pre-qualify Orom-Cross end-products as concentrates through to OEMs in order to ultimately achieve binding offtake contracts for production from the Project.

As Ugandan Mining Law does not allow for the export of unprocessed raw materials this approval is a landmark decision by the Government, who fully understand the need and requirement for this testing to occur as a key action for the advancement of Orom-Cross towards first production.  Blencowe acknowledges and appreciates the support of the Government of Uganda and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development in this matter.

The export permits for 100t of bulk raw ore materials and 400 litres of local groundwater will enable the Company to export a representative bulk sample from the initial 5 years of production, which will be used to assess the metallurgical processes on a commercial scale including differing plant components to maximise the grade, recovery and flake sizing from the Project. The addition of the groundwater sample will enable the test facilities to assess the water characteristics in terms of the reagents required under proposed site operating conditions.

Works to excavate and transport the bulk samples will begin immediately and will be freighted by sea to China to have the testing completed as quickly as practically possible.  In addition, 150kgs of the same samples will be air-freighted to same Jilin facility more quickly to undergo metallurgical testing and build knowledge before the larger samples arrive.

Blencowe has already been able to share significant data with Jilin having previously completed two stages of bench scale metallurgical testing with SGS in Canada (30kgs) and more recently a further round of testing via a small pilot plant (130kgs) in Perth, Australia.  This next-level proposed test in China, using their existing infrastructure and experience, will be done on a considerably larger scale, which will give all parties more knowledge of the end concentrates that can be produced on a production scale from Orom-Cross.  It is hoped that this program will initially lead to non-binding MOUs for offtake, and ultimately to binding sale agreements for a substantial portion of the initial 50,000tpa product to be produced from stage one within Orom-Cross. There may also be potential for EPC and funding contracts emanating from this relationship, potentially providing one solution to the CAPEX requirement for initial stage production.


Cameron Pearce, Executive Chairman commented;

China is currently the most mature graphite market worldwide and entering into an offtake relationship there would be very valuable to us given the highly attractive economics at Orom-Cross, which already has an NPV8 of US$482M based on an initial 14-year mine life, from just ~2% drilled from our broader graphite resource.


This bulk sample trial is significant as a precursor that ultimately leads us to a full offtake agreement, which in turn would enable us to kick start production with a critical mass of product sold to drive profitability and cash flow.  If successful it can also lead to building an EPC relationship and potential funding solutions.


The graphite market is evolving very quickly and we will see a lot of change ahead as the world expands from current 15-20 million electric vehicles (EVs) towards the targeted 100 million by 2030. This in turn will drive up the demand for flake graphite as a non-replaceable input required to produce lithium-ion batteries to power these EVs and leading analysts forecast a 300% rise in world demand for graphite by 2030.  We are already seeing prices rise in anticipation of this looming shortage.  The Chinese graphite market remains the largest and will likely remain so for some time ahead, thus establishing a strong and commercial relationship with both Chinese and other Asian partners is decisive for Orom-Cross and a natural progression for the Company.


For further information please contact:



Blencowe Resources Plc

Sam Quinn



Tel: +44 (0)1624 681 250


Investor Relations

Sasha Sethi

Tel: +44 (0) 7891 677 441



Tavira Securities 

Jonathan Evans

Tel: +44 (0)20 3192 1733



First Equity Limited

Jason Robertson

Tel: +44(0)20 7330 1833



Twitter https://twitter.com/BlencoweRes

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/72382491/admin/



Orom-Cross Graphite Project

Orom-Cross is a potential world class graphite project both by size and end-product quality, with a high component of more valuable larger coarse flakes within the deposit.

A 21-year Mining Licence for the Project was issued by the Ugandan Government in 2019 following extensive historical work on the deposit and Blencowe completed a successful Pre-Feasibility Study in 2022.  The Company has now moved into the Definitive Feasibility Study phase as it drives towards first production.

Orom-Cross presents as a large, shallow open-pitable deposit, with a maiden JORC Indicated & Inferred Mineral Resource deposit of 24.5Mt @ 6.0% Total Graphite Content, with only a small percentage of the overall deposit drilled to date. Development of the resource is expected to benefit from a low strip ratio and free dig operations, thereby ensuring lower operating and capital costs.

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