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EU Tells Greece To Spend, Spend, Spend

greuThe Troika which rules Greece has imposed austerity on Greece the likes of which have never been seen in peacetime. Now, all of a sudden a scapegoat is required for Europes immigration problem as Schengen becomes Europe sans frontieres and Greece is ordered to spend millions in defending what were untila few weeks ago, Europes border.

Hardly a single illegal immigrant wants to stay permanently in Greece.  They  risk the death boats on the short trip  from Turkey to Greece not because they want to live in Greece but because they want to get to Germany and the prosperity offered by it and other northern members of the EU.

Not only do the immigrants want to reach Germany almost at any cost, Germany has encouraged them to come to Europe as illegal immigrants so that they can help solve Germany’s demographic time bomb. Germans do not make enough babies to ensure that its future working population will be large enough  to pay for the pensions which will be needed from 2020, onwards by its growing number of pensioners. The immigrants are needed to turn the deficit into a surplus by making enough babies to solve the problem. Neither Merkel nor Schauble bothered about the niceties of encouraging illegal immigration into Europe, as long as it was good for Germany. Now things have changed they demand that Greece picks up the tab for for their folly.

Schengen was one of the prides of  european union, allowing complete freedom of travel within its borders. At a stroke many of Germany’s neighbours have delivered a death blow to Schengen by reinstating or threatening to reinstate national borders and national border controls.

Greece’s borders ceased virtually overnight to be a Schengen border and  reverted purely to a national border for the security of which Greece must now accept sole responsibility.

Greece with a population of some ten million people, had to receive and provide facilities for 850,000 illegal immigrants in 2015 and it already looks as if that figure will be exceeded in 2016.

Because of its numerous islands Greece has a coastline of 13,676 kms., by far the longest in Europe.  Now it has been told to abandon government austerity, accept its responsibilties and spend, spend spend on patrolling and securing its borders and threatened with expulsion from Schengen if within three months, it has failed to comply.

Europe has not paid a single euro, towards the cost of protecting the states of northern Europe from the now unwanted waves of immigrants, a cost which it  says Greece alone must bear.

US controlled NATO is sending warships to patrol the Aegean but NATO has no power to stop the refugees and turn them back. It can only try and reduce the hundreds of drownings taking place on the short crossing. Turkey callously pretends it has no power to stop the death boats leaving its shores and Europe accepts that without demur.

Greece will sink into an even greater sea of debt if, on its own, it is forced to attempt the impossible  and comply with the arbitrary demands of the  gauleiters of the EU. Europe and its so called union has become a cipher, broken on the back of illegal immigration.

The dream of a union of European states, working closely together has foundered at the first big test, washed up on the shores of a tiny Greek island.

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Troika Abolishes Democracy in Greece

greuThe publication of the requirements which the Troika is imposing on Greece, contains frightening restrictions for any who believed there was hope of a free, united and democratic Europe.

1. The Greek administration will de politicised under the supervision of the European Commission and replaced by a government of technocrats controlled by the EC. So the present elected government has to go and will be replaced by unelected technocratcs.

2.Draft legislation can not be submitted to the Greek parliament until it has first been approved by the Troika.

So Greece has lost the right to elect and appoint a government, the right to make and pass its own laws and is now under the direct rule of Brussels which will have supervisors based in Athens to make sure that the diktats of Brussels and Berlin are obeyed.

What an invitation this is to the British electorate which has to decide on continued EU membership in 2016.

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It Looks Like OXI and Europe Calls for Overthrow of the Greek Government

A week ago Greece’s debt suddenly became irrelevant to the unelected officials of the ECB, the IMF and the Eurozone. For the last 7 days solving the debt problem has hardly received a mention. The Troika suddenly lost interest in it, for a far more insidious threat. The Greek government was doing the unthinkable, it was giving the Greek people a choice as to whether accept or refuse the Eurozones proposed deal, which the Troika immediately withdrew from the table.  As long as there was to be a referendum there could be no further attempts to solve the crisis. The terrified Troika’s only concern became how it could threaten and bludgeon the Greek people to says “Yes”

Firstly  it stopped immediately the agreed daily support to the Greek banks,  resulting in immediate imposition of  stringent withdrawal limits of 60 Euro per day from ATMs. Many pensioners without bank cards, could not get their pensions. Lesson number one for the Greek people. we are going to make this very hard for you.

And then came the real threats many from  political and European leaders and officials who were not even involved in the debt dispute. Here are just a few;

“Armageddon “ Without new money, salaries wont be paid, the health system will stop functioning, the power network and public transport will break down” warns President of European Union. This is a Eurozone matter at best, involving the Troika. It has nothing to do with the EU but even if it did what right does its President have to threaten the people of a member nation, without the EU itself first deciding that will be its stance.Is this an example of European so called unity which now appears to have completely disentegrated in the face of democracy.

“Meltdown” The head of the European Parliament says the country faces total meltdown if it rejects creditor demands. What has it got to do with him.  Who told him to say this. The European Parliament would not normally say boo to a Goose as its members are too busy slurping up gravy from the Eurotrough.

Greece is now under economic siege by its so called allies in Europe. The ATMs are tonight running dry. The likelihood is that in the morning there will be no notes left for them to be refilled. st rangely enough t he first bank to “go under” and stop replenishing its ATMS was HSBC which closed ATMS down as early as last Wednesday. It even could not be bothered to replenish its ATM at Athens airport, forcing its customer to use Greek ATMS instead. That presumably is what happens to a bank which gets involved up to its neck in money laundering and fiddling interest rates. Customer care flies out of the window.

Overthrow of the Greek Government The head of the European Parliament has now called for the democratically elected government of Greece to be replaced by a government of technocrats – presumably unelected in the true traditions of the EU. To hear that makes it a very,very sad day for Europe.

And now the results are beginning to come in and it looks like OXI. Tomorrow could be one of the most important dates since 1939. Is Europe about to tear itself apart or will common sense prevail in the end.

Luxury villas and houses for sale in Greece -click here; http://www.hiddengreece.net


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