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Andrew Hore – Quoted Micro 22 March 2021


Rogue Baron (SHNJ) has sold a shipment of 857 cases of Shinju Japanese whisky in the US. Each case of six bottles sells for up to $150. There was a total of 9,000 bottles of Shinju sold in 2020. US sales are growing so quickly that the company has decided to focus on the market and delay moves into other markets.

KR1 (KR1) has invested a further $150,000 in Vega Protocol in exchange for 194,999.17 VEGA tokens and made an initial $200,000 investment in the Starks Network. KR1 has also generated a further 77,542.92 Polkadot tokens and they were sold for $1.85m. KR1 still has nearly 3.5 million Polkadot tokens. Mona Elisa has been appointed as a non-executive director.

Block Commodities (BLCC) and Century Cobalt Corporation have entered an option agreement to acquire a 70% interest in a medicinal cannabis licence granted to Magnus Cannabis Group in Zimbabwe. Each of the buyers will hold a 35% interest. The option fee is £50,000. The payment for the interest will be £1.5m in Block shares at 0.07p each and £1.5m of Century Cobalt shares. Block no longer intends to acquire Sierra Leone-based Greenbelt Company.

Chris Akers has increased his stake in Quetzal Capital (WENP) from 9.4% to 15.2%.

Love Hemp (LIFE) has signed a five-year sponsorship agreement with UFC.

David Rigoli is joining the board of Veni Vidi Vici (VVV) and he has an interest in electric vehicle commodities.

AfriAg Global (AFRI) is holding a general meeting on 12 April to gain shareholder approval for the reverse takeover of Apollon Formularies Ltd. AfriAg will change its name to Apollon Formularies.

Wheelsure Holdings (WHLP) has raised £25,000 at 13.5p a share.


Online fashion retailer In The Style (ITS) joined AIM last week. The share price increased from the 200p placing price to 235p. Existing shareholders raised £46.8m from share sales, while there was £9.1m net raised by the company. There will be more investment in the technology platform and there are plans for an international version of the company’s app.

Underlying 2020 revenues at digital payments business Boku (BOKU) were one-fifth higher at $56.4m helped by a six-month contribution from Fortumo. Profit grew even though there was a higher loss from the identity division. There was net cash of more than $50m at the end of 2020, although that includes cash held on behalf of others. In 2021, there should be further growth in digital payments and an improved performance by the identity division.

Trading at document management and technology recycling business Restore (REST) has continued to improve since the second quarter of last year. In 2020, revenues fell from £216m to 3183m, while pre-tax profit dipped from £36m to £23m. This year pre-tax profit should be getting back towards the 2019 level. There are opportunities for further add-on acquisitions.

Futura Medical (FUM) says that erectile dysfunction topical gel formulation MED3000 should be certified as a class 2B medical device which can be obtained without a prescription. This could happen by May. US approval is also progressing.

Diagnostic data provider and analyser Diaceutics (DXRX) was able to launch its DXRX platform at the end of 2020 and it is already winning projects and building up recurring revenues. In 2020, revenues declined from £13.4m to £12.7m and Diaceutics fell into loss. It should return to profit this year.

Renewable energy company Bion (BION) has opened an office in the UK in order to expand in Europe. Two biogas plants in Malaysia are selling electricity generated from biogas produced from palm oil mill effluent. Another two plants will be generating electricity in the next few months.

Trans-Siberian Gold (TSG) has recommended a 118p a share mandatory cash offer from Horvik, which has already agreed to acquire a 51.2% stake.

Telit Communications (TCM) is releasing DBAY Advisers from its restriction on making a bid within six months of previously ending bid talks.

Waterford Finance and Investment is making a mandatory offer for former AIM company Gulfsands Petroleum having bought the stake previously owned by ME Investments for £3.43m. Waterford is also taking ownership of the convertible loan notes owned by ME. Waterford had a 37.3% stake in Gulfsands and it is deemed to be acting in concert with Blake Holdings, owned by Richard Griffiths and James Ede-Golightly. The Waterford stake in the Syria-focused oil and gas company has increased to 52.45% and the combined stake is 83.93%. The bid is 4.035p a share.

CEPS (CEPS) subsidiary Hickton Group has acquired gas and electrical safety consultancy Millington Lord for up to £1.1m.

Dye and Durham no longer intends to bid for IDOX (IDOX), which has sold its Netherlands grants consultancy.

Tremor International (TRMR) has made a filing with the SEC ahead of a potential US listing. Tremor believes it would get a rating more in line with US Ad Tech companies.

Kodal Minerals (KOD) has raised £3.5m at 0.125p a share. This will be used to develop the Bougouni lithium project in Mali and to fund exploration of three gold projects.


Caerus Mineral Resources (CMRS) joined the standard list last Friday after raising £1.92m net at 10p a share. The share price rose to 13p. Caerus is exploring for copper, gold and silver in Cyprus, having acquired New Cyprus Copper, which owns 70% of a company with 12 exploration licences in four project areas in Cyprus. Completion of a work programme will earn a further 20% stake in the subsidiary with the opportunity to acquire the other 10% within 12 months of the work programme for A$2m.

Supply@ME (SYME) has signed heads of agreement to acquire Singapore-based commodities trade enabler TradeFlow Capital Management.

Standard list shell Marwyn Acquisitions Company 1 (MAC1) is raising £130m at 100p a share. Vin Murria has joined the board and she will be investing £17.5m for a 13.1% stake. Murria is likely to seek a large international software acquisition for this vehicle.

Sanofi is terminating its licence agreement with Oxford Biomedica (OXB) but there should not be any significant impact on medium-term revenues.

Toople (TOOP) continues to reduce monthly cash burn. The proceeds of a sale of 1.05 million shares at 0.06p each by the wife of the boss of a subsidiary will be used to repay a £462,000 loan.

OTAQ (OTAQ) has invested $150,000 and converted its loan notes in Minnowtech, which has developed an imaging product using OTAQ sonar technology. This gives OTAQ a 15.2% stake.

CML Microsystems (CML) says shareholders should receive 50p a share in cash by 26 March. Net cash will be more than £30m after this payment, which comes out of the proceeds of the disposal of the storage division. The continuing communications business generated slightly higher revenues in the second half than in the first half. Orders are improving.

Antimicrobial materials technology developer HeiQ (HEIQ) has signed a five-year contract with ICP, which develops thin film coatings for packaging. ICP will use HeiQ Viroblock in its coatings. This could be worth $8m in the first two years. Over five years the royalty revenues should be $30m. This follows a deal with Berger Paints, which could generate $600,000 over one year.

BATM Advanced Communications (BVC) has received around $29m for the completed disposal of NGSoft. The cash will be reinvested in network function virtualisation and molecular diagnostics.

Andrew Hore

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