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Fedr8 has signed transformation consultancy TORI Global as a new partner

Fedr8 has signed transformation consultancy TORI Global as a new partner for its ground breaking product Green Rain.

Fedr8, the machine learning application analysis company, announces that TORI Global has joined the Green Rain partner programme. The Green Rain solution by Fedr8 automates application discovery, revolutionising how its customers leverage value across their custom application estates. Green Rain ignites transformational change using machine learning to bring a deep understanding of application genetics into the enterprise arena, supporting customers in making decisions at speed, at scale and with ever improving efficiency.

Tori Global, the award-winning transformation consultancy, has extensive experience in delivering large scale change, strategy execution, operational transformation, customer and client value, and organisation and leadership development. TORI Global has recognised that in order to deliver trusted change programs at speed and at scale they must look to automation that delivers accurate and complete results on demand. TORI Global will now use Green Rain to help deliver the “forensic analysis” that will allow its consultants to address the most complex applications and deliver new outcomes around Platform as a Service, Containers and Cloud Native.

Commenting on the partnership, Derek Ward, Executive VP said:

“Green Rain has only recently been launched and we at Fedr8 are delighted that TORI Global sees immediate value to both new and existing clients. Green Rain’s unique machine learning insights will assist TORI Global in offering a truly differentiated value-added service. Only when you understand an application can you truly ask any question, and only when you understand an application can you displace the resources and costs associated with making decisions at scale and at pace. Together we will help customers accelerate the performance and value of their custom application estate.”


Damion Greef, CEO
Tel. 07823328816
Email. info@fedr8.com

Richard Beckensall, UK sales Director
Tel. 07555 323321
Email. info@fedr8.com

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