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HSBC – Positive Jaws And An Urivalled Footprint ! – A fish with feet !!
HSBC Holdings HSBA announces that a further share buy back programme of up to 2bn pounds will start shortly and will be completed in the second half of 2017. The interim dividend remain unchanged after a rise of 12% in adjusted half year profit before tax, following a 3% rise in revenue. Global banking performed strongly with a 16% rise in revenue and to match its positive jaws which delivered a rise of 0.5%, it claims that its footprint in Asia and the Middle East is now unrivalled.
Trinity Mirror TNI Claims a resilient performance for the half year to 2nd July despite difficult trading conditions and a volatile environment in print. Like for like revenue fell by 14.6% and management claims full credit for being so strong and managing to limit the fall in adjusted operating profit to only 9.4%. The interim dividend is to be increased by 7.1% to 2.25 p. per share and the second half is expected to show improving revenue momentum.
Coats COA Good to know that we still have a textile industry and that this part of it seems to be thriving. Coats is increasing its interim dividend by 7% after a strong first half in which adjusted operating profit for the six months to the 30th June rose by 14% and revenue by 5%, both at constant exchange rates. Adjusted basic earnings per share rose by 38%
Utilitywise UTW warns that revenue for the year to today will be 4.0 to 4.5m below managements previous expectations. The gross order book for the year however is 18% higher than for the year to 31st July 2016.
Hiscox HSX Interim profit before tax for the half year to the 30th June halved to 102m or rose by 12.5% if the impact of foreign exchange movements are ignored and the interim dividend is to be raised from 8.5p to 9.5p per share . Hiscox USA stood out with growth in premiums of 31.3% in local currency terms.
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fastjet says goodbye to Stelios and easyGroup Holdings
Fastjet FJET says it has made steady progress in implementing stabilisation efforts, including inter alia, a re-fleeting process, relocation of its headquarters from London to Johannesburg and a right-sizing of its operations in Zimbabwe and Tanzania. Accordingly fastjet aims to achieve a cashflow break-even position for the final quarter of 2017. The Company also announces that it has, on 29 June 2017, entered into an agreement with easyGroup Holdings Ltd to acquire all intellectual property rights associated with the fastjet brand for a total consideration of $2.5m, to be satisfied in cash, resulting in saving to the Company over the next 5 years. This agreement represents a major step forward as the Company continues with its stabilisation efforts under new management. Bye bye Stelios!
Angus Energy ANGS increases interim LBT of £(985,000) (2016: LBT £344,000). Says production guidance for the Lidsey Oil Field remains unchanged while production from the Brockham Oil Field could improve materially after bringing X4Z on stream from the Kimmeridge.
John Laing Group JLG says its investment portfolio as a whole is performing in line with expectations in a pre-close update for the half-year ending 30 June 2017.
Trinity Mirror TNI updates on trading and says group revenue is expected to fall by 9% on a like for like basis over the period. CEO Simon Fox said: “The trading environment for print in the first half remained volatile but we remain on course to meet our expectations for the year. I anticipate that the second half will show improving revenue momentum as we benefit from initiatives implemented during the first half of the year.”
Trinity Mirror – Dire Figures But Ahead of Expectations
Trinity Mirror TNI is confident that its full year performance will be ahead of expectations, even if only marginally and that the fall in its net debt will be significantly greater than expectations. Having said that the trading figures are still dire with like for like revenue expected to show a fourth quarter fall of of 8%, with publicity, print and circulation down by 8%, 10% and 17% respectively. Digital is one strong feature with an expected rise of 8%.
United Carpets UCG Trading has been robust in the 6 months to the end of September and the interim dividend is increased to 0.13p from 0.125p. The momentum which got under way last year has continued and like for like sales rose by 2.1%, producing an 8.8% rise in profit before tax.
Torotrak TRK Further deterioration in the trading outlook for the global off highway market is likely to lead to delay in its ability to secure the initial licence for the Flybrid KERS technology, which it anticipated would be concluded during the current financial year. A prospective licencee now expects having to delay the negotiations and the Board believes it will be 2018 before the first licence can be secured. The Board still believes that there is significant commercial opportunity for the KERS technology.
The Fulham Shore plc FUL claims a busy and successful 6 months with half year revenue to 25th September rising by nearly 50% from last years £13.9m to £19.9m. Operating profit rose accordingly, from 2015’s £1.7m to £2.4m. whilst EBITDA was up from 2.6m to 3.7m. The company is delighting the taste buds of the more select parts of London and south east England with chains of Franco Manca Pizzeria, The Real Greek and Bukowski. Since the half year end total number have risen from 36 to 42, with more in the pipeline. I suppose it takes all tastes.
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Vislink Board To Examine Itself
Vislink VLK has abolished its interim dividend and intends to keep it that way until bad debt is below 1 x EBITDA. Orders for the half year to 30th June fell by nearly 25% and revenue was also substantially down , leading to a basic loss per share of 26.9%. Last years half year profit of £2.2m has been turned into a loss of £1.1m and the company is forecast to breach its banking covenant in September i.e. today. Fear not however, the Board is continuing to examine its own structure as well as that of the group, some may say a bit late in the day.
Trinity Mirror TNI found the 3rd quarter trading environment challenging with like fir like Group revenue expected to be down 9% on top of the second quarters fall of 8%. Half of the regional Metro franchises which it operates for the Daily Mail are to be handed back because they earn a lot of revenue but little profit. Print circulation fell by 6% and print revenue was down by 12% but digital revenue was one bright spot with a rise of 11%. Classified digital revenues remained under pressure. All in all it looks like the company failed to live up to the challenges of which it complains, except that cost savings of £20m. exceeded the target by £5m
Speedy Hire SDY is on the rebound with results for the half year to the end of September expected to show an improved performance. Revenue is slightly ahead of expectations and overheads are lower indicating that profits for the full year will be ahead of expectations.
Iomart IOM has performed strongly in the 6 months to 30th September and both revenue and profit are expected to be materially ahead of last years first half.
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