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Alan Green & Sarah Lowther discuss the market crash, lessons from China, plus an array of stocks including Tiziana Life #TILS & Open Orphan #ORPH on the Total Market Solutions podcast

Friday The 13th & The Weekend Podcast

Alan Green Joins Sarah Lowther To Talk All Things Markets

During this weekend podcast, and in the wake of a colossal fall, we look at markets which ended the week on Friday the 13th, so far we’ve witnessed an emergency rate cut by the bank of England as the FTSE had its worst day in 33yrs.

Alan Green shares some insight on the most recent events surrounding Corona Virus, as he extrapolates what he can from the lessons in China, the initiative adopted by the UK plus an array of market opportunities, on the assumption one assumes a strong stomach and constitution toward volatility!

Stocks covered include #AZN #GSK #TILS #ORPH #RDSB #TSCO #SBRY #OCDO #JDW

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