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LocoSoco Group Plc #LOCO – Simon Rendell Appointed as Chairman

LocoSoco Group PLC, a provider of goods and services to local enterprise and enabler of community owned supply chains is pleased to announce, that following admission to the Wiener Borse market on February 12th 2019, as advised in the Company IM, Simon Rendell has been appointed as Non-Executive Chairman.

A consultant at law firm Fieldfisher LLP for the last year, Simon was previously Head of London Office at Osborne Clarke, which he joined in 1996 as a Partner and in 2005 spent eight months working as UK Interim Legal Director at Vodafone. He has more than twenty-five years’ experience advising digital business clients on all aspects of their operations, delivering corporate and commercial advice covering everything from legal strategies for business growth through to the exploitation of intellectual property.

Many of the clients he has acted for are based overseas, so a large proportion of his work has been cross-border. He has acted for businesses including Yahoo!, EE, Electronic Arts and VeriSign, and has worked with Facebook on its international growth, having advised on its expansion into 10 new jurisdictions in recent years. He is also a recognized expert in the mobile payments’ arena.

Simon qualified as a lawyer in 1986 and has previously served as a non-executive director of several technology companies.

Simon is currently also Co-Founder of Pretty Green Limited, and Chairman of uCreate Limited, Ocean Barefoot Limited, Licklist Limited and London Intellectual Property Exchange Limited. He is also Non-exec director of Helecloud Limited.

During the last five years, Simon has been a director of the companies in the following table. Companies whose shares are traded on a public market are noted; all others are not listed or traded on any public market.

No Name of Company Country Of Date appointed Date ceased Market
incorporation and
registration number
1 Ucreate Ltd 8503849 26-Oct-17 Current N/A
2 Horseguards London Dry Gin Ltd 10886259 27-Jul-17 Current N/A
3 Pretty Green Group Ltd 10781450 26-Jul-17 Current N/A
4 Ocean Barefoot Ltd 6020058 05-May-17 Current N/A
5 SRPO Ltd 10589534 30-Jan-17 Current N/A
6 Pretty Green Holdings Ltd 10363287 07-Sep-16 Current N/A
7 Licklist Holdings Ltd 9933601 01-Feb-16 Current N/A
8 London Ip Exchange Ltd 8276679 30-Nov-12 Current N/A
9 Pretty Green Ltd 5914755 21-Jan-09 Current N/A
10 Superiority Through Evolution Ltd 10597508 05-May-17 31-May-18 N/A
11 Rezurvit Ltd 9782821 16-Mar-16 20-Dec-17 N/A
12 Lucky Seven Ltd 10839576 28-Jun-17 14-Dec-17 N/A
13 Krzana HG Ltd 9151648 29-Sep-14 03-Nov-17 N/A
14 Imagine Hampshire Ltd 8088023 02-Feb-14 25-Aug-17 N/A
15 Osborne Clark LLP OC397443 31-Oct-15 01-Nov-15 N/A

Simon will hold 250,000 shares representing 2.06% of the issued share capital and additionally holds warrants to acquire shares.

James Perry, CEO of LocoSoco Group Plc, commented:

“We are delighted to bring someone of Simon’s calibre in to Chair LocoSoco Group Plc. His experience and input will be invaluable to our board as we develop and expand the LocoSoco offering.”

LocoSoco Group PLC
James Perry, Chief Executive Officer
Alex Marks, Chief Marketing Officer
Simon Rendell, Non-Executive Chairman
+44 (0)203 538 0716

Via Brand Communications and Novus Communications Ltd
Alan Green / Jacqueline Briscoe
+44 (0)7976 431608
+44 (0)207 448 9839

Capital Market Coach
Keswick Global AG
Tim Curle
+43 (1)740 408045

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