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The Times – Drug Tester’s £8m Contract Win

Tom Howard Market Report – Open Orphan #ORPH shares rose after the AIM company bagged a new contract worth £8.1m with one of Europe’s biggest drugmakers…

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The Times – Our flu drug is not to be sniffed at, says Poolbeg Pharma chief Jeremy Skillington

Jeremy Skillington wants to develop a “conveyor belt of therapies” after focusing on influenza

The course of Jeremy Skillington’s year took a fateful turn in March when he took a call from Cathal Friel, chairman of Open Orphan, a clinical trials company listed on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM). At the time Skillington was tidying up the loose ends of the landmark €380 million sale of Irish biotech company Inflazome to Roche, a Swiss pharmaceutical multinational, and plotting three months of leisure.

Donegal deal-maker Friel dangled the dizzying prospect of heading an Irish biotech company that would list on the stock market within three to six months.

Link here for the full article

Vaccine spray goes for testing – The Times, Tom Howard

by Tom Howard at The Times

Link to digital story version here

Open Orphan #ORPH: The Times – Inside Story of coronavirus battlers. The Sun – We salute the unsung key workers.

Inside stories of coronavirus battlers Aerogen, Hibergene, Open Orphan and Nearform

Ireland was placed sixth last week in a list of nations ranked on their response to the Covid-19 crisis in terms of innovation. The league table was compiled by StartupBlink, a Swiss-Israeli company that collates data on start-ups; the United Nations-backed Health Innovation Index; the Moscow Agency of Innovations; and partners such as tech database provider Crunchbase.

While the Republic has punched above its weight largely because of multi- national medical device firms, Enterprise Ireland says more than 100 of its client companies are responding to the crisis. Here, we step inside four Irish businesses that are seeking to make a material contribution in the fight against the deadly spread of Covid-19.

Link here for the full story.

By Brian Carey and Conor McMahon


THE HOMES FRONT: We salute the unsung key workers who are keeping Britain going during lockdown – from binmen and bus drivers to teachers


ANDREW Catchpole heads London’s hVIVO lab — pioneering testing of new Covid-19 vaccines.

The 44-year-old doctor said: “We have received a massive response from volunteers to take part in human testing with a non-deadly coronavirus.

“Normally 200 would respond on our website in a week. This time we had 20,000 in a few days. People want to help.

“We are trying to find a model that will speed up vaccine testing.

“At the moment we are setting up the trial and testing the virus to ensure it is safe, before we put it into people. We will take healthy volunteers and inoculate them with a virus, making them sick but in a very controlled setting.

“We are putting in lots of hours to get this running.”

By Grant Rollings, Kate Ferguson, Ben Leo

Link here for the full story.

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