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Royal Mail Responds To Challenges
Royal Mail Group RMG One can adjust ones view of Royal Mails results for the year to 31st March, according to whether one prefers ones results on a reported or on an adjusted basis.Whichever one prefers the final dividend of 15.6% means a rise for the year of 4%. On a reported basis, profit before tax has risen by some 50% to £335m and basic earnings per share have risen from 21.5p to 27.5p.
Its main achievement for the year has been to respond to a challenging operating environment. No explanation is given as to what management found challenging in managing to deliver parcels and letters on time but these days no self respecting company misses the opportunity to say it operates in challenging conditions, which helps to make management look better than it actually is. On a positive note for the current years performance, RMG says it is past the peak of its investment spend.
Burberry Group BRBY tried to elevate its business in the year to 31st March, using key revenue drivers to enable it to gain the necessary height. It also had growth in digital as it invested in omni channel – the ignorant amongst us may ask “omni channel” what ? Elevating the brand appears to have resulted in profit before tax falling by 21% on an underlying basis and 5% on an adjusted and reported basis, Dividends for the full year are to be increased by 5%. A new CEO will also come on board soon. Let us hope for the sake of Burberry that he will have and keep his feet on the ground.
Greggs GRG has made a good start to the year with sales up by 7.5% on the first 19 weeks to the 13th May. There is growing demand for its £2 breakfast and for Balanced Choice but what may one ask will happen to the good old sausage sarnie – will that too become just a symbol of a bygone age? 87 shops have been refurbished during the year
Thomas Cook TCG enjoyed strong winter demand for Spain and long haul destinations led to a 3% revenue rise for the six months to 31st March. Online UK bookings have risen by 15%, way behind the Germans who are showing a rise of 35%. summer demand is strong for Greece and smaller European destinations,with bookings from Northern & Continental Europe showing double digit growth and confirming that there is real momentum behind managements strategy for growth. Greece has proved to be the outstanding destination for the coming summer.
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United Utilities – High Level Of Regional Deprivation
United Utilities UU complains that its customers and the area in which they live suffer from high levels of income deprivation ie “a damaging lack of basic material benefits.” I wonder what its customers think to that slur. Shareholders need not fear however, as the company has “innovative facilities for enhanced engagement with its customers” – i.e bad debts are being kept under control.
Gross revenue this year will be slightly lower than last year but it still expects record operating profits. These however will be impacted by reforms and restructuring costs. Now a well managed company can not allow problems like that, amounting to some £16m, to affect its results, so it has decided to ignore them and exclude them from its underlying profit calculations at the end of the year. Those of us who are not accountants, may view that with a certain incredulity
Thomas Cook TCG is closing its winter booking season at similar levels to last year but with average selling prices down 1%. Summer bookings are so far up 10% on last year, led by Greece with a huge surge of 40% and signs of a return taking place to Turkey and Egypt. In the airline sector competition to the Spanish islands is putting downward pressure on prices.
Churchill China CHH is increasing its final dividend by 16% after a strong 2016 performance. Revenue for the year to 31st January rose by 9%, leading to rises of 29% and 30% in basic earnings per share and profit before tax.
Moss Bros MOSB had a successful 2016 with profit before tax for the year to 31st January rising by 20.3% and basic earnings per share by 17%. The final dividend is being increased to 3.98p per share making a total rise of 6.1% for the year. Retail like for like sales in the first seven weeks of the new year are up by 4.3% but like for like hire has collapsed by 14.3% due to an in store offer.
Card Factory CARD boasts of another record year with operating profit down by 3.7% and basic earnings per share and profit before tax both down by 1.1%. The final dividend for the year to 31st January is to be increased by 5% making a total increase for the year of 7.1%.
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Smith & Nephew Raises Dividend 20% as Growth Slips
Smith & Nephew plc SN. proposes to increase its full year dividend by about 20% at current exchange rates following a fourth quarter fall in reported revenue of 3%. The CEO admits that 2016 growth of 1% in reported revenue was lower than the company wanted and blames market conditions in China & the Gulf States with headwinds and foreign exchange movements also getting their fair share of criticism. 2017 is expected to produce stronger growth, with reported revenue anticipated to rise by between 1.2% and 2.2%.
Thomas Cook Group TCG describes its first quarter performance to 31st December as solid, with revenue up 1% helped by growth in holidays to Spain and long haul destinations and Greece showing particular strength with a rise of 40%. Summer bookings are 9% ahead of last year with 31% already sold and digital is spurting ahead with growth of 20%. There is however some caution about the uncertain economic and political outlook for the rest of the year.
Boohoo.com BOO has agreed to acquire he assets of Nasty Gal, who/which, it says offers exciting opportunities to accelerate its international offering. The deal is due to be concluded on the 28th February.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download
Enterprise Inns ETI is to change its name by removing the Enterprise and becoming plain Ei Group which sounds like it was dreamed up by a committee of accountants who hadn’t a clue as to the importance of enterprise in a company. In the 18 weeks to the 4th February, like for like net income rose by 1.6%
Tate & Lyle plc TATE Expects that its full year performance in constant currency will be modestly ahead of expectations at the half year mark. The quarter to 31st December saw profit in both divisions ahead of the previous year.
DFS Furniture DFS Gross sales rose by 7% in the half year to 28th January as the good times continued. The company expects to be able to announce a a proposed special dividend at the end of March but warns that the furniture industry faces increased risk of a market slowdown in 2017 because of the uncertain outlook for consumer confidence.
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Mothercare Delivering at Last
Mothercare MTC The turnround in the UK is continuing apace with group underlying profit before tax up by 51% and statutory profit before tax of £9.7m, being the first after four years of losses. Like for like UK sales rose by 3.6%
Internationally the picture is much blacker and having set the UK on a path to growth, the company is now turning its attention to the problems there and intends to export the lessons it has learned at home to bring recovery and profits back to the international side of the business. The aim is to become world leader in its markets and it is many a long year since anybody at Mothercare dared to even dream of that.
Thomas Cook Group TCG claims it has fundamentally changed its attitude to its customers. Not before time many would say. This must be one of the best pieces of news to come out of the travel industry for years where customers seem to be regarded as a necessary evil.
It claims that group revenue for the half year to the end of March rose slightly whereas the figures seem to show that it actually fell – a minor matter in the world of TCG. Both operating loss and loss before tax showed good falls of 13% and 15% respectively. excluding Turkey, summer bookings are up by 6% or if you include Turkey they are down by 5% overall. Bookings for Spain are strong and the US is leading the way with a rose of 29%
Shanks Group SKS. Tough market conditions have not prevented both revenue and profit growth for the year to the end of March. The weak spot was the municipal division which was impacted by unspecified headwinds with the result that trading profit in that division was down 15%.
Trading profit rose by 4% and last years loss of £12.4m was turned into an operating profit of £9.8m and the previous basic loss per share of 4.6p was reduced to 1p. The loss after tax has been substantially reduced from £18.2m to a more acceptable £4m. The company claims it has the vision, strategy and organisation, to deliver growth.
Mitchells & Butler MAB claims strong earnings growth for the half year to 9th April, with profit before tax growing to £83m from last years £75m. and earnings per share up from 14.4p to 18.4p. Total revenue, however, was down by 1.5% and the company admits that there is much to do for it to acclerate its trading performance.
National Grid NG has had a strong year and is raising its dividend by 1.1%. Operating profit for the year to the end of March rose by 6%. profit before tax by 9% and earnings per share by 10%.
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Lies, Damned Lies and Thomas Cook’s Headline Statistics