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Ian Pollard – Uncle Still Thriving On The Impoverished Wealthy

H&T Group HAT expects profit before tax for the full year to 31st December will be above market expectations following a strong fourth quarter in pawnbroking, with quality watches doing particularly well. The pledge book increased by11.6% on a year ago following the higher gold price and the personal loans book rocketed by 94.7%, after the introduction of a lower interest rate, long term product

Micro Focus International MCRO is increasing its interim dividend by 16.4% for the half year to the 31st October and afrer completion of its complex acquisition of HPE Software on the 1st September. The interim figures include results from HPE. as from 1st September. Revenue rose by 80.7% and pre tax profit by 28.7% ( or 33.8% at constant currency rates). Basic earnings per share fell by 9.5% but on an adjusted basis rose by 16%. Micro Focus is confident that its industry leading margins will ensure that it can deliver on its strategy which will be enhanced by further acquisitions.

System 1 group SYS1 (formerly Brainjuicer) After a fall of 9% in first half gross profit, trading in quarter three has continued to be worse than expected and expectations for gross profit for the full year are that it will show a 20% decline on the previous year. Profit before tax for the full year will be only a little over breakeven point. The cas position is however sound with a balance of £4.6m and no debt

Bango BGO saw total End User Spend for the year to 31st December, grow by  by 105%, from £132m to 271m. It has also now entered into partnership with Netflix to launch carrier billing for Netflix customers in Mexico, making carrier billing available to over 12 million Mexican customers.

Mattioli Woods MTW The six months to the end of November has produced another period of strong and sustainable growth with EBITDA margins for the first half substantially ahead of the 20% target.

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Spectra Systems – To Significantly Exceed Expectations

Spectra Systems SPSY has been notified by its authentication technology licensee that royalties in 2017 will reach a record level to the extent that profits for the year to 31st December will significantly exceed market expectations. For 2018 it is expected that royalties will continue to be higher than average.

Bioventix BVXP is increasing its second interim dividend from 26p to 31p as well as paying a special dividend of 40p per share. after announcing what it describes as yet another set of excellent results for the year to the 30th June. Revenue for the year rose by 31% and profit after tax by 40%

System 1 Group plc SYS1 Trading for the six months to the 30th September has been slower than expected and in constant currency terms, gross profit is expected to show a 12% decline over the previous year. The company remains cautious about prospects because of what it describes as”our usual lack of revenue visibility”.

ConvaTec Group CTEC Organic revenue growth for the full year will be lower than expected after quarter 3 was severely impacted by a number of issues, including supply problems and lower than anticipated revenue from new products. The implications of growth on margins for 2018 are being reviewed. Third quarter like for like group revenue rose by 3.3% but it is now expected that full year organic revenue growth will be down to between 1% and 2%.

Polymetal Int. plc POLY enjoyed a robust third quarter with gold sales rising by 50% and gold output up by 38%. Total sales for the 3 months to the 30th September rose by 17% and gold equivalent production rose to record levels with a 26% increase over the previous year.

Physiomics PYC suffered from a 9% decline in total income for the year to the 30th June and losses for the year rose by 6%, resulting in the company’s cash position becoming constrained until a deal with a major client can be finalised. Active cost control measures have been put in place.

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