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Blencowe Resources #BRES​ – CEO Mike Ralston and Alan Green discuss ‘spectacular’ graphite intercepts at Orom Cross

Brand Comms CEO Alan Green talks to Blencowe Resources #BRES CEO Mike Ralston about today’s exceptional high-grade drilling results at the company’s 100% owned Orom Cross Graphite project in Uganda. Mike gives a brief history of the company since it acquired the project in April 2020, and then talks through the ‘spectacular’ intercepts that have confirmed geological interpretations & grade continuity at double the 6-8% average expected.

Mike confirms the event as a defining value inflection point for the project in the run up to the maiden JORC resource estimate. We then look at how Blencowe compares to peer group companies (Armadale Capital #ACP, Tirupati Graphite #TGR, Syrah Resources ASX: #SYR) before discussing the company’s solid financial position following the recent fundraisings in which the board participated. We end with three key takeaway points for investors.

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