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Feedback company TexRAD wins the inaugural Sussex Impact Award at the University of Sussex


Sussex research has improved lives and changed the outside world in areas from lad culture to chemical weapons and sustainable food, as recognised by an inaugural awards ceremony on campus on16 June.

The winners of the first Sussex Impact and Research Awards were announced at a celebratory reception in the Jubilee building.

Sussex researchers from across the University joined the Vice-Chancellor and external guests for Tuesday evening’s event, which followed the first Sussex Impact Day.

Feedback company TexRAD won the inaugural Sussex Impact Award at the University UniTexRAD2of Sussex. There were 3 categories for the awards:

1. Enabling impact for early stage technologies
2. Achieving impact for technologies having an impact
3. Emerging researcher

TexRAD won in the “achieving impact category” – application was put by the Engineers led by Prof. Chris Chatwin with some inputs from Feedback’s Chief Scientist & New Business Officer Dr Balaji Ganeshan.

Link here to read the Sussex Impact and Research Awards article.

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