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Alpha Prospects – MSAART Plasmoid Technology investment opportunity


Alan Green talks to Alpha Prospects CEO Christopher Foster and Strike Energy President Gavin Houghton.

Alpha Prospects Ltd is an energy investment holding company with a flagship 15% shareholding in Strike Energy along with a 10% shareholding in Strike Foundation. Both are US companies which hold the license for the revolutionary Molten Sea Ark Atomic Reconstruction Technology (MSAART) invented by Malcolm Bendall. Christopher provides a brief overview of Alpha Prospects and MSAART technology principals and applications and how it harnesses the power of Plasmoids, a coherent structure of plasma and magnetic fields, found naturally in thunder storms and ball lightening. We then look at a brief video clip of Malcolm and his team successfully testing the technology, after which Gavin summarises the nebulous range of potential applications for MSAART plasmoid technology. An independent investment note was recently prepared and release by Equity Research Associates, and this is summarised by Christopher.

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