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Tag Archives: stock exchange veterans

The Stock Exchange Veterans Charity Association – Service of Thanksgiving

VetsOn June 2nd at 11.30am, the Stock Exchange Veterans Memorial and Thanksgiving service takes place for the following at St Margarets Church, Lothbury:-

Alf Barnard, Secretary, Stock Exchange Clerks Fund and Centralised Pension Fund
Barry Wise, Charles Stanley
Bob Cheeswright, RP Benjamin
Brian Morley, Robert Wigram, L&C
Chris Fishwick, Aberdeen Asset Management
David Durden, Wedd Durlacher
David Pritchard, Deutsche Bank
David Watson, Barings, Nat West
Don Nelson, Pinchin Denny, Hoodless Brennan
Frank Leonard, Phillips & Drew
Gary Emerick, Scrimgour Vickers
Hugh Mansel, Smith & Williamson
John Horsham, James Capel
Julian Lakin, Scrimgour Kemp Gee, Capel Cure Myers
Michael Bryant, Smith & Williamson
Nick Clough, Bisgood
Peter Maconie, Sheppards, GNI
Sandy Larkin, BZW
Sarah Miles (nee Stogdon), [possibly Raphael Zorn]
Sir Nicholas Winton, broker and war hero
Stephen Hopwood (‘Hoppy’) Panmure Gordon
Steve Lawday, Bastion (Cantors)
Steve Northfield, Charles Stanley
Tommy Chappell, Vickers da Costa


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