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Hays Drops 8% in London

Hays pls HAS earned all time record net fees in the quarter to 31st March with like for like group fee growth of 10%. Full year operating profit is now expected to be at the top of the current range of market estimates. Continental Europe and the Rest of the World produced 18% broad based growth, led, as usual, by Germany with 23%. Also, as usual, it seems these days, the UK and Ireland performed very badly with a fall of 4% and very significantly London doubled that with an 8% drop.

This is the second time in two days that a major global UK company has reported bad results from the UK which just does not seem to be able to get its act together and grow like the rest of the world is growing. Are these signs that the UK economy is developing or has developed serious problems in its service industries where in the past it has always shone.

There are numerous manufacturing companies, brilliant technology companies which are becoming or have already become world leaders in their field in virtually no time at all, so there is no sign of our inventive genius having fled in the face of Brexit. Where are we going wrong in other areas ?

Blue Prism Group PRSM Expects that after strong first half sales so far and a continuing build up in momentum, full year revenue will be significantly ahead of existing market expectations. Interim results are due to be published in June.

SRT Marine Systems SRT expects that profit before tax for the year to 31st March will be significantly ahead of market expectations after earning revenue of £11m, also ahead of last year. During the year significant progress has been made in all its business segments on a world wide basis.

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