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Ian Pollard – #SSE – Diverting Wrath
SSE plc SSE although interim results for the six months to the 30th September are ahead of previous expectations they are only slightly so and they are still fairly dire. Adjusted profit before tax is down by 40.9% and adjusted earnings per share by 39.9% with a reported loss per share of 22.6p. The Chairman admits that they fall well short of what the company hoped to achieve at the start of the year and that this is disappointing and regrettable. Not however so regrettable and disappointing as to prevent the company from increasing the dividend by 3.2%. No doubt that may help to divert a certain amount of wrath.
Smiths Group SMIN saw revenue fall by 1% in the 3 months to the end of October as the company was impacted by a number of factors. At Smiths Medical, revenue was impacted by the previously announced regulatory and contract challenges. In Smiths Detection, the phasing of orders impacted first quarter revenue but a robust order book is expected to see a strong second half. Management expectations for the full year remain unchanged
AB Dynamics plc ABDP has delivered another year of record revenue and adjusted profit. Revenue for the year to 31st August grew by 51%, profit before tax by 78% and basic earnings per share by 74%. The proposed final dividend is to be increased by 10%. Despite this very strong growth, order intake has continued to run ahead of sales and this has provided a healthy order book with visibility into the third quarter of 2019
Workspace Group WKP reports a strong perfomance driven by customer demand for the half year to the 30th September. Strong growth in net rental income, up 17% year on year, resulted in 20% growth in adjusted trading profit and the interim dividend is also to be increased by 20%. However despite all this talk of strong performances and dividend increases profit before tax fell by 18%
Marshall Motor Holdings MMH updates that following better than anticipated trading during October 2018 and a more positive outlook for the remainder of the current financial year.the Board expects continuing underlying profit before tax for the year ending 31 December 2018 will be ahead of the Group’s record results reported last year.
Falanx Group Ltd FLX Interim results for the six months to the 30th September delivered a rise of 51% in Group Revenue, with an even more spectacular rise in the cyber division of 198%. Cyber attacks pose ever growing threats and provide an increasing opportunity for the company. New business is at record levels, as are tendering opportunities.
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Ian Pollard – Dixons fixable, but Greece thrashes UK & Ireland
Dixon Carphone DC has plenty to fix but it is all fixable, claims the new CEO. The first thing which seems to need attention is next years profit which is expected to slump from this years expected £382m to £300m.The dividend for the current year is being maintained at 11.25p per share. Growth in the UK & Ireland has seriously lagged behind the rest of the Dixons empire with like for like full year growth at 2%, falling to 1% for the fourth quarter. The Nordics and Greece tell a different story with full year like for like revenue up by 9% and 11% respectively, whilst quarter four produced rises of 8% and 10%. Must be many years since Greece thrashed the UK in a major retail market.
Smiths Group Medical SMIN has announced that it is in the very early stages of discussions about the combination of its medical division with ICU Medical Inc.Smith claims it routinely reviews all its options.
Redstone Connect plc REDS The year to the thirty first January saw strong revenue growth of 15%, EBITDA rising by 60% and adjusted profit before tax increasing from £1.3m to £2.4m. Since the year end the sale of the Systems Integration & Managed Services Division for a total consideration of £23m will allow the group to focus on delivering and growing its software division.
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ITV – “Good Growth” But Flat Profits
ITV plc ITV updates that with nine months of its year now gone, it is confident of delivering good organic revenue growth but does so without putting a figure on what “good ” actually means in numbers. Full year profit will be broadly in line with last year which means little or no growth there. which will not be a surprise having regard to the 1% decline in total external revenue. ITV’s Family share of viewing has risen by 2% and non advertising revenue grew strongly, whilst Online and Pay saw a 41% increase in online viewing. ITV studios delivered a strong performance.
Smiths Group plc SMIN Underlying revenue fell by 2% for the quarter to the 31st October and the only explanation they are going to give you is that primarily this was due to order timing, which can mean many things. No further enlightenment is forthcoming save that full year expectations remain unchanged and there will be a return to growth for 2018.
Vodafone Group VOD produced a strong financial performance in the half year to the end of September, with operating profit rising by 32.5% to 2 bn Euro despite a fall in Group total revenue of 4.1%. The interim dividend is to be increase by 2.1%. Organic adjusted EBITDA rose by 13.5% enabling guidance for he full year to be increased to 10%. India was a bit of a disaster area due to intense competition which led to a fall in revenue of 15.8% and adjusted EBITDA slumping by 39.2%
Meggitt MGGT has suffered from a fall of 5% in military revenue as the armed forces reduced its expenditure on spares. That however can not go on for ever and a strong performance is expected in quarter 4. Civil aerospace grew by 4% partly offsetting the decline in military spending. Overall the company is on track to meet its guidance for organic revenue growth for the full year.
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Iofina Benefits From Increased Production And Rising Prices
Iofina IOF reached a number of significant operation and financial milestones during the six months to the 30th June and is now optimistic about the remainder of the year. Production during the half year exceeded expectations and spot iodine prices have risen by 25% since the start of the year, after earlier weakness which led to a fall in revenue of 18%. EBITDA has more than tripled from US$0.2m to $0.7m and the group is increasingly positive about future profitability
Saga plc SAGA pre tax profit before tax for the six months to 31st July fell by 6.3% and the interim dividend is increased by 11.1%. Saga would prefer that you concentrate on underlying profit before tax which grew by 5.5%, enabling it to claim four consecutive years of growth. Growth in travel was strong with travel profits rising by 63%.
Smiths Group SMIN claims that it is well positioned to return to growth but not just yet and the likely starting date is given as 2018. For the year to 31st July the dividend is being increased by a cautious 3% after full year revenue rose by 11%, pre tax profit by 17% and like for like basic earnings per share by 15%. Problems such as unspecified market challenges in the John Crane subsidiary and new product delays in Smiths medical impacted the years outcome.
Windar Photonics WPHO which developed and produces wind sensors for wind turbines saw first half turnover rise by 62% exceeding that for the whole of 2016 which was a challenging year. At the same time operating costs fell by 47%, resulting in the net loss for the six months to 30th June falling from last years E1.8m to 0.8m and the EBITDA loss falling by 74%. Further growth is expected in the second half.
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Smiths Group – Some Slight Confusion
Smiths Group SMN The interim report for the half year to the end of January is confusing and obscure. Thus headline, in line, underlying, reported revenue rose by 18%. Headline, underlying, reported operating profit rose by 8% and headline basic earnings per share were up by 30%. Despite flat sales, underlying pre tax profit grew by 10% and the proposed interim dividend is to be increased by 2.3%.
Believe it or not, all this is called “running the business better” which produced declines in revenue and profit at Smiths Medical and at John Crane. But it is not quite clear whether in fact they may mean declines in revenue and profit growth, which is an entirely different matter. Whichever way one reads it the claim at the end of the same paragraph that John Crane showed “a modest return to growth” appears to completely contradict it. Presumably they know what it means.
As for 2017 Cranes first-fit end markets are expected to remain tough. Sales growth is anticipated at Smith Detection and if the decline in sterling does not change then that will provide an added tailwind.
easyHotel plc EZH Revenue growth for the 5 months to the 28th February slightly exceeded the boards expectations, with like for like revenue growth of 19%. Owned hotels materially outperformed. Eight new hotels are to be opened in the current year of which four will be owned and four will be franchised.
IG Design Group IGR updates that record revenues for the year to the end of March will lead to profit after tax and earnings per share for 2017 being significantly ahead of market expectations. Growth in America was particularly strong but Australia was challenging and a robust performances in the UK helped to offset currency headwinds.
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Hargreaves Services in Meltdown – Recovery Anyone ?
Hargreaves Services HSP went into meltdown in the year to 31st May leaving the total dividends for the year to be slashed by over 92%, as it went through a second successive year of tumultuous market conditions and almost a complete absence of demand for coal by UK power stations.Last years profit before tax of £24.9m was turned into a loss of £10.6m after like for like revenue declined by 48.6%. Net debt soared by over 3,000% to £32.3m
But, with true Yorkshire grit, Hargreaves has not given up. Fully aware of the problems it was facing, the company has now completed a restructuring and re-positioning programme enabling the Chairman to deliver a positive view of the future which he says, will develop and deliver significant shareholder value. The share price has been comparatively steady since mid May. Anyone for recovery??
Smiths Group SMIN expects revenue for the year to 31st July will be above both expectations and the previous year, due to a stronger operational performance and the favourable impact of a stronger US$, which has more than offset a10% decline in the John Crane subsidiary. Full year operating profit will also be above expectations but because of the John Crane problems will be below the level of last year.
boohoo.com BOO performed well during its first quarter and this has maintained with robust demand and sales momentum continuing into the second quarter. results for the full year will now be above expectations, says the company, with sales growth of between 28 and 33%.
Amec Foster Wheeler AMFW After turning last years first half profit of £73m into a thumping loss of £446m for the current year, Foster Amec has bowed to the inevitable and halved its interim dividend from 14.8p to 7.4p per share. The Chairman blames the very challenging conditions which have led to cancellations and delay in capital projects in many parts of the world.
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