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Vox Market Podcast – Alan Green talks about Smart Metering Systems #SMS, Sovereign Metals #SVML& Tekcapital #TEK

Alan GreenCEO of Brand Communications  about the following companies:



Vox Markets Podcast – CEO Alan Green talks about Moonpig, Smart Metering Systems & First Class Metals

Alan Green, CEO of Brand Communications talks his football team’s performance on the weekend and the following companies:

#MOON Moonpig

#SMS Smart Metering Systems

#FCM First Class Metals

Listen: https://www.voxmarkets.co.uk/articles/alan-green-talks-about-moonpig-smart-metering-systems-first-class-metals-df9975e/ 

Alan Green talks Smart Metering Systems #SMS, Logistics Development Grp #LDG & Non-Fungible Tokens on Vox Markets podcast

Alan Green discusses Smart Metering Systems #SMS, Logistics Development Grp #LDG & Non-Fungible Tokens with Justin Waite on the Vox Markets podcast. Interview starts at 14 minutes 12 seconds

Alan Green talks Smart Metering Systems #SMS, Open Orphan #ORPH & Blencowe Resources #BRES on Vox Markets podcast

Alan Green discusses Smart Metering Systems #SMS, Open Orphan #ORPH & Blencowe Resources #BRES with Justin Waite on the Vox Markets podcast. Interview is 10 minutes 44 seconds in.

Alan Green talks markets, Kibo Energy #KIBO, Capita #CPI & Smart Metering Systems #SMS on UK Investor Magazine podcast

Alan Green discusses markets, Kibo Energy #KIBO, Capita #CPI & Smart Metering Systems #SMS on the UK Investor Magazine podcast.

Alan Green talks Smart Metering Systems #SMS, Xpediator #XPD & Catenae Innovation #CTEA on Vox Markets podcast

Alan Green discusses Smart Metering Systems #SMS, Xpediator #XPD & Catenae Innovation #CTEA with Justin Waite on the Vox Markets podcast. Interview is 21 minutes 14 seconds in.

Alan Green talks ECR Minerals #ECR, Smart Metering #SMS, Sativa Group #SATI, Feedback #FDBK & Petrel Resources #PET on Vox Markets podcast

Alan Green talks ECR Minerals #ECR, Smart Metering #SMS, Sativa Group #SATI, Feedback #FDBK & Petrel Resources #PET with Justin Waite on the Vox Markets podcast. Interview is 49 minutes and 10 seconds in.

Ian Pollard – Shaftesbury #SHB beats the High St blues

Shaftesbury Plc SHB updates that it enjoyed robust footfall and trading over Chistmas and the New Year, with resilient demand for  regular space and high occupancy, leaving one wondering whether the demise of the high street was just another media myth. Occupiers generally, they claim, reported growth in turnover compared with the same period in 2017 and despite reports to the contrary Shaftesbury’s restaurants, cafes, pubs and bars were particularly busy throughout the festive period.”

SSE plc SSE updates for its third quarter ending on the 31st December that it still intends to recommend a full-year dividend for 2018/19 of 97.5 pence per share and to deliver the five-year dividend plan set out in May 2018;However surrounded on all sides by interfering busybodies from the Europen Court of Justice to ministers of the Crown and our own ridiculous looking politicians, there is little wonder that it ever finds time to get down to its real job of keeping our homes war. If the Brexit shambles ever taught anything it must be that politicians and Bureaucrats must never be allowed anywhere near industry. This years consequnce of so doing is that there will be a directly attributable fall of 6% in earnings per share from 64p to 69p per share. Imagine the screams and accusations from Parliament if a major UK company caused so much damage to itself. It is at least happy that it has been able to make good progress in our core businesses and also demonstrated its ability to create value for shareholders. No mean achievements in  view of the obstacles placed in its way.

Smart Metering Sys SMS produced a 54% increase in  the total number of metering and data assets under management  by 31 December 2018. The portfolio of domestic smart meters increased by 100% increase year on year from 423,000 at 31 December 2017 to 846,000 a year later.The company has also signed an agreement with Co-operative Energy Limited  to be appointed preferred supplier fund and install Co-operative Energy’s meters of which it already has 326,000.

MySale Group MYSL experienced challenging trading in the first half with Group revenue decreasing by 17% and gross profit down by 35% with active customers falling by 7% .The performance is admitted to be disappointing but management claims that immediate action has been taken to remedy it and an improved performance will be delivered in the second half when a positive underlying EBITDA is expected.

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Brand CEO Alan Green discusses i3 Energy #I3E, Itaconix #ITX, Smart Metering #SMS & Hastings Grp #HSTG on the Vox Markets podcast

Brand CEO Alan Green discusses i3 Energy #I3E, Itaconix #ITX, Smart Metering #SMS & Hastings Grp #HSTG with Justin Waite on the Vox Markets podcast. Interview starts at 12 minutes 45 seconds.

Ian Pollard – Ocado #OCDO lifted by new Warehouse facility

Ocado Group plc OCDO produced revenue growth of 11.5% in the quarter to the 2nd September plus double digit growth of 11.4% in the average number of weekly orders.The average size of the orders remained constant at 106. The unique proprietary technology at the new warehouse at Erith enabled Ocado to process over 20,000 customer orders with 14 weeks of opening, compared to the 15 months it took the Andover warehouse to achieve the same throughput.

BBA Aviation BBA announces that it has acquired Firstmark Corp for a consideration of $97m. Firstmark is a leading provider of highly engineered, proprietary components and subsystems for the aerospace and defence industries.The acquisition enhances BBA’s exposure to the commercial and military aerospace markets.

Spire Healthcare Group SPI managed to maintain its interim dividend at 1.3p per share despite a decline in performance for the six months to the 30th June. NHS admissions fell significantly, coupled with lower than anticipated growth in Private admissions and the cost of investment in Clinical quality and Consumer engagement.Whilst revenue only fell by 1.1%, EBITDA was down by 20.6%, adjusted profit after tax  by 52.7% and basic earnings per share by 52.9%. The company admits that the results are disappointing but claims that everybody else is facing similar headwinds and significant business challenges. Nonetheless it has a new strategy, which it claims “is absolutely the right one”, albeit the outlook for the full year has still had to be revised.

Plant Healthcare PHC expects strong revenue growth in the second half which would lead to growth of 30% for the full year. Revenue for the six months to the 30th June was down slightly from $3.1m to $3m.The company also expects to become cash positive in 2020.

Pure Circle Limited PURE showed a return to growth in both revenue and net profit after tax for the year to the 30th June. Sales rose by 10%, with a particularly strong recovery in North America, volume was up by 17% and net profit after tax by 20%.

Smart Metering Systems SMS is increasing its interim dividend by 15% for the half year to the 30th June, after a 27% rise in sales. EBITDA increased by 29% and profit before tax by 9%

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