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Malcolm Stacey, ShareProphets – Tom no likey this medical pioneer. But I do…

ShareProphetsHello Share Rattlers. Quite a few of my friends face a grim Christmas. They are undergoing radio and chemo treatment for cancer. Is it me, or is the number of cases growing even faster than normal? FBKlogo

I am invested in a few companies that are fighting this scourge. One such outfit is Feedback (FDBK). This is a tiny Cambridge company (worth about £4m) which helps to diagnose cancer on computers.

Its product is Tex-Rad, a software system that spots medical abnormalities on scans. These features are not always spotted by doctors because they are so small. The advantage is obvious – cancers can be identified at a very early stage when they are most susceptible to treatment.

The professor behind the system tried it out on people with liver cancer and came up with results he describes as ‘quite remarkable’. Well, perhaps he would. But the fact is that the system interests hospitals in various parts of the world. Revenue is growing.

However, the stock is not very liquid and the spread can be eye-watering. I’ve held my stock a long time and am still slightly down.

The system has not yet received all the official go-ahead it needs. But it does expect to get a European licence. It hopes to get permissions in the first few months of 2017.

I think we may see a placing fairly soon to raise money to commercialise the product. But you have to expect that with very small companies which find something which is potentially big. Soon the company expects to announce a new product which looks for evidence of tumours in the lung.

This is probably not the safest punt in the world, but that is the nature of medical pioneers. And the rewards, both financial and the satisfaction of helping people who face serious ill-health, may be worth taking a risk for.

Free Xmas drinks in the Punter’s Return tonight. There is a charge for the glasses.

I should note that in September Uncle Tom commented on some negative feedback on Feedback, so you might want to also look at that also. See the full article here

It’s Him, TYM! Mining for Toothpaste and Telescopes and Possibly Worth a Punt – Malcolm Stacey, ShareProphets


Hello Share Swingers. A little miner called Tertiary Minerals (TYM) has graced my modest blog on Shareprophets before now. In the past, it’s been a big winner for me.

I well remember being at Tom’s pizza emporium helping to prepared hand-outs for the big 2014 UK investor Show when I spotted on my laptop that Tertiary shares had been moving ahead from 7p to 12p. I asked Tom’s advice – as one sensibly does when he is on the bridge – and he said sell ‘em.

TYM1(Well, I rather think he did, as we were both distracted at the time.) Anyway, just before the Stock Exchange closed and in the last day of the financial year, I hit the sell button. And that advice turned out to be very sound indeed.

Because after that, Tertiary Minerals hit a consistently downward slope. I bought some more when it hit about 6p, expecting the usual rally. But then came the commodities crisis, and most miners took that big hit, which remains with us to this day.

However, Tertiary Minerals has had good news of late and the share has been putting on weight. Of course, the share price is so low now, that I am still running at a loss on my second acquisition. But given the importance of what it produces – fluorspar – I rather think the upward splurge is not yet over. (Tom Winnifrith wrote recently that there could be another placing in the offing and therefore is not supportive.

Fluorspar is used for many applications, including iron smelting, steel and aluminium products, glass things. toothpaste, telescopes and Teflon which stops your eggs sticking to the frying pan.Tertiary Minerals (TYM) is the only listed fluorspar company based in the UK.

It has three sites where it hauls the stuff out of the ground. All mining shares have to be treated cautiously these days, but it seems that Tertiary has dug out a niche for itself.

The company issued a drilling update this week about its MB project in Nevada. The JORC (Joint Ore Reserves Committee) estimate for the site grew to 86.4 million tons last year. According to the management, the size of that deposit continues to grow.

The little miner also has two big projects in Scandinavia, and there was more bumper news this week when the Swedish authorities gave the green light for a mining operation in in that beautiful country.

Little of the potential of these projects seems to have found its way into the share price. We can’t live without Fluorspar, they tell me, so my Tertiary shares are staying in my bag for the time being.

While I’m staying in the Punter’s Return. God bless.

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Malcolm Stacey’s share tip of the year No 1 – buy Advanced Oncotherapy

AVO1ShareProphetsMalcolm Stacey’s share tip of the year No 1 – buy Advanced Oncotherapy

By Malcolm Stacey | Saturday 26 December 2015

Disclosure: I own shares in one or more of the stocks mentioned. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

I can’t exactly remember which New Year shares I tipped last year. But I recall that one of them Zytronic (ZYT) which does wonders with touch technology, was a cracking performer – I got a gold star for it in the performance table!
Though another share I’ve drawn your attention to quite a lot has had a more up and down career. I bought Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) at around 2p and it’s about 7p now.
But so far, I’m losing quite a bit of dosh on it. That’s all because of that fateful trip I made last April to attend the wonderful UK Investor Show in Westminster.
As the train ride progressed, I bought a load more AVO shares. then noticed that the share, which had snowballed all week, was now approaching 17p. I was about to sell at this point, because such a huge jump is rarely sustained. Then I lost radio signal.
By the time I regained it, the stock had begun a slow journey down. Reasoning, daftly, that it would get a second wind, I hung onto the share. So now I am adrift by quite a bit.
And yet there has not been any spoilers to squash Advanced’s progress. It’s just that little good news has come through, either.
That doesn’t worry me, because with a new technology which is, really, really useful – like zapping cancer tumours – the orders are bound to flood in eventually.
But will the technology, which is based on discoveries at the Hadron Collider project, come to full fruition? Well, a lot of people think so. and I’m told the efficacy of the treatment is already more or less proven.
So if better news comes in 2016 expect that fickle share price to hit 17p again. That would make it a two and half bagger by my reckoning.
We’re good at maths in the Punter’s Return.

Malcolm Stacey of ShareProphets – My First-Hand Check on Medical Opportunities As I End Up in Hospital. Ref. Feedback, Avacta & Advanced Oncotherapy

ShareProphets Hello Share Folk. I’m going to the hospital today to see about my prostate gland. I started the routine tests a few years ago and have been under the eye of a brilliant consultant ever since. There’s a lot of debate of whether we should have these tests done, as it causes a lot of anxiety and their reliability is not always that great. On the whole I would suggest you do have them done, if you’re of a certain age.  But what do I know?

The visit to hospital confirms my view, though, that there one thing more important than the health of our shares – and that’s the health of us.

Your shares can drop like a lead-studded anvil down a coal shaft, but if we have good health, collapsing stocks are, in comparison, not in the least bit disturbing.

You can combine the two concerns of course by buying shares in companies, which push forward the frontiers of medical science. You may recall that I’ve invested big time in three life science firms – Feedback (FDBK) Avacta (AVCT) and Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO).

Now at first all three stocks shot ahead. But in recent months there has been a bit of decay going on.

This is not unexpected. Whenever you get a penny share, which looks really promising, there is an army of chancers out there who will take a punt just because the stock is rising like a discarded champagne cork from a submarine.

But when the momentum – usually set off by a single piece of good news for the company – winds down, the same army of opportunists sell again.  This dumping continues until the next piece of good news.

In the case of all three aforementioned shares, the future outlook is no less rosier than when I first bout their prospects to your attention.

So I expect good news to keep spewing forth as the months, and indeed years, roll by. Then the army of chancers will turn up again and the share prices will hit mew highs once more. (Though I cannot be certain).

But I’m an optimist, as you know, so you must make up your own mind.

See you in the Punter’s Return tonight?

– See more at: http://www.shareprophets.com/views/16395/my-first-hand-check-on-medical-opportunities-as-i-end-up-in-hospital-ref-feedback-avacter-advanced-oncatherapy#sthash.ZYla6RsZ.dpuf

Malcolm Stacey of ShareProphets – Feedback and the Big Spanish Connection

ShareProphetsHello Share Thrashers. It’s not my custom to return to promising shares I’ve brought to your attention in the recent past. I normally wait at least six months or so – with only a few exceptions.
But the story is growing fast for one bio science company that I’ve featured quite recently – Feedback (FDBK).
I’ve had one or two scares with the old prostate gland. My father died of prostate cancer and it makes my very nice consultant a bit wary.
So I was interested to learn the very latest RNS from Feedback. The company has formed a 50-50 alliance  with a big Valencia company which is also in the field of diagnosis of serious illnesses. The name of this new set-up is Prostate Checker.
Now I happen to know, having an prostate family history, that cancer of this prostate can be serious or non-serious. This new link up between Feedback technology and the Spanish company should make spotting that difference easier.
I probably don’t need tell you how common prostate cancer is. A couple of years ago, Uncle Tom grew a funny moustache to emphasise the point.
So this technology will probably interest many consultants and hospitals around the globe.
A study of 100 prostate cancer patients by the University College of London has already demonstrated the ability of Feedback technology to differentiate between significant and not-so significant cancers.
The shares are still not at their year’s high of  3.20p, but a few tidy jumps over the last two weeks means we could be getting there.
It doesn’t look to this old punter that the market has woken up to the fact that the technology, known as TexRad, is so useful.
Obviously, if surgeons can identify the stage of cancers more easily, the treatment will be more specific and thus more effective. This is an important medical advance, and worthy I think of my punting money.
As always, though, gang, we must bear in mind that medical pioneers can be vulnerable to competitors and regulations. So not for the more cautious share-shifter.
And now it’s back to the Punter’s Return.
Malcolm Stacey has been writing about shares for more than 20 years. His first book “The Armchair Tycoon” was first published in 1998 but a revised 2014 e-version is now available. To obtain a FREE copy fill in the form HERE

– See more at: http://www.shareprophets.com/views/15537/feedback-and-the-big-spanish-connection#sthash.d1mviXV7.dpuf

ShareProphets – Feedback Shares Soften, but is that a Buying Opportunity?

ShareProphetsBy Malcom Stacey at ShareProphets

FBKlogoHello Share Sappers. I beg your indulgence to return to Feedback (FDBK), the company which uses whizzo computers to help diagnose and monitor many types of cancer. As reported previously, this could be a topping investment. Though, as per usual, we should always add a cautionary note about medical pioneers.

This is because they can always be taken over by some even more revolutionary gizmo or they might not get every licence they hope for.

There is also the worry that the NHS, to name just one medical services giant, is short of money these days as the number of patients grow, fuelled by longevity.

Having said that, I want to go over a few reasons why I’m so enthusiastic about Feedback.

One, it is a small company, capitalised at just £5million and has a comparatively small number of shares out there.

A heck of a lot of these shares are owned by directors, families and friends.

This means there are even fewer shares in the market place. And we all know the effects of limited supply and demand.

Also the very fact that the big cheeses of Feedback have so much skin in the game is very re-assuring.

As usual with this sort of pioneering company, a bit of good news – like a tasty new contract – will send the shares skywards. And, after a fallow time, good news could be about due.

The shares reached a high not so long ago at 3.2 pence. It’s softened to 2.8p since then, as profit takers have succumbed to temptation. But nothing has happened to justify the slight fall, and if you read the company’s bumph and believe it, there should be some jolly profit to come.

Click here for full ShareProphets article.

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