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The Appliance of Life Science Looks Exciting for this On-the-Nose Medical Explorer.

by Malcolm Stacey

Hello, Share Troopers. Previously, I’ve written on the huge potential of life science companies which explore antibodies and antibody substitutes in the fight against serious conditions like cancer. Allow me to put another such firm before you. Tiziana Life Sciences plc (TILS) is biotechnology outfit which uses antibodies to find new treatments for inflammatory diseases and cancers.

The company has just announced good news which sent the share price alight this week. The company has demonstrated that antibodies administered through the nose show promising results. The antibody, called Foralumab proved itself to be well tolerated in all sizes of dose.

I’m thick so can’t undertones the words from the company, but you may fare better. So here they are. ‘Importantly, the treatment showed significant positive effects on the biomarkers for activation of mucosal immunity, which is capable of inducing site-targeted immunomodulation to elicit anti-inflammatory effects.’ So now you know.

Apparently, this new data is consistent with the findings of numerous pre-clinical studies. This latest project was conducted at Harvard Medical School in the USA. A pretty prestigious venue, wouldn’t you agree? Nearly 30 volunteers took part. Examination of the patients showed positive immune effects.

The hope is that Foralumab might in the future be used to treat neurodegenerative diseases, including multiple sclerosis. There is now much more incentive to push on with further studies. So there is more work to be done before we reach the licensing stage. Nevertheless, the firm is pretty excited by the results. And so is the city as the share price rose by a third on the news. And when the penny drops that jolly trend could continue.

As usual with medical pioneers, investors take the risk of treatments always under strict scrutiny to fall at the last fence. And there’s rarely any dividend paid. But the rewards, especially for the treatment of serious conditions can be immense, both financially and in terms of moral satisfaction.

And now let’s celebrate the company’s success in the Punter’s Return.

View the article on ShareProphets website here

ShareProphets – Down Under Permission Makes this Car Battery Hunter Worth a Look

by Malcolm Stacey, ShareProphets

Hello Share Swampers. The world is changing. And part of the move is away from fossil fuels, including petrol. So it makes sense for armchair tycoons like us to look for companies in tune with this growing trend. Cadence Minerals (KDNC) is one such firm. 

It looks for lithium and other minerals which are used in electric vehicles. Not just cars, but lorries and buses, too. And the company has just had a bit of good news. It has a joint venture in Australia with an outfit called Hastings Technology Metals.

Hastings has just learned that Steve Dawson, Western Australia’s environment Minister, has granted a permit for the Yangibana Project. And Cadence owns 30% of the Yangibana North, Gossan, Hook, Kanes Gossan, Lions Ear and Bald Hill North Rare Earth Deposit which form part of the Yangibana shebang.

Cadence claims its probable that the deposits have reserves of 2.1 million tonnes containing 1.66% rare earth elements.

With approval given, it probably clears the way for other permits to work nearby fields in which Cadence also has an interest.

 The Yangibana Project includes the development of five open pit mines, an on-site processing plant for the ore, storage facilities, access roads and supporting stuff, such as accommodation, offices and an airstrip.

Should you do some of your own research and buy the shares, you’re not just investing Australia. Cadence also operates in Greenland, Nevada, Mexico and Czecoslvakia.

Now it has to be stressed at this point that my colleague on this beautiful site, Gary Newman points out that lithium is not that rare a mineral. But having said that the batteries it feeds could need loads of the stuff, if electric vehicles using lithium batteries become the norm.

And now let’s talk about it in the Punter’s Return.

Original article here

ECR Minerals: ‘Nuggety Nature’ of its Site in Australia gives Hope to this Hard-Working Gold Seeker

By Malcolm Stacey | Share Prophets | Friday 26 July 2019
Hello, Share Primers. Say what you like about gold explorers, there are a few that try really hard and deserve success. It’s a risky business, prospecting, but the rewards, if they come at all, can be dazzling. And it’s a reasonable strategy to have at least some fun money in this field, given the rosy prospect that some commentators expect on this scintillating website for a rising gold price.
I’ve previously brought  to your attention ECR Minerals. (ECR). I praised, among other factors, its diligence in bringing news to shareholders. I does it almost weekly and I do not find its releases to be too over-optimistic. Not like some miners I could mention.
To recap: ECR has exploration and development underway at 3 projects in Victoria, Australia. They are Bailieston, Crewick and Timor. Crewick is currently getting most of the attention as ECR claims it has ‘potential to host  a multi-million ounce gold deposit’.
We are told – and I believe this company to be honest – ‘There is plenty of long standing geological and anecdotal evidence supporting this view.’  In the winter, ECR did a lot of drilling at Crewick. Results exceeded expectations with quartz found in  third of the drilled land. (Quartz is a jolly sign, apparently).
But it was what the company quaintly describes as the ‘nuggety’ nature of gold mineralisation on the site that we’re expected to be encouraged by. If there are nuggets then it leads to the likliehodd of understated essays in the company’s samples.
The Aim-listed prospector has so many samples to test, it has rented a large aircraft hangar in Nagambie for the storage, preparation and drying of samples. They’ve also shipped in posh lab equipment to get the assays done.
And if all this is not successful, then the outfit does have the other Australian gold projects to fall back on.
Remember, gang, that oil prices are depressed at the moment. But as many analysts fear for the global economy, that might not stay pertinent for long.
And now let’s do some sampling of our own in the Punter’s Return.

Share Prophets: Catenae Innovation (CTEA) – first blockchain contract & product updates, remains a buy

Catenae Innovation (CTEA) has announced a first contract for a solution utilising its blockchain technology and updated on its such technology and announced a product launch…

The contract is with a UK-based security company and a customer since 2013, STM Security UK Ltd. It is for OnGuard Plus,“with the ability to store critical and regulatory reports in an immutable form within the Sequestrum repository providing auditable proof of both the existence of the report as well as its original content”.

Sequestrum is Catenae’s Distributed Ledger technology digital repository – for which it has recently completed final testing on the ‘Hyper Ledger Blockchain platform’. It noting this “opens up the opportunity for Sequestrum to be run on the client’s choice of Blockchain platform, significantly broadening its potential application”. The product launch is OnSite – a management and inspection platform… developed specifically for the construction industry”. It is added “the integration of Sequestrum ensures that inspection reports are stored in an immutable form directly from the mobile input device, recording the geo-coordinates of the device and centralised timestamping as meta data for full auditability”.

On the contract, it is stated “revenue is generated via an annual ‘in advance’ licence fee as well as a transaction fee on a ‘per report’ basis”, though there’s no financial specifics. However, it is added “we hope to make further announcements on further commercial agreements in the near future”– and there is clear positive operational momentum here.

However, the shares are still only slightly ahead of our prior update – and meaning a market cap of still only circa £3 million. With the suggested operational progress indeed looking to be following the financial strengthening, we continue to consider a share price around 0.20p a realistic target – and our stance remains buy.

HotStockRockets Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Share Prophets – Hopeful Samples Might Lead to a Glittering Share Rise for this Aussie Prospector – ECR Minerals #ECR

By Malcom Stacey

Hello Share Treaders. Down under there is a precious metals company called ECR Minerals (ECR). With gold values possibly set to rise in a difficult environment for most other shares, it might pay to have a gander at this one. ECR’s wholly-owned Australian subsidiary Mercator Gold Australia has Avoca, Bailieston, Moormbool and Timor gold exploration licences in Central Victoria.

The Aim-listed company claims that the latest assay results for the Bailieston field are promising. The company has taken 75 rock samples ‘confirming gold mineralisation’. I’m no expert, but I would say that might not be the same as finding big nuggets, but ECR seems quite chuffed all the same.

Roughly the same number of samples were taken earlier. And 22 of them also revealed gold traces: to the extent of 2.7 ounces per ton of rock. That may not sound a lot, but apparently, in gold mining terms, it’s quite hopeful. Assaying has also been extended to its Cherry Tree field, where many of the samples taken also show ‘gold mineralisation’.

And now the enterprise awaits the results of rock chip sampling undertaken in another area, Creswick. Earlier mapping had, we’re told, revealed a large gold system. Those results are expected soon and if promising, we might expect the share price to rise. But the company doesn’t only pins hopes on Australia. Its Argentine subsidiary, Ochre Mining, has 100% ownership of another gold project in La Rioja, Argentina.

Craig Brown, Chief Executive of ECR, says both batches of sampling at Bailieston in Victoria have produced high-grade gold. And it might pay to look for gold companies as a bit of a hedge against falling share prices. But of course, searching for mineable gold can be pretty risky.

A bit like drinking in the Punter’s Return.


I’m Banging on About this Cancer-Zapper, Again – But It’s Still on Course for Share Success – Malcolm Stacey at ShareProphets


Parts 1 and 2

by Malcolm Stacey

1) Hello Share Crafters. In the past I’ve probably written too many pieces onAVO1 a medical share which I like. During that period, I’ve seen the shares rise from 2p to 17p. Sadly, the share price has reversed back to 6.5p. And the worst of it is I bought a shedload more shares when they were around 10p. I refer, of course, to that darling of the bulletin boards Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO). I haven’t featured the company for some time now and it’s probably worth an update.

OK, let’s look at the good bits about this interesting company. Advanced is convinced that it has the answer to a real – and it seems to me – a growing health problem.That is cancer and especially cancer in harder to get at areas, like the brain.

It is working on a system which zaps cancer cells with proton beams. Other companies do this, too, but the advantage for Advanced is that its system will be much cheaper to run and take up less valuable clinic space.

It is confident that it will be able to demonstrate a full scale prototype some time this year, before beginning commercial production in 2017.

I’ve been hearing what the chief executive Dr Michael Sinclair has to say. He argues that the medics and scientists working on the project could all be doing something else in their chosen field. But they are concentrating instead on this proton beam zapper. He says, and I believe him, that they would not do this for a technology that was not absolutely worth it.

He claims all those involved – and their names are  well respected in the global fight against cancer – have one aim: to reduce the cost of treatment, especially among children. Probably to earn a little money for themselves, too, I expect.

The company has completed a significant fund raise and has in place alternative routes to extra finance should it be desired. However, it is not expected to be needed.

I have may have invested rather more than I really should in Advanced Oncotherapy. But it appears to be on track in doing what it has to do. So my money stands a real chance of doing the world a heck of a lot of good.

Unlike the Punter’s Return.

Link here for the full ShareProphets article 1

2) Hello Share Slickers. I’ve already featured the bulletin board darling, Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) this week. But as I’ve currently spent a large wodge of time researching this interesting share, it would be a waste  not to bring you a bit more info and opinion on a stock which has risen like a rocket and fallen like a brick. I think that fall has been overdone and punters are possibly waiting in the wings for a bit more news before they return to the stock.

That’s the trouble with Advanced as far as I can see. News of late has been thin on the ground. And when now’t happens there is normally a decay in share price.

The company is expecting to deliver ‘news’ during the third or fourth quarter of this year.

It presently claims that the cost of its proton beam cancer treatments are a fifth of some other proton machines.  They will also take up far less room. And Advanced also makes claims in two other areas.

One is that its system is very precise. This means that cancer cells can be targetted, while cutting down any damage to healthy cells around the tumours.

Another important area of benefit – and I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before – is one of safety. The prototype will be installed in Harley Street, the medical centre of Britain. It will not be bunkered in a remote location, which is required by some other existing devices.

Advanceds proton beam system will not just be weighed against existing proton beam machines, but should also be able to replace existing x-ray treatments. Some of these around the world are rather antiquated now and so safety becomes paramount.

The size of the cancer treatment industry is huge. Advanced says it hopes to gather to it 10-15% of that market in the next 10-15 years. Also, though it is a relatively small company, it has some big partners in the med-tech industry and they will not want it to fail.

However, and I can’t stress this too strongly, Advanced is a pioneer and investors must be aware that risks usually accompany pioneering ventures.

That’s what we say in the Punter’s Return.

Link here for the full ShareProphets article 2

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