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Greggs Winter Warmer – Chipotle Pulled Beef

Greggs GRG Total sales for the 13 weeks to 1st October rose by 5.6% and on a like for like basis in company managed shops, the rise was 2.8% which are in line with expectations.  during the year to date 145 shops have been refurbished, 103 new ones opened and 58 closed. And just in case you gourmets had not heard the news, Gregs is looking to two new gastronomic delights to see it through the winter -Chipotle Pulled Beef, which sounds rather obscene and Fiery Pulled Chicken, yummy, yummy.

St. Ives plc SIV saw revenue rise by 7% during the year to 29th July but adjusted profit before tax fell by 8% and basic earnings per share by 13%. On a statutory basis last years profit before tax of £8.7m. was turned into a loss of £5.7m and basic earnings per share of 4.35 became a loss per share of 5.93p. The company interprets this as making important strategic progress across all three drivers of growth. It claims to be excited by the opportunities and well positioned to make further progress. As this years progress has been to turn last years profit into this years loss, that does not seem to be a very promising definition of “progress”.

Revolution Bars Group RBG produced strong growth and record profits for the year to 30th June. revenue rose by 6.9% or by 2.3% on a like for like basis. Profit before tax rose from last years £2.9m to £7.1m which on an adjusted basis turned into a rise of 10.8%, with adjusted earnings per share up by 14.1%. A final dividend of 3.3p per share is to be paid.

ScS Group SCS has turned last years 5.6p loss per share into positive earnings of 21.8p per share after significant growth for the 53 weeks to the end of July.. Gross sales, revenue and like for like orders each rose by over 14% and gross profit for the year is up by 17.3%. Dividends for the year are to rise by 3.6% after a proposed final dividend of 9.83p per share.The growth has continued after the year end, with like for like orders up by a further 4.5%

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