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Zak Mir interviews Zaf Karim, CEO of Legendary Investments #LEG on Core Finance

With a potential NZ Banking License and a Nasdaq Listing for its VirtualStock asset, 2018 has started with great expectations for Legendary Investments #LEG, where private investors can play the private equity game. CEO Zaf Karim stepped into ZaksTradersCafe to explain more.
Legendary Investments #LEG announced last week that their invested company and jewel in the crown, Virtualstock have signed a partnership deal with Wincanton Plc #WIN. This seals the fate of Virtualstock, who already have supply Tesco #TSCO and the NHS with their SAAS procurement software, as the accepted partner for some of UK’s most successful businesses. Wincanton also work with Screwfix, Halfords #HFD and the Ministry of Defence, so watch this company explode onto the world stage: a listing on NASDAQ is the next step.
Virtualstock is still a private company, but can be bought by purchasing shares in Legendary Investments, who hold 7% of Virtualstock.
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