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Ian Pollard – Wizz Air #WIZZ increases capacity by 20% and fills it!

Wizz Air Holdings WIZZ opened six new routes in June and took delivery of 4 brand new A320 family aircraft, taking the flee to 102. Seat capacity increased by 20.5% over June. 2017 whilst  passenger numbers rose by 21.8% and load factor was up by 1pp to 93.3%

RM plc RM The first six months to the 31st May has seen good progress in each of the three divisions with revenue rising by 33.1% and statutory operating profit up by 78.4%. The interim dividend is to be increased by15% and the Board is confident of at least meeting full year expectations.

Andalas Energy ADL The appointment of a New CEO and a new Chairman resulted in the imposition of greater financial discipline during the year to the 30th April The operating loss was reduced by 73% to $1,161,000 from 2017’s $4,317,000. The company has reviewed its operations and restructured its business.and claims it is now in a good position to reap the benefits of its new strategy.

Solid State plc SOLI delivered a combination of strong organic revenue growth and strategic re-organisation in the year to the 30th April. Revenue rose by 16% but adjusted operating profit fell by 4%. During the first two months of the financial year the order book was strong and  as at the 31 May  stood at a record level of £23.0m, up 11% on the previous year. The dividend remains unchanged at 12p. per share.

Big Sofa Tech Group BST  has continued to build on the positive momentum achieved in 2017 and In the first half of 2018, the order book reached nearly £1 million, a 91% increase over the first half of 2017


Cohort plc CHRT improved its performance during the year to the 30th April and adjusted operating profit rose by 8% to record levels, despite a large fall in the order book from £108.6m. to £76.6m. which the company says was due to delays . Adjusted earnings per share rose by 7% and the dividend is to be increased by 15%

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Ian Pollard – Special Dividends Day

Ferrexpo plc FXPO is to pay a special dividend of 3.3 cents per share, thereby doubling the interim dividend paid on the 8th September. The explanation as to why this has become almost a necessity is so long winded that  the company appears to have guilt feelings over having to do it. The shortened version is that it has continued to trade strongly since announcing its interim results in August and this has enabled it to reduce net debt, fund capital expenditure, on top of which there is strong demand outlook for pellets in 2018 and in any event when one is awash with so much, cash one really has to do something with it.

Stobart Group STOB is also joining in the fun and announced that it too will  pay a further interim dividend of 4.5p per share which also doubles its interim dividend paid on the 6th October. A further similar payment will also be made on the 18th April. The group has sufficient non operating asset resources to keep this going until 2022, after which it will go back to that old fashioned habit of paying dividends out of profits. Other than that no explanation is given other than this what they said they would do, at the AGM back in June.

Smith DS SMDS is delighted with organic volume growth which accelerated to 5.2% in the half year to the 31st October, with all regions sharing in the growth and the increase in the paper price progressing as expected. The interim dividend is to be increased by 7% after djusted operating profit and earnings per share grew by 11% and 6% respectively. Profit before tax fell by 1% and on a statutory basis, earnings per share were down by14%. An acquisition in Romania is due to be completed in January and there are further exciting growth opportunities in both Europe and in North America.

Circle Property plc CRC produced a strong operational and financial performance for the year to the 30th September and the interim dividend is to be increased by 8.3%. Rental income for the year rose by 26% and net operating profit was up by 57% with NAV per share rising by 15.3%

RM plc RM expects that results for the year to the 30th November will be ahead of expectations following second half revenue growth and a resilient performance resulting from the 2016 restructuring.

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